Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1679 A War Without a Winner (One Hundred and Thirty-one)

Chapter 1681 A war without a winner (one hundred and thirty-one)

This situation is actually quite normal.

It’s just that I usually disguise myself better.

There was a ready-made case in front of Cedric. No matter how hard he thought, he never imagined that the two people in front of him were a pair of dogs... lovers.

In fact, let alone Cedric, even among Albert's other friends, no one would think that Albert had other lovers in private.

In most people's inherent impression, Albert has always been a dedicated man. He has been in love with Isobel for several years. After graduation, he couldn't wait to get married and have children. The two of them had a happy marriage and a very good relationship. Stability and love, no one would even think of it.

Of course, Cedric didn't have time to pay attention to that. He was more concerned about his income.

Although he had expected that his income would definitely drop sharply in the second half of the year, he was still extremely depressed when he encountered it.

When I first came to teach at Hogwarts, I was half-hearted, thinking that I could find a good job for myself after completing the task as soon as possible and returning to the Ministry of Magic.

But after learning about Kingsley's follow-up arrangements for the Aurors, it was really hard not to let Cedric think too much.

Those Aurors who fought on the front line for peace in the magical world all ended up like that.

What about him?

"I guess not many people will be willing to help him in the future." Cedric said with malice: "Many people sympathize with Nelson's group."

It was just sympathy. For the sake of so-called peace, everyone subconsciously sacrificed the right of Nelson and his gang to take revenge and directly ignored their anger, but now he felt that many people would sympathize with it.

"No wonder there are more and more people secretly supporting Nelson's revenge." Cedric muttered and left.

After Hermione and Albert looked at each other, they lowered their voices and asked, "Cedric doesn't know that Nelson and Kingsley are collaborating in private, right?"

"I don't know, this kind of thing is destined to be known to only a few people." Albert looked at the reopened office and said softly, "However, Kingsley also planted a bomb for himself. A group of people full of hatred did this. It’s not surprising anything happens.”

"Have you made a prophecy for Kingsley?" Hermione heard the implication of Albert's words.

"Well, it exploded in the end, and it also affected Kingsley. Overall, the result was not very good."

"But, wouldn't this be too... I mean Kingsley actually did a good job, although in some things it is true..."

"Neither you nor I are involved." Albert reminded.

"Feel sorry……"

"This incident was probably released by Kingsley to test everyone's reaction. There is actually nothing wrong with what he did, but the target was wrong."

Kingsley's actions really left people speechless.

"The wrong person?" Hermione repeated.

"If you are just an employee of the Ministry of Magic, there is nothing wrong with spreading some rumors to see everyone's reaction. But this time it is to test Kingsley's own supporters, especially those Aurors who have been busy for several months. If you say you have no resentment, then it is Impossible." Albert understood it very well, having seen many similar things in his previous life.

If we really want to compare, Kingsley actually has some integrity, but not many people would be willing to understand him.

"The best way is to give everyone a bounty first, and then find an opportunity to explain the current situation to them and make follow-up arrangements." Albert actually did not say some words directly.

Everyone was very dissatisfied with Kingsley. In the final analysis, the British Ministry of Magic was too stingy. It did not give enough Galleons and even started to burn bridges halfway. Otherwise, even if other people were dissatisfied after being informed, they could understand Kingsley. Lai's dilemma.

"Didn't you give Kingsley any advice?" Hermione asked confused.

"The Ministry of Magic is out of money. Kingsley is discussing a house raid. He wants to use the Galleons from Voldemort's remnants to pay the Aurors, but I guess it will be difficult unless Kingsley has enough courage to act arbitrarily."

Albert is not optimistic about Kingsley. Although this new minister has done better than the previous ones, he is still restrained by the British Ministry of Magic. He dare not try many things rashly, otherwise there will be no werewolves. It's broken.

As Albert expected, the news quickly spread privately in the Ministry of Magic, and everyone was whispering about it.

The Aurors looked at Kingsley with something wrong.

They have been busy for several months, but instead of receiving a promotion or salary increase, they are likely to face the risk of transfer.

Hatred is not something to be reckoned with, but disappointment is inevitable.

Being stabbed in the back by one of your own was so cruel that it was hard not to think of some of Kingsley's previous actions.

"Did I do something wrong?"

When Kingsley took the time to talk to Albert about this matter, his face was full of depression. He felt that he had taken good care of his own people by doing that.

"Then it depends on which angle you look at it from." Albert could easily guess what Kingsley was thinking: "If you are looking at it from the perspective of the Minister of Magic, you are not wrong, but if you are looking at it from the perspective of the Minister of Magic, From the perspective of Voldemort’s comrades..."

Albert did not continue, but the meaning was already obvious.

What Kingsley did has chilled a lot of people's hearts. Don't expect others to help you in the future.

You must know that many members of Dumbledore's Army joined the Ministry of Magic with Harry and became Aurors against dark wizards. The main reason was to help Kingsley stabilize the current situation. I hope that the other party can be brought to the British wizarding community as soon as possible. Peace.

Albert looked at Kingsley who was drinking coffee by himself and reminded him softly: "In fact, as long as you are sincere and sincere, and pull other people in the Ministry of Magic out to take the blame together, everyone can understand your difficulties."

But Kingsley didn't do that. I don't know if he became arrogant or for other reasons. Anyway, he let people leak the news in advance to test everyone's reaction, which tasted like treating others as fools.

Maybe most people can't think of this, but there are always a few who can see the situation clearly.

"I really envy you!" Kingsley smiled bitterly: "No wonder Dumbledore would never become the Minister of Magic before."

"In fact, you have other ways." Albert reminded.

Kingsley seemed to have thought of it, but he was silent again.

Kingsley naturally thought of the way Albert said, but...

"No wonder you act like that."

If everyone is one of them, they naturally hope to be more sincere, and Albert has undoubtedly done it. Of course, there is also the reason that he is generous enough, so there are many wizards around Albert.

Think about the people in the Defense Association back then, few of them were willing to become Aurors.

"Do you think that would really work?"

"That's the art of politics, isn't it?"

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