Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1656 A War Without a Winner (One Hundred and Eight)

Chapter 1658 A War Without Winners (One Hundred and Eight)

September 1st.

Hogwarts freshman orientation day, also the first official job that Albert started after graduating from school.

Why say first job?

Being a senior advisor to Kingsley, Albert could not confiscate a single Galleon.

Probably for this reason, Professor McGonagall learned from Kingsley's lesson and stuffed Galleons into Albert's pocket, hoping that he would be more serious when teaching students this semester, instead of just holding a title like when he was a senior advisor, and whether to teach students depends on his mood.

Kingsley couldn't say anything, after all, he didn't charge you a penny, and holding a title was your own request, "What are you dissatisfied with, it's good to have a title here" and other things happened.

Today is the freshman opening banquet, and Albert naturally can't be absent, otherwise it would be too much.

However, a lazy man like Albert was undoubtedly too lazy to take the train to school. He asked the house elf to Apparate him to the Defense Against the Dark Arts Office.

Professor McGonagall had obviously asked the house elf to clean up, but he had no intention of living in the school dormitory.

With a wife, daughter and sister-in-law at home, Albert naturally did not want to live in the school dormitory, and he was not here to suffer.

However, it was indeed a bit troublesome for him to not be able to Apparate in Hogwarts, and it was not a solution to have the house elf pick him up every day.

Ask Professor McGonagall to secretly open a back door?

To be honest, Albert doubted whether Professor McGonagall could use his headmaster's authority to secretly open a back door for him like Dumbledore did.

Even if he could do that, it would not be a good choice.

Connecting the fireplace in his office to the outside would be a good choice.

It was naturally impossible to connect directly to his home, so he needed to find another place as a transit station.

At this moment, someone knocked on the door of the room.

Albert put down his suitcase, walked over to open the door, and looked at the acquaintance standing outside the door with surprise.

"Cedric, what brings you here?"

"Aha, it seems that I won the bet. I said you would definitely arrive at Hogwarts on time."

After seeing Albert, this guy smiled and prepared to hug him.

"Who did you bet with?"

Albert took a step back nimbly, and by inviting Cedric into the house, the other party's hug fell through.


Cedric said without hesitation: "He seems to have got a lot of good things recently, and said he would give me some if I win."

"What good things can Hagrid have?" Albert couldn't help rolling his eyes and said, "I guess it's probably wine."

Cedric didn't respond, walked into the office, looked at the layout inside, raised his eyebrows slightly and said: "I'm afraid you won't be too comfortable living here?"

"It doesn't matter, I don't live here, at most I use it to compile the "Guide to Defense Against the Dark Arts", and it's very close to the library, so it's convenient to borrow books."

Albert waved his wand, and the suitcase on the table opened automatically, and some commonly used items flew out of the suitcase and were automatically placed neatly on the table.

"It feels like you are not here to teach students, but to go through the process." Cedric couldn't help complaining.

The two walked out of the office together, and the wooden door behind them closed automatically, and the key to open the door disappeared directly.


"You are actually right."

Albert did not deny it, and went to the hall with Cedric.

At this moment, Professor Flitwick was familiarizing himself with the position of vice-principal with the help of Professor McGonagall, and sorting out the process of tonight.

It's funny to say that since Professor McGonagall was appointed as the principal, the position of vice-principal has been vacant, but no professor at Hogwarts is interested in this position.

Slughorn is already semi-retired. If Avalon was not still under construction, he might have resigned to be a potion consultant for Albert.

Although the salary may be a little less, life is easy and happy, and you can do what you like.

As for the two deans, Pomona Sprout and Filius Flitwick, they are also not interested in the position of vice-principal. Especially Professor Sprout, she plans to retire from the school in a few years, so she didn't want to increase her workload at all.

So, the vice-principal finally fell to Professor Flitwick, whose life span is much longer than that of ordinary wizards.

If it weren't for the desire to avoid embarrassing his colleagues, Professor Flitwick didn't want to take over as the vice-headmaster.

But there was no way, he couldn't just leave the mess of Hogwarts to the new headmaster.

Headmaster McGonagall now needs a part-time Transfiguration professor.

That's right, the Transfiguration professor hadn't found a suitable candidate, so Professor McGonagall had to take over.

"Oh, that's really tough." Professor Flitwick looked up at the visitor and said, "Would you mind helping me share some of the work?"

"Glad to help."

Albert glanced at the parchment that flew in front of him. It was all errands, such as going to the kitchen to confirm whether tonight's dinner was ready, and confirming the preparation of Hagrid's Thestral carriage to pick up students...

"I have something more suitable for you." Professor McGonagall stood up and greeted Albert: "Would you mind going out with me and checking the safety measures around the school?"

"Oh, of course." Albert didn't refuse.

Voldemort is dead, and the remaining Death Eaters are unlikely to dare to come to Hogwarts to act recklessly, so Professor McGonagall must have other things to ask him.

After the Great Hall Castle, Professor McGonagall said straight to the point: "You should have noticed that Hogwarts is short of staff now."

"Can't recruit a suitable professor?" Albert followed Professor McGonagall's words.

"Yes, I really can't find one at the moment, and the time is too tight." Professor McGonagall is not as wide-ranging as Dumbledore. Although he has sought help from Kingsley, the Ministry of Magic is also short of people and can't send someone to temporarily fill the position of Transfiguration Professor.

"If possible, I hope you can return to Hogwarts to serve, and by the way, serve as the Dean of Gryffindor." Professor McGonagall almost said that he would be the principal in a few years.

"Sorry, professor, I'm not really interested in being a professor, and next year I plan to take my family out to travel around the world and broaden my horizons."

Albert noticed that Professor McGonagall's face twitched, but he pretended not to see it and continued.

"If Hogwarts is really short of people, you can consider training Cedric to be the Transfiguration professor. Then, let Harry Potter return to Hogwarts to serve as the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. I believe Kingsley will not refuse. The Ministry of Magic does not lack an Auror like Harry Potter."

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