Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1672 A War Without a Winner (One Hundred and Twenty-four)

Chapter 1674 A war without a winner (one hundred and twenty-four)

"It looks like there's more than expected."

Zannah picked up the money bag that Albert pushed over casually, put it on her palm and weighed it, then opened the bag directly in front of Percy and poured out the gold galleons inside to count.

"What are you going to do with this bounty money?"

"Let them decide for themselves!" Albert said without thinking.

Although there was a lot of gold Galleons in the bag, there were also many people involved in the werewolf hunting operation that night, so this bag of Galleons could only be regarded as an encouragement prize.

If the bounty was distributed equally to everyone, each person would only receive one or two Galleons at most, which would definitely not satisfy everyone. It would be better to just give them the right to choose.

I believe they can hardly complain about the choice they made.

After Shanna took away the bag of Galleons, Albert suddenly asked: "Has the result of the werewolf interrogation come out?"

The efficiency of the Ministry of Magic has never been high, especially when it comes to matters involving Galleons. Percy was able to send the bounty for catching the werewolf so quickly. It was obvious that he came to Albert for something and sent the small bag of bounty. It's just incidental.

"The result is that there is no result." Percy said with a helpless smile, "The Aurors searched the memories in the werewolves' brains and found no useful memories. They didn't even understand what happened."

"Are all werewolves like this?" Albert had already guessed that it might be that way.

"It's all like that. I feel like their memories have been wiped out on purpose. There are no useful memories at all." The bitter smile on Percy's face became even thicker, because he knew very well that such an answer would definitely be unsatisfactory.

The entire British wizarding world was shocked by the large number of werewolves that appeared during the full moon. Everyone was waiting for the Ministry of Magic to find out who was behind the scenes. Kingsley could not just find a lame excuse to get over it.

"Isn't this result already expected?" Albert was not surprised by this. He looked at Percy calmly and reminded: "Memories can be tampered with, but they cannot be erased. The master of telepathy Being able to dig out that part of the memory, I want them to die easier, it won’t do them any harm, at least they won’t have to suffer too much.”

Percy had actually expected such an answer. Kingsley had already made a backup plan before he came to Albert.

It would be best if the werewolf could be interrogated and the results could be obtained. If the interrogation could not produce results, then it would be up to them to decide what the results would be.

Just like Albert said, they dug deeply into the memories of those werewolves and found the results they wanted.

Now that there is a suspect, naturally he cannot let it go easily. Just like when Percy came to see Albert, he actually came to communicate with Albert and confirm the feasibility of doing so.

Of course, the Ministry of Magic will not arrest pure-blood wizards on a large scale, but will use a more tactful approach to interview some pure-blood wizards.

Yes, interview rather than arrest.

"Before evidence is found, the Ministry of Magic will not rashly arrest any wizard and put them in prison. That would be irresponsible to everyone."

Gadwin Robards, director of the Auror Office, generously revealed some information to reporters when being interviewed.

"For some reasons, we have to invite them to come over to assist in the investigation so that the suspense on them can be cleared as soon as possible. The whole process only takes two days at most, during which only a few simple questions need to be answered."

Although they said they were assisting in the investigation, everyone knew what they meant and believed that the pure-blood wizard who was invited to assist was probably one of the culprits responsible for the werewolf disaster.

As for the so-called assisting in the investigation instead of being tried, it was naturally said politely that the Ministry of Magic gave them the opportunity to prove their innocence and fully took care of the pure-blood's face.

Of course, this is also the result of those ancient wizard families voting with their feet.

The large-scale werewolf attack during the full moon period scared everyone, and they were worried that the Death Eaters would attack again on a larger scale.

Therefore, it is imperative to find out the enemy.

For many pure-blood families, it's okay as long as they are not the ones under scrutiny. What's more, the people who are suspected are the bastards who supported Voldemort in the past. It is normal for them to be suspected. Who said they had supported Voldemort.

However, something went wrong during the first interrogation.

An unlucky man who was being interrogated suddenly died.

After inspection, it was discovered that the other party actually died of the Unbreakable Vow, bringing the whole matter to a deadlock.

After all, he killed a pureblood without getting any useful information. Even if that guy was indeed suspicious, and even went so far as to directly write that I was the culprit, the problem was that he died before he even said a few words, and it still made everyone present feel numb.

"So, what are the Ministry of Magic's next plans? Will they continue the investigation?"

Albert was very curious whether Kingsley still had the courage, even though he knew that it would be impossible to produce any useful results from the investigation.

"If they all make an unbreakable oath, it will be meaningless no matter how many people are arrested." Cedric smiled bitterly, "Well, it's not meaningless, at least the culprit is dead."

But the biggest problem now is that if all the enemies cannot be caught, the scale of the next werewolf disaster will definitely not be smaller than this one.

How could Voldemort's remnants swallow their anger and not retaliate?

"What's next for Kingsley?"

Hermione suspected that the next full moon would be even worse. Those beasts could create hundreds of werewolves, so they would naturally have a way to create more werewolves through similar means, which would only plunge the whole of Britain into chaos.

"Kingsley will pretend to compromise."

Albert knew very well what Kingsley would choose. It should be said that any Minister of Magic would be unlikely to compromise in such a situation.

At least not on the surface, but Kingsley has more choices.

"Will those lunatics compromise?"

Hermione's expression was particularly complicated. She had never thought that Kingsley would compromise, at least before he became the Minister of Magic, he would probably not do so.

This is probably what Albert said about politics being compromised everywhere.

"Yes, I believe many people want to leave before that broken ship sinks." Cedric looked at Albert and asked, "The biggest problem now is how to bypass the unbreakable oath so that both sides can sit down and talk and solve this matter thoroughly."

"It's actually very simple. The Ministry of Magic can meet with their families in private."

Albert gave Kingsley the answer he wanted. The Minister of Magic was just too anxious and didn't figure it out for a while.

After all, how could they not know what their own family was like?

"What did you mean when you said Kingsley would pretend to compromise?" Hermione couldn't help asking after Cedric hurried away.

"He just wants to throw this mess to someone else."

Albert looked at the wooden door that closed again and explained softly, "Maybe the Ministry of Magic's laws can't punish them, but the Avengers can come to visit."

"This is... an agreement!"

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