Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1663 A War Without a Winner (One Hundred and Fifteen)

Chapter 1665 A War Without Winners (One Hundred and Fifteen)

"The full moon of this month is coming soon."

Cedric looked up at Albert and asked tentatively, "What are your plans next?"

"Oh, Kingsley hopes I can help him?" Albert looked at Cedrek with a half-smile.

"He feels that he has to be on guard. After all, the Death Eaters are getting more and more aggressive..." Cedric hesitated for a moment, but still said with a stiff upper lip, "...crazy, they may involve more people and create a big chaos to threaten the Ministry of Magic."

"I think this is purely the Ministry of Magic's own problem." Albert took a sip of red tea and said, "I have divined for them. As long as they use a more...special method, I believe it should not be difficult to find relevant clues before the full moon."

"Your method is not a special method." Cedric smiled bitterly.

"That's why they are not aware enough." Albert said sarcastically, "At the beginning, in order to completely kill Voldemort, everyone was prepared to die in battle, and Harry Potter had made arrangements for his afterlife."

"Or do they think that something is more important than letting the whole of Britain fall into the threat of werewolves?" Albert had no intention of getting involved in this matter.

Cedric opened his mouth, but finally said nothing.

As Albert said, did the Ministry of Magic really not know that those guys were playing tricks?

No, of course they knew, and even if they didn't know, it wouldn't be difficult to guess.

It's just... they are all pure-blood families.

Even if they were excluded for secretly supporting Voldemort, it is still impossible to use truth serum to interrogate without any evidence.


Sometimes the upper-level people don't need evidence at all, just suspicion is enough for them to take action.

Moreover, compared to the so-called evidence.

Albert would rather believe that the Ministry of Magic is unwilling to do so.

After all, the ancient wizard families still occupy a large proportion of the power center of the Ministry of Magic, and they will not allow such things to happen.

Therefore, no one would touch this taboo, not even Kingsley.

The entire Ministry of Magic was so eager to get Albert's help, eager for Albert to help them clean up the mess that would follow.

If possible, it would be best to catch all those people in one fell swoop after the incident.

Cedric naturally understood, and he believed that Albert understood better than himself.

So after getting Kingsley's commission, Cedric was very reluctant to mention this to Albert.

Sometimes he wondered whether he should quit his job at the Ministry of Magic and just stay in Hogwarts to teach. Teaching here is also a respectable position.

As for the salary issue, Cedric was not worried. He could take on another deputy position with Albert and get himself some living allowance.

"Are those Death Eaters really so crazy?"

Hermione poked her head out from the pile of books and looked at Albert who was sending Cedric away.

"I don't know, but... I think they will probably do that." Albert closed the door of his office and turned to Hermione.

"Probably? That's not what you would say."

Hermione walked out from behind her desk, stretched and sat on the sofa, looking like she was finally unblocked.

"Their previous killer weapon, the Inferi, has now been eliminated by the Aurors."

"So the werewolf is their new killer weapon?" Hermione already understood, so it was no wonder that Albert said probably.

If they didn't let the werewolves appear, it would be difficult for them to continue to confront the Ministry of Magic.

Therefore, the appearance of the werewolf is a high probability event, but no one knows when it will appear.

"I really don't understand what those lunatics are thinking?" Hermione muttered.

"Since they are lunatics, isn't it normal not to understand?"

"Is it normal?"

Hermione didn't see anything normal about it, but sometimes abnormality is the most normal.

However, Hermione did see clearly that Albert was very pessimistic about the current situation of the Ministry of Magic, and it seemed that he had no intention of helping. This made her feel very confused.

So, Hermione asked directly, since there was no one else here anyway.

"Of course I am willing to provide some help to Kingsley, but that little help is actually very small. Some things will happen and will not change according to my will." Albert said meaningfully.

But you want to say that Kingsley did not try hard and was just pretending?

Not really.

The new Minister of Magic is also trying to contain the bad things that may happen next, but to say that he has tried hard, that is not the case. Kingsley may be able to contain this terrible disaster, but he did not stop it at all costs.

As for the reason, Albert knew it very well. But he did not intend to tell Hermione. Sometimes it is easier for Hermione to experience it herself than for Albert to tell her in person.


As the full moon approaches, wizards in the British magic world have a feeling that a storm is coming.

Kingsley even made the front page of the Daily Prophet because of this, and was evaluated as overly nervous and wasting a lot of Auror resources.

As if to prove that there should not be many werewolves left, the Daily Prophet even published a photo of the corpses taken from the Battle of Hogwarts, and pointed out the truth that most of the werewolves in Britain had been killed in the last war, and asked their Minister of Magic to stop tossing those Aurors who worked overtime.

Moreover, the reporters seemed to have mentioned Albert's prophecy, which led to Albert being asked about this matter by students recently. Even Principal McGonagall took the time to talk to him about the safety of werewolves and Hogwarts, as if she was worried that some crazy guy would throw werewolves into Hogwarts.

After repeated discussions, Principal McGonagall decided to strengthen patrols in Hogwarts during the full moon to ensure that all students stayed in the common room.

In fact, not only Hogwarts, but also the Wizard Lookout mentioned this matter, and began to popularize how to deal with the threat of werewolves and how to deal with them after encountering werewolves.

Albert's prediction is always worth being vigilant. Even if the prediction does not come true, the full moon is only one night. It is always worth using one night's vigilance to exchange for the safety of yourself and your family.

Some people think that this is alarmist and that it is a trick that the Defense Association came up with to sell something, but the trick of spreading rumors about Albert has no effect since the last time.

At least most people are willing to use their brains, just like what the Wizard Watch broadcast said was correct, it was only one night, even if they were really deceived, it's nothing, not to mention that the Ministry of Magic seems to think so.

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