Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1665 A War Without a Winner (One Hundred and Seventeen)

Chapter 1667 A War Without Winners (One Hundred and Seventeen)


A sharp wolf howl echoed in the night sky of a small town in the UK. Everything was as Albert had expected. The werewolf disaster broke out completely on the full moon day in September.

A large number of werewolves appeared in various parts of the UK without any warning, attacking the surrounding people like mad dogs, causing a large wave of panic in the Muggle world, and also shocked the wizards who had originally planned to watch the excitement.

Not to mention them, even the employees of the Ministry of Magic who had been prepared were also dumbfounded when they received news that a large number of werewolves appeared in Muggle towns.

They never thought that Voldemort's remnants were so cruel and merciless that they directly released hundreds of werewolves all over the UK.

No one could imagine how terrible a disaster this group of completely out-of-control terrible monsters would cause on the night of the full moon.

Not only will it cause chaos and panic in the Muggle world, but it will also scare many wizards who don't take it seriously. What's worse is that the secrets that the magic world has been hiding have been exposed to the Muggles because of this werewolf disaster. God knows how to clean up this mess next.

Fortunately, the British Ministry of Magic and the Wizard Watch Station have been popularizing how to deal with werewolf attacks some time ago, so as to avoid greater casualties. However, the Ministry of Magic is still filled with owl letters from all over the UK. The wizard in charge finally had to release the expulsion spell on the group of owls before struggling out of the pile of owls with a feces stench.

As for the pile of letters, it doesn't matter whether there are any or not.

Since a large number of werewolves have emerged, the Ministry of Magic has been too busy to handle it. Those wizards who wrote to the Ministry of Magic for help can only pray for themselves now.

"I have contacted Cedric."

After knocking on the door gently, Percy walked quickly into the Minister's office and reported to Kingsley, who was gloomy: "Cedric is currently in Hogwarts. According to him, Voldemort's remnants have released a large number of werewolves in the Forbidden Forest near Hogwarts."


"I'm afraid I can't spare any manpower to help for the time being." Percy smiled bitterly, "Several werewolves have already broken into Hogwarts from the Forbidden Forest. Principal McGonagall is currently leading the school's professors to search everywhere and try to clear out the werewolves wandering around the school to prevent other werewolves from hiding in the Forbidden Forest and posing a threat to Hogwarts students."

"Capture? We don't need too many alive. Killing them directly is the best choice." Kingsley's face didn't change much, as if he had anticipated the current bad situation.

"I just told them." Percy nodded.

Catching werewolves is an extremely risky thing. Kingsley will not let the Aurors who work late at night take this risk, so he issued a command to kill them at the beginning. As for the survivors, there will be special personnel to take care of them. The most important thing for others is to understand the group of werewolves that suddenly appeared and control the harm of this storm to the minimum.

But the number of werewolves that suddenly appeared was too many, which was a bit beyond Kingsley's expectations. Fortunately, he was well prepared and did not panic.

"Where is Albert?" he asked.

"He is currently in Avalon." Percy showed a helpless bitter smile on his face, "Avalon was also attacked by werewolves, but they were well prepared and have captured several werewolves. Just now, they asked me to remember to have someone take them away tomorrow."

"Avalon was also attacked?"

Kingsley suddenly had a bad premonition. The number of Aurors in the Ministry of Magic is not large. A group of them died during the Battle of Hogwarts. Although a group of experienced young blood had been absorbed before, the number was really not large. If the Defense Association could not get help, it would be difficult to control this disaster to the minimum in a short time.

Quickly controlling the situation and having to wait until dawn to solve the disaster caused by werewolves are two completely different things.

"The remnants of Voldemort seem to have anticipated this. In order to prevent the Defense Association from supporting us, they deployed a large number of werewolves around Avalon to try to delay them." Percy smiled bitterly: "At present, Fred and George are leading people to capture werewolves around Avalon, so the Defense Association may not be able to come to help in a short time."

Kingsley suddenly fell silent.

Is it really impossible to come to help in a short time?

Is it probably because they don't want to come to help!

He knew very well that with Albert's caution, the werewolves would not be able to break through Avalon's protective magic in a short time.

So even if there were a large number of werewolves near Avalon, they would not pose any threat, but... they still chose to stay and capture the werewolves around the village instead of rushing to help Kingsley solve the werewolf problem across the country.

In this case, Kingsley couldn't say anything.

For the members of the Defense Association, since they were all about catching werewolves, they naturally took priority. They couldn't just let those guys wander around and ignore their other companions, right?

The most important thing was that they were not employees of the Ministry of Magic. Moreover, this was actually helping the Ministry of Magic solve the problem. As Percy said, you had to thank them for lending a hand and helping to capture a large number of werewolves.

As for the reason, it was probably because of the Umbridge incident. The people in the Defense Association no longer supported him as much as before, so it was not surprising that they did not want to come to the Ministry of Magic to help. In George's original words, "Avalon also has a lot of troubles. We have to wait for them to solve the problems in Avalon first, and then take time to help the Ministry of Magic!"

"According to this number, there are at least more than a hundred werewolves. No wonder Albert said this is a dangerous time bomb!" Kingsley tapped the table with his fingers and put away his unrealistic worries. It was meaningless to think about those things now. He could only trust the Aurors and the crisis plan he made in advance. He had more important things to do.

"Have they arrived?" Kingsley suddenly looked up and asked.

"Less than half of them are here. I suspect they may be frightened or cared for by werewolves." Percy just received the news that St. Catchpole Village was also hit by a wolf disaster, probably heading for the Weasley family. Fortunately, Mrs. Weasley went there early to meet Sirius and did not stay at home at all.

"Continue to hold an emergency meeting as planned. We must discuss how to clean up the mess of this werewolf disaster tonight." Even though the situation seemed urgent, Kingsley remained calm. This was something he learned from Albert, and it was said to help calm people's hearts.

The effect seemed to be quite good.

Although the entire Ministry of Magic was in chaos, everyone breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Kingsley's calmness and continued to work overtime to deal with the mess left by the werewolves.

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