Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1671 A War Without a Winner (One Hundred and Twenty-three)

Chapter 1673 A War Without Winners (One Hundred and Twenty-three)

They were also hunting werewolves before?

Why were all of them exhausted, while the other party was still energetic after working all night and was able to hold a celebration party here.

"You can also participate."

Albert raised his glass to the group of young people who became Aurors and said, "As for the werewolves, we can wait until dawn when the werewolves have regained their human form and then take them back to the Ministry of Magic. It is undoubtedly safer to do so. I believe Kingsley will definitely not say anything."

"Harry, I think Albert is right. We shouldn't take risks. Bolt's unlucky case was enough once." Seamus said in a voice that everyone could hear.

"You are right. Let's all rest here for a while. There is still some time before dawn. I have to report the situation here to the Ministry of Magic first." Harry noticed the expectant eyes of the friends around him and nodded to agree with Seamus' proposal.

In fact, the Ministry of Magic really had no objection, because there was already an unlucky guy, and it was better to be more stable in doing things.

Soon, both parties sat harmoniously on the carpet on the lawn, enjoying the food and chatting about tonight's hunting.

However, after Lee Jordan finished speaking, Harry and his group suddenly fell silent.

Yes, they were a little upset.

Are everyone really doing the same thing tonight?

It seems that they worked hard all night, but others thought they were participating in a night hunting activity.

"I really envy you!"

Compared with the happy hunting in Avalon, Harry and his group, who were responsible for dealing with the werewolf problem in the Muggle world, were really exhausted tonight, and they had no energy to dance in the crowd.

"By the way, has anyone seen Albert?"

Harry, who had just poured himself a glass of butter beer, suddenly remembered something and turned his head to ask George, who was pouring hot whiskey for Ron.

"That guy probably went home to rest." George looked at Harry puzzledly: "What do you want to talk to him about?"

"Nothing particularly important, just the bounty for catching a werewolf, it will probably take another day or two, and Kingsley seems to be interested in applying for the Merlin Medal for you."

"Everyone?" George raised his eyebrows, "That thing is worthless if there are too many."

"Just one, for everyone."

"I think it would be more practical for the Ministry of Magic to give more Galleons." George couldn't help but curl his lips.

"Merlin Medal?" Lee Jordan seemed to be interested, "We can inlay that thing on the stone sculpture of the fountain."

"That's a good idea, Albert will definitely not object."

Other people reacted calmly to this matter.

Everyone is smart, even if they don't know, they will know after communicating with each other, and it is not difficult to guess Kingsley's intention.

"I thought you would sleep for a while longer."

Isobel turned her head to look at Albert who appeared in the hall, and said gently, "The newspaper said Kingsley wants to apply for a Merlin for you."

"His way of winning people's hearts is really cheap." Albert pouted.

"You can't say that." Isobel looked at Albert with some amusement as he bent down and picked up Alice, who was not walking steadily enough.

"If he was really sincere, he should give enough Galleons." Albert held Alice and sat on the sofa next to him.

"You are not short of money." Isobel asked puzzledly.

"I am indeed not short of money, but it doesn't mean that others are not short of money." Albert picked up Tom Cat and put him next to Alice, asking his old friend to help watch his daughter.

Little Alice had reached out to grab Tom's tail, but was soon knocked down on the sofa by the fat cat's head. After being rubbed and licked on the cheek, she couldn't help giggling.

"They just graduated from school and haven't started working yet. They don't have much money in their pockets." After watching the interaction between his cat and his daughter for a while, Albert sat down to enjoy the breakfast brought by the house elf, and his eyes did not forget to scan the wall clock.

He had just used the time converter, and he didn't want to be late for class, although Hogwarts might be suspended.

"Hogwarts will probably be suspended today. There was a wolf disaster there last night. The professors of the school stayed up all night and are probably resting now." Isobel also noticed Albert's behavior and reminded him, "And dear, I think you should take time to go back and take a nap. You should get enough sleep after staying up all night."

Albert covered his yawning hand and paused, "I have to go there. Although I am not interested in staying in school as a professor, since I have agreed to stay for a year, I still have to take it seriously."

"You are always so responsible."

Isobel kissed Albert's cheek and watched him disappear behind the door.

Albert first Apparated to another safe house, and then went to the Defense Against the Dark Arts Office at Hogwarts through the fireplace there.

When Albert walked out of the rising green flames, he heard footsteps, and then a figure reached out and hugged his waist before he could react, and even stood on tiptoe to kiss his lips.

"Don't you have to go to class?" Albert had already guessed who the attacker was.

"Today is a day off. Many people didn't get a good rest last night." Hermione blinked and asked, "Didn't you receive the message?"

"Maybe I was too busy last night and missed the news from Headmaster McGonagall." Albert looked at the girl in his arms and asked with a smile, "What about you?"

"As for me, of course I will wait until this is over before I go to rest. I heard from Ginny that you were catching werewolves everywhere yesterday." Hermione regretted not being able to participate in that action. She obviously wanted to experience what it was like to be a werewolf hunter.

"Everyone really had a lot of fun, and there was also Garona. We were so excited that we didn't want to go back to rest this morning." Albert could understand, after all, such an experience is indeed legendary.

"What about you? You didn't rest the whole night, did you?"

"I just used the time converter." Albert guessed what Hermione came here for this morning.

"You don't mind staying with me for a morning, do you?"

Hermione stood on tiptoe and kissed Albert's lips again. Girls in love are always so bold. Of course, it may also be because she has completely accepted her identity, so she took the initiative to ask Albert for it. After all, love sometimes needs to be fought for by yourself.

"It would be terrible if I got pregnant with you." Albert warned in a low voice.

"No." Hermione leaned on Albert's arms and murmured, "Even if I have a child, at most I will just drop out of school, and I believe I will live a better life than Ginny."

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