Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1673 A War Without a Winner (One Hundred and Twenty-Five)

Chapter 1675 A War Without Winners (One Hundred and Twenty-Five)

After the unlucky guy lost his life because of his unbreakable oath, the gloomy head of the Auror Office finally chose to announce the cause of death of the unlucky guy, as an explanation to the British wizards who were looking forward to the result.

The result was that on the night of the press conference, owls flew all over the UK with the latest issue of the Daily Prophet, causing an uproar in an instant.

No one expected that this would be the result.

Many wizards questioned the explanation of the Ministry of Magic, but the report on the front page of the news had already written everything very clearly, and even directly disclosed which important officials were at the scene at the time.

With an attitude of "this is the result, I am not afraid of anyone questioning it anyway", even the death report of the unlucky guy was attached.

That's right, the report was directly posted on the front page of the newspaper.

So much so that after reading this headline with explosive information, everyone suddenly realized: "Oh, that guy turned out to be a remnant of Voldemort!"

However, it was precisely because of this detailed report that everyone realized what kind of trouble the Ministry of Magic had encountered during the investigation.

It was not difficult for them to see that the new minister had tried his best.

That is why, although the result was not satisfactory, Kingsley still received the understanding of the wizards in the entire magical world.

Soon after that, a voice came from nowhere: let all wizards who had been associated with Voldemort be interrogated.

If they also lost their lives because of the unbreakable spell like the previous unlucky guy, it means that they are also remnants of Voldemort.

No one will sympathize with the bastards who tried to use werewolves to cause turmoil in the entire British wizarding world, and there are many people who hope to find an opportunity to kill them.

The most important thing is that someone pointed out that the senior adviser of the new minister is the greatest fortune teller of this century.

As long as Albert cooperates, the Ministry of Magic is fully capable of screening out most of the remnants of the Death Eaters in a short time.

However, this incident brought great pressure to those pure-bloods who had small ideas.

It was obviously impossible to expect the Ministry of Magic to be united, but even if they really wanted to do something, they only needed Kingsley to guide them a little. Even if they were not the remnants of Voldemort, they would probably have a lot of trouble next time.

But throwing all the problems to Kingsley?

This also means that they need to hand over a lot of things.

But in the end, everyone compromised. After all, if it was not handled properly, the werewolf disaster next month would only be more terrible.

No one wanted to get involved in this mess.

Kingsley was very happy to take back this part of the rights, and he had already thought about how to deal with this mess.

"We have contacted Mrs. Parkinson."

After meeting with Albert, Kingsley talked about the current progress.

There was no way, because Albert always looked like I was "too busy" and was not interested in the next thing.

So Kingsley would contact him first whenever there was anything important, and ask for his opinion by the way.

"So, you came to me because of this?"

"I need to make an unbreakable oath with Mrs. Parkinson so that everyone can complete this transaction with peace of mind."

"I can't help you bypass the unbreakable oath." Albert looked at Kingsley deeply: "Of course, if you want me to implant such a memory into Mrs. Parkinson, it's no problem, but it's hard to do it quietly without flaws."

"After the Ministry of Magic successfully solves the problems of werewolves and Voldemort's remnants, as long as the other party doesn't make trouble, they can't be cleared out." Kingsley talked about some of the contents he was discussing with Mrs. Parkinson.

"It doesn't seem like something you would do." Albert asked with a strange expression, "So, you want me to help you hand over the list to Nelson Tobin and his group?"

"I have a relevant agreement with Nelson Tobin." Kingsley said softly.

As for what Nelson Tobin and his group of Avengers want to do, it has nothing to do with Kingsley.

That's no problem.

Especially after learning that Voldemort's remnants had created a larger number of werewolves and were preparing to retaliate against the Ministry of Magic at the next full moon, Kingsley showed great "sincerity" in the negotiations.

He said that he could sign an unbreakable oath, but all the contents must be planned in advance, and even relevant backups were left.

If anyone dared to violate the contract, he would die, and both parties were even allowed to bring people to witness this.

The most amazing thing was that Kingsley did not hide it, but directly convened a Wizengamot meeting to discuss the matter publicly. This operation really shocked everyone speechless, probably because they had never seen Kingsley operate like this.

Albert also attended this emergency meeting, and everyone discussed it for a whole day before finally finalizing the final result.

The result was naturally satisfactory to most wizards, at least most of the pure bloods gave Kingsley a high evaluation.

After all, it was Kingsley who made the Unbreakable Vow, and he compromised with Voldemort's remnants for the sake of peace in the entire British wizarding world. Otherwise, once a larger number of werewolves caused chaos, even if all the Ministry of Magic went out together, they would not be able to solve the problem in a short time, and would only cause chaos in the entire wizarding world.

As for why it took so long, it was naturally to discuss the content of the Unbreakable Vow.

When Isobel heard Albert talking about this, she looked at her husband with a strange expression.

"Did you ask Kingsley to do that?"

He was just short of telling everyone that Kingsley was fair and square.

Once Voldemort's remnants really created a large number of werewolves, the revenge of the next full moon would really cause chaos in the entire wizarding world.

Then everyone should take the blame together!

No one can escape. At worst, the entire Ministry of Magic will be disbanded along with the Wizengamot.

Kingsley's actions did indeed make many people speechless. The most important thing was that the Wizengamot could not say anything. Organizing and participating in court trials was just one of the most common functions of Wizengamot members.

After talking about all the problems, no one could say anything to him if something went wrong. After all, Kingsley made an unbreakable oath for the peace of the entire wizarding world. He actually didn't have to do this. The Ministry of Magic owed him a Merlin medal.

Of course, Kingsley went to Albert mainly because he needed supporters, at least the consent of people from Albert's faction.

Otherwise, if everyone is unwilling to compromise, the mess that follows will be difficult to clean up.

Politics has always been about mutual compromise, and a dead-end situation is never a good choice.

As for those Voldemort remnants who jumped ship and survived, naturally everyone will help to keep an eye on them!

If you want to cause trouble, just announce your identity as planned and kill the person directly.

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