Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1664 A War Without a Winner (One Hundred and Sixteen)

Chapter 1666 A War Without Winners (One Hundred and Sixteen)

Despite this, many wizards still remain on the sidelines.

They believe that even if the Death Eaters really kidnapped Muggles to create a large number of werewolves like they did with the Inferi, they would not be so stupid as to commit crimes in the face of such a storm.

At least this full moon, or even the next full moon, there would be no trace of werewolves. Instead, they would wait until most wizards had forgotten about it, and then suddenly release a large number of werewolves to launch a surprise attack, catching everyone off guard.

In fact, not only did most people think so, but even Isobel had similar thoughts after reading the newspaper.

But Albert, who really understood the actual situation, knew very well that the beasts would most likely commit crimes in the face of the storm.

They created the werewolf attack incident, and from the beginning they wanted to use the threat of werewolves to create large-scale chaos throughout the UK, thereby causing panic in people's hearts, and using this to put enough pressure on the Ministry of Magic headed by Kingsley, so as to use the controlled werewolves as an important bargaining chip for the next "fair negotiation" with the Ministry of Magic, forcing Kingsley to compromise and make concessions to them.

But they didn't realize at all that the power and status of those ancient families who had once surrendered to Voldemort in the Ministry of Magic were rapidly invaded, and it was actually Kingsley who was secretly doing it.

The new minister did not intend to directly attack those ancient families due to various concerns, but this did not prevent him from taking a roundabout way. When the power of this time bomb was still small, he quietly detonated and dismantled it, so as to obtain an excuse for those ancient families who had surrendered to Voldemort to attack.

I believe that as long as people experience this terrible werewolf disaster in person, it will be difficult for them to continue to tolerate such a group of unstable time bombs around them.

After all, no one wants to be surrounded by malicious werewolves, and no one wants to be the next unlucky person bitten by a werewolf to be themselves or their relatives.

The outcome of this confrontation has long been determined.

As for the British situation that was temporarily out of control, Kingsley didn't have any good solutions. He had done his best in advance, and the innocent people affected could only blame themselves for their bad luck.

The ones who should blame themselves the most are actually the few rational people among Voldemort's remnants. They chose to stand on the side when Voldemort rose, but they never thought that the famous Dark Lord would only last less than two years from his rise to his fall, which really pitted them as investors.

Not only did they not gain much benefit, but they also got themselves into trouble.

The worst thing is that because of the unbreakable oath, they couldn't betray their colleagues and sneak ashore, so they had to bite the bullet.

Unfortunately, they are not Albert, and they really can't lead pig teammates.

Yes, pig teammates.

To be honest, Parkinson and his colleagues really don't understand what their colleagues are going to do by releasing a large number of werewolves during the full moon?

Are they going to use this to threaten the Ministry of Magic?

But doing so would only completely annoy the wizards of the entire magical world, and there is really no point.

They are not Voldemort, and they don't have the same deterrent power as Voldemort, so they are not qualified to make the Ministry of Magic compromise obediently.

Some colleagues who have realized this are basically considering the way out for themselves and their families.

Some even have the crazy idea of ​​whether to sell their crazy colleagues to the Ministry of Magic so that their families can get a clean living.

After all, after Voldemort was killed by Albert, the remaining remnants will soon be destroyed.

If they don't get a clean living quickly, they will probably have to go all the way to the end with others, but the problem is that they have made an unbreakable oath before. If they choose to betray, they must be mentally prepared to sacrifice their lives for their families, and they may not be rewarded, but they will lose their lives in vain.

For this reason, Perkins didn't even let his family members who were on vacation abroad return home.

Fortunately, no one mentioned this to his colleagues around him, as those smart people had their own little thoughts.

So no one was willing to give the most correct advice on the werewolf attack.

"The British magic world is now on high alert against werewolves. I don't think it's a good idea to hastily launch a plan at this time. It's better to delay it a little longer, so that Kingsley and the Ministry of Magic will become a laughing stock. It's better to wait until they relax their guard and then secretly give them a fatal blow. Only when they are hurt, those guys may sit down and talk to us properly."

However, this proposal, which should have been unanimously approved, was not echoed by others.

The reason is that if they continue to delay, they may really be completely finished.

Since most of the Inferi were cleared by the Aurors, many people present have seen their own endings clearly.

But they have no way out. If they don't fight, they will really be completely finished.

At least even if they want to sell, they have to find a good time to sell at a good price.

Otherwise, when their power in the Ministry of Magic is completely eroded, I am afraid that even the last chance will be gone.

This is the pessimistic sentiment spread among smart people.

They all know that unless another dark devil like Voldemort appears, they will have no chance.

As for other colleagues who still hold out a glimmer of hope, they are ready to teach Kingsley a lesson, let him know that they are not easy to mess with, and they have the ability to fight to the death with them.

Peaceful coexistence between the two sides is the best choice.

Of course, the remnants will not make excessive demands, as long as they can keep their current power in the Ministry of Magic.

As for the eroded part, they didn't expect to get it back.

This is also the main reason why they did things in secret before.

They didn't leave any evidence to negotiate with the Ministry of Magic in private and be accepted by the magic world again with a formal identity.

But is that really possible?

Absolutely impossible.

Albert knew this, and so did Kingsley.

They had already held a good hand and had a great chance of winning.

Even if Albert was determined to be a spectator, Kingsley would never leave any hidden dangers for himself.

Otherwise, it would only be more troublesome.

After all, after something like this happened, who knows whether those guys who tasted the sweetness would go further?


Human nature can't stand the test.

Once there will be a second time.

What's more, there is a group of guys full of hatred watching.

According to Albert's original estimate, the worst case scenario is that he failed to kill with a borrowed knife, and he had found an excuse to send them away in person, and then took the "black pot".

But Kingsley believed that it would not come to that step.

He was still making preparations calmly. Even though nothing happened during the last full moon, he still asked many departments of the Ministry of Magic to work overtime overnight to be prepared for the possible werewolf disaster.

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