Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1657 A War Without a Winner (One Hundred and Nine)

Chapter 1659 A War Without Winners (One Hundred and Nine)

Although Albert's proposal does sound like a joke, Cedric, as a former member of the Transfiguration Club, is not bad at all in Transfiguration. If there is really no suitable candidate, Principal McGonagall would not mind inviting Cedric to become the Transfiguration professor, but she does not know whether he is willing to come to Hogwarts to work.

As for Harry Potter, Principal McGonagall is willing to believe that he has a good attainment in Defense Against the Dark Arts. When Dumbledore's Army was established, Harry even taught other students, which can be regarded as a certain teaching experience.

However, now there is a ready-made candidate like Albert. As long as he can be invited to stay in Hogwarts as a professor for a long time, it can be said that most of the mess in Hogwarts can be solved in one go, and even the candidate for the principal to take over his position in the future can be found.

In fact, Kingsley also had similar ideas to Principal McGonagall. Unfortunately, he used many methods but failed to successfully persuade Albert to join the Ministry of Magic.

This is also something that makes Professor McGonagall quite helpless. Even if she uses the position of Hogwarts principal as bait, it seems that it has no appeal to Albert.

Albert is not interested in this, and it is useless for her to force him. Even if she stays by force, she will be a professor in name only at Hogwarts at most.

If Albert is unwilling, she should consider the suggestions provided by Albert.

The two walked around the outer wall of the school. After confirming that there were no safety hazards, they returned to the castle to rest and prepare for the next freshman welcome dinner.

"Did you say anything to Professor McGonagall?"

Not long after being told about his professor seat, Cedric pulled Albert to the corner of the hall, "She actually asked me if I wanted to stay in school as a Transfiguration professor?"

"You also noticed that Hogwarts is in great need of professors."

"I know, but also..."

"Even Principal McGonagall has to be the Transfiguration professor herself, so she is naturally eager to find a suitable candidate. I remember that you are very good at Transfiguration." Albert shrugged, indicating that he was just giving a suggestion.

"If you can't bear to give up your position in the Ministry of Magic, you can talk to Kingsley about leaving your position in the Ministry and then working at Hogwarts." Albert said jokingly, "I remember that the Ministry of Magic has always wanted to reach out to Hogwarts. Now that this opportunity has come to them, they will definitely not refuse it."

"This is not funny at all." Cedric glared at Albert, who was not afraid of trouble, "You know, I actually..."

"If you don't like it, you can completely refuse Principal McGonagall!" Albert reached out and patted Cedric's shoulder, "I won't force you, it's just multiple career options in the future."

"You guy!"

Cedric couldn't do anything about Albert, and didn't want to discuss this with him anymore.

Time passed quickly during the chat, and the ceiling of the hall was completely dark. Thousands of candles were lit up with the waving of the wand, and the ceiling above was also transformed into a beautiful universe of stars under Slughorn's wand.

In addition to Hagrid, who needed to pick up the first-year wizard Duhu, the professors of Hogwarts gradually arrived.

The most amazing thing was that Cedric, the assistant teacher of Defense Against the Dark Arts, was also assigned a seat and sat next to Albert, but he seemed a little nervous.


Albert did not have this problem. He participated in many large-scale activities during his school years and had no psychological problems at all.

At this moment, he was just chatting with Slughorn next to him about the topic of beauty potions, and brought the topic to the dilemma encountered by Principal McGonagall.

"I remember you are very familiar with Damocles, right?" Slughorn suddenly asked.

"We are not very familiar with each other. We can only say that we have correspondence." Albert guessed Slughorn's intention and asked directly, "Does the headmaster plan to find Mr. Damocles to replace you?"

"Yes, Damocles's potion level is very high, and he is a good choice, but he doesn't seem to be interested in teaching students at Hogwarts. Do you have a suitable candidate? I remember that you are familiar with many potion masters."

Since receiving Albert's invitation, Slughorn has planned to retire, but before McGonagall can't find a suitable candidate, he can't just throw the mess to her.

"This... probably not, you know, talented guys have weird tempers, they don't have much patience to teach students, and there are fewer people with real potion talent than expected."

"That's a pity. I remember Sprout is also looking for someone." Slughorn looked at the Hufflepuff Dean next to him and said.

"Yes, but I have found the right candidate?" Professor Sprout was in a good mood.

"Neville Longbottom?" Albert guessed.

"Yes, that's Longbottom. He has a good talent for herbs. I talked to him about this before. Longbottom is indeed very interested in it." Professor Sprout nodded and said, "However, he is still working in the Ministry of Magic. You know, the Ministry of Magic is very short of Aurors now, so it may take a few more years. He agreed to come to Hogwarts as an assistant for a year, and then he can take over my position."

"I don't want to die in office."

While a few people were talking, the old students of Hogwarts were already pouring into the auditorium.

At that moment, Albert felt countless eyes falling on him. He was forced to stop talking to Slughorn, raised his head and smiled at the students below, causing a small-scale chaos in an instant. He even looked I saw many students waving towards the teacher's chair.

"You're still as popular as ever!"

Cedric knew that Albert actually didn't like this, and his mood suddenly became happy.

"I can feel Harry Potter's troubles now!" Albert sighed softly.

"I think it's pretty good,"

Slughorn winked at Albert, "I heard from an old friend that they have made you into a chocolate frog cartoon."

"Oh, what a surprise." Albert said calmly.

"You don't know?" Slughorn was surprised. "He also said he interviewed you, which seems to be a lie."

"I've been so busy lately that I don't have time for interviews."

Albert doesn't care much about the chocolate frog picture. He has a wizard card himself, and he is not lacking in reputation now, especially after killing Voldemort with his own hands. The name Albert is destined to be followed by the second time. The Wizarding War lives on.

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