Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1678 A War Without a Winner (One Hundred and Thirty)

Chapter 1680 A War Without Winners (One Hundred and Thirty)

Since Voldemort's remnants were betrayed by their own people and wiped out by the Ministry of Magic, the British wizarding world has finally ushered in peace again. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and a long-lost smile reappeared on their faces. They also had a little more recognition of the new Minister Kingsley.

However, Kingsley himself had no time to pay attention to the outside world's evaluation of himself, because he found that he, or the Ministry of Magic, was in big trouble.

After Voldemort's remnants were completely wiped out, the large number of Aurors recruited by the Ministry of Magic lost their original value.

It's not that the British Ministry of Magic no longer needs Aurors, but that it no longer needs such a large number of Aurors.

The main reason is that it is too expensive to keep a group of Aurors for a long time. The pitiful funds of the Ministry of Magic cannot withstand such consumption, and it is easy to have funding problems.

For this reason, it is imperative to lay off some staff in the Auror Office.

But this is a thankless and troublesome thing. The Aurors worked hard for several months to stay up late and work overtime for the peace of the British wizarding world. As a result, after they finally got rid of Voldemort's remnants, the reward they received was a layoff notice from the Ministry of Magic?

That would make them explode on the spot.

Even if they really wanted to get rid of the donkey after it had done its work, they had to do it in a nice way.

Of course, Kingsley couldn't do that on the surface. Unless he wanted to be abandoned by everyone, he would never do such a stupid thing.

So, he really needed a suitable excuse.

Fortunately, there were too many messes to be cleaned up at the moment, and the Accidental Magic Reversal Team and the Invisibility Task Force could not handle it at all, so... Kingsley decided to withdraw some Aurors to help.

Although Aurors are not professional in doing these things, as the most elite employees of the Ministry of Magic, Aurors can actually do most of the work.

Therefore, some of the less elite Aurors were seconded to the crisis response team established by Scrimgeour to help the Ministry of Magic deal with the mess left by Voldemort's remnants.

After they stayed in that position for a few months, they would be seamlessly transferred to new positions by Aurors, or helped to transfer to the positions they wanted.

Cedric was in a similar situation. This unlucky guy had received Albert's advice in advance and was worried about his next job.

He was not worried about losing his job, but he would need to find a new job after his term at Hogwarts ended in July next year, and he would have to face the crisis of salary cut.

You should know that the salary of Auror is much higher than that of other ordinary employees of the Ministry of Magic, which allows him to live a worry-free life after marrying Qiu Zhang.

At least, they don't have to live a tight life.

This is also one of the reasons why Cedric was willing to come to Hogwarts to teach.

It is also the main reason why he did not want to give up his job at the Ministry of Magic and agreed to Professor McGonagall to stay at Hogwarts to teach.

There is no way. The salary of professors at Hogwarts is really not high, especially when Qiu Zhang does not have a suitable job at present. With that meager salary, he can't support his family.

At least he can't live a good life.

Although Albert had comforted him and told him not to worry about these problems, Cedric still couldn't help but sigh: "It's not all good to restore peace to the British wizarding world."

"If other people heard you say this, they would probably beat you up." Albert smiled at his depressed friend and comforted him with a smile: "After the "Guide to Defense Against the Dark Arts" is completed, you will be able to have an additional stable income."

"That's not much, you have lowered the price yourself." Cedric continued to work.

"If you think it's too little, I can pay you all the royalties in one go, which should be at least a hundred or a thousand Galleons!"

"Don't do that."

Cedric shook his head and refused directly. He didn't think his help was worth the price, and he didn't want to let his good friend spend money. He seemed to have hastily changed the subject in order to avoid Albert from continuing to mention this matter.

"Since Kingsley became the Minister of Magic, I always feel that he has changed a lot."

"It's not easy for that guy to do what he does in his position." Albert naturally understood what Cedric meant, and shook his head to explain, "If he didn't have some tricks, he really couldn't handle the current mess. It's just that he is not very honest to cheat his own people."

"I thought you hated him."

Cedric looked at Albert's evaluation of Kingsley in surprise.

"I really don't like him, but it doesn't prevent me from evaluating him." Albert is still relatively fair in doing things.

Just then, the door of the office was knocked, and Hermione came in with a few books.

After greeting the two, he put the books he got from the library on the table, then sat back in his seat and continued to do the final proofreading task.

After finishing the work at hand, Hermione put down the parchment in her hand and asked about some rumors she had heard recently: "I heard that several couples in Avalon are planning to get engaged in the near future?"

"Yes, probably because everyone can't wait to live a happy cohabitation life!" Albert's mouth curled up a faint smile.

"Live together?"

Hermione was shocked, and the expression on her face suddenly became very strange.

"Yes, live together. However, it is better to be careful about this kind of thing." Cedric was more in favor of Albert's approach, so as to prevent these young people dominated by desire from messing around and making jokes.

"As far as I know, most of the girls have already found their partners." Hermione winked at the two and said in a gossipy tone: "Moreover, many people have already privately... ahem, of course I just heard about it."

In the Defense Association, the proportion of girls is relatively small, and there are no particularly ugly ones. With the friendship of fighting together, it is not surprising to find a suitable partner after such a long time together.

"By the way, why are you so gossipy?" Albert looked at Hermione speechlessly and asked: "And where did you get this information from?"

"Girls' private whispers." Hermione blinked and said, "They are even betting whether you will find other lovers."

Cedric next to him couldn't help laughing, and said with a gloating face, "You are still as popular as ever with the girls."

"Shut up."

Albert glared at Cedric fiercely.

"Okay, okay!" Cedric shrugged, "You guys really talk about everything."

"Maybe it's too boring." Hermione sighed, "Some girls are actually bolder than you think, and they don't care about food when they talk."

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