Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1677 A War Without a Winner (One Hundred and Twenty-Nine)

Chapter 1679 A war without a winner (one hundred and twenty-nine)

Before long, the huge Avalon was filled with the sour smell of love.

This is not surprising. They have just graduated from school and have not been affected by the bad trends in society as a whole. They still maintain relatively pure love values.

Moreover, without having to worry about their future, everyone makes no secret of their fantasies and desires for the opposite sex.

"So..." Albert smiled and asked Shanna beside him, "How many couples can't wait to live together?"

"Five couples have signed with me." Shanna said softly, "They are all the ones who plan to get engaged in a while."

"At least it's pretty smart." Albert nodded with satisfaction.

It may not be suitable for ordinary couples to live together, but it is no problem for unmarried couples to live together in advance.

"What do you plan to do with the remaining villas?" Shanna asked directly.

"Leave it for them first, and then decide what to do with it after they get married." Albert stopped, looked sideways at Shanna and asked, "Anyone wants to move here?"

"Well, Ginny asked me to ask for help." She told the truth.

"Ron? I don't mind, but others may be unhappy." Albert looked at the villa in front again and said meaningfully, "After all, Ron came to help build Avalon. If he If he wants to get the same treatment, I suggest he find a girl to marry."

"That guy seems to like Granger." Speaking of this, Shanna had a very strange expression on her face, "But Granger seems to like someone more."

She obviously meant what she said.

"We don't interfere in emotional matters." Albert was not surprised that others could see that Hermione "admired" him, but so what?

He is already married, has a stable relationship and a happy marriage. As long as he keeps a good distance in front of everyone, no one will think otherwise.

"The rainy season is coming next. You can stop the construction outside and decorate your own home first. After the furniture is completed, you should be able to move here by the end of the year."

Albert knew that everyone had been waiting for this day for a long time, so he had no intention of losing his appetite.

"I think they'd be delighted."

Looking at Albert's still empty villa, Shanna suddenly asked: "But, when do you plan to move here?"

"I'm afraid I have to wait until Avalon is completely completed, then I can bring little Alice here. She is still very young and can't stand the trouble." Albert will naturally move here, otherwise he will look very uncomfortable. Sociable.

Whether you can live there or not, and how long you can live there, are two different things.

Moreover, after everything here comes to an end, Albert will go traveling around the world with his family.

"That's true." Shanna could understand Albert's concerns, but still reminded, "However, it is best to complete the decoration issue in advance."

"Don't worry about this." Albert seemed to have thought of something, raised his wand and waved it lightly, summoned a roll of parchment out of thin air and handed it to Shanna and said, "This is the design drawing of the interior of the villa. I'm afraid we will have to trouble us next. Mr. Architect.”

"You don't mind if I use it for everyone to learn from." After Shanna took the roll of parchment, she looked at Albert who was quite speechless, with a pleasant smile on her lips.

"I think it would be more meaningful for the couple to discuss and complete their home together." Albert remembered that many people were discussing how to decorate their new homes.

"There's nothing we can do about it. They don't have experience in this area. Even if they try to learn from it, it will make a mess." Shanna almost said directly that everyone planned to copy Albert's answer.

There is nothing that can be done about it. Most wizards have never lived in the Muggle world. After suddenly having their own big villa, they don't know how to decorate it.

After walking around other people's villas, Albert suddenly understood why Shanna wanted everyone to copy the answers directly.

Otherwise, such a good villa would really be wasted.

"How about you take the time to give everyone a lesson some other time." Shanna tentatively suggested.

"It seems that this is the only way." Albert sighed helplessly.

Except for Zannah, who comes from a Muggle family, and made her new home very cozy, the others just didn't have any sense of aesthetics. It should even be said that they made their new home a mess, just like Harry Potter, who was used as a template. Just like the Te family, they have no idea what kind of home they want.

Yes, they don't know, or have no similar concept.

However, Albert also noticed that he made the stupidest decision to teach them how to decorate a new home. Except for those who were planning to get engaged, few were willing to listen. So, he directly asked the architect to make several templates for everyone, let them pick the one they like, and then copy and paste it directly into their villa.

In Fred's words: it saves time, effort and is beautiful.

"Just think it's okay for you." Albert didn't bother to make any other comments. He looked at Harry, who was rarely present, and asked with a smile, "Kingsley is finally willing to let you rest."

"Yes, after finally wiping out Voldemort's remnants, everyone can finally breathe a sigh of relief."

Speaking of this matter, the expression on Harry's face was particularly complicated, and he obviously knew the secret.

"Politics is like this. When you become the Minister of Magic one day, you will understand Kingsley's approach." Albert reached out and patted Harry's shoulder.

"If I can become the Minister of Magic, Percy will probably cry in the toilet." Harry showed a helpless bitter smile and gestured to Albert to chat.

As the two strolled along the path outside Avalon, they lowered their voices and talked about Nelson and his gang.

"I don't really agree with what they did, but I don't think I have the right to stop them." Albert shook his head and said, "Everyone has the right to revenge."

"Kingsley said something similar." Harry said distressedly, "I'm hesitating whether to give them the list."

"This is the meanness of Kingsley." Albert raised his mouth slightly, "He threw his troubles to you."

Harry was stunned for a moment, sighed heavily, and understood what Albert meant, and left a little lonely.

"What does Harry want you to do?"

Looking at Harry's back, Hermione raised her eyebrows and asked.

After Albert briefly talked about what happened some time ago, he silenced Hermione.

"So, Kingsley wants to use Nelson and his gang to get rid of the remaining Voldemort remnants." Hermione really couldn't imagine that Kingsley actually planned to do this.

"It should be said that he had to do that." Albert said meaningfully, "If it weren't for Nelson and his gang, Kingsley would probably choose to play badly, just like he did in the First Wizarding War and let those people go lightly."

"No wonder you hate politics so much." Hermione's expression was particularly complicated.

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