Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1681 A War Without a Winner (One Hundred and Thirty-three)

Chapter 1683 A War Without a Winner (One Hundred and Thirty-three)

I don’t know what happened, but the weather in October was very cold and the rain was very heavy. The freezing rain poured down from the sky, soaking everyone.

Many people caught the flu because of this. Katrina, who originally thought she could monopolize Albert for a long time, also caught a cold and fell ill soon after.

She suspected that she was infected after contacting her mother last time. Fortunately, it was after the special medicine was invented, which saved her a lot of trouble.

Katrina took the opportunity to close the witch beauty shop for a few days.

Of course, customers can still order medicine through owl mail, and Mrs. Primpinel will still take time to deliver it to customers on time every day.

As Albert said, as long as the benefits are given enough, Mrs. Primpinel will be even more active than you.

Therefore, Katrina was very relieved to hand over the shop to the other party, and she took the opportunity to take a vacation and rest her body in the hope of recovering as soon as possible.

Looking out the window at Hogsmeade Village immersed in the rain, Katrina murmured to herself: "I don't know when he will come back?"

After lowering the curtains again to block the cold outside the thick curtains, the girl stepped on the soft wool carpet to the fireplace to warm herself. The fireplace was burning with a blazing flame, dispelling the cold around her.

Katrina sat back on the soft recliner, covered herself with the warm wool blanket, reached out to take the newspaper from the small round table next to her, and read the latest front-page news with the help of the light of the fire.

It was a report about the current flu, but what made Katrina frown was that the report only briefly mentioned the reason why the flu could be curbed so quickly, and even Albert, the developer of the special medicine, did not mention it at all.

"What a group of ungrateful guys."

Katrina threw the newspaper directly into the fireplace and watched it burn to ashes in the flames.

She instinctively felt disgusted by this. Maybe Albert himself didn't care, but Katrina still felt that some guys couldn't take it for granted.

If the flu continued to ferment for a while, the front-page news of the Daily Prophet would not be as light as it is now.

Sure enough, people don't know how to cherish things that are too easy to get, let alone have a trace of gratitude.

As a senior executive of St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Diseases, Mrs. McDougal knew better than most people how difficult this flu was. Even those experienced therapists didn't have any good solutions for the current flu. At least they couldn't prepare special medicines in a short time. If patients wanted to recover completely, they had to spend a lot of time to slowly adjust.

That means that recovery requires a lot of costs, which is a burden that many people can't bear.

It is for this reason that the dean of St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Diseases personally wrote a letter to express his gratitude to Albert, and even proposed to invite Albert to become a special consultant of St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Diseases. It is not difficult to see Albert's accomplishments in this area from the fact that he spent only two days to develop a special medicine for influenza, not to mention that the preparation of this special medicine is also not easy.

So, after some discussions, Albert was given the title of consultant of St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, just like the consultant of the Minister of Magic, but it is unknown how many transactions he made.

"You are famous again!"

Looking at Albert who was about to roll his eyes, Sana smiled and stuffed a newspaper into Albert's hand.

"What is this?"

Albert looked at the headlines in confusion.

"Defense Express."

"Defense Express?"

Albert flipped back two pages, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Are they going to change their style and publish a newspaper?"

"It seems that they think the Second Wizarding War is over. If they only publish the Defense Against the Dark Arts magazine, the audience will be relatively small." Shanna noticed Albert's reaction and couldn't help asking, "Are there any problems?"

"There are many magazines in the British wizarding world, which means that many magazines do not have their own characteristics. I doubt that once the Defense Express loses its own characteristics, it may soon be drowned in other newspapers and magazines." Albert gave his own opinion, "Maybe, focusing on one field does not have a large audience, but at least it is relatively stable, and it should also be welcomed by Hogwarts students."

"By the way, when did Sirius care so much about the magazine?"

This is what surprised Albert the most.

"It seems to be Remus's idea." Lee Jordan came out of nowhere and interrupted, "I think he probably doesn't want to... well, want to do something for the magazine!"

"That's not surprising, but it's better not to change it." Albert could understand Lupin's idea. He wanted to do something for the magazine, so it's not surprising that he would use his brain to find a way, but the only problem is that sometimes it's easier to go wrong if you mess around.

Even if the Second Wizarding War is over now, some people choose to withdraw from Defense Express, but there will always be people who are willing to read it. What's more, the magazine has accumulated a group of fans during the Second Wizarding War. Many students at Hogwarts also like it, and this money is enough to maintain the normal operation of the magazine plus Lupin's salary.

But once it loses its characteristics, a magazine with little experience is likely to be unable to compete with other magazines.

By then, let alone salary, the magazine might not even be able to survive

"You see it clearly, don't you!"

Sannah felt that her thoughts were clearer. She originally thought that it was not a good idea.

"It's not that I see it clearly, but I think Lupin doesn't need to gamble. If he had a lot of Galleons, I would never stop him from trying, but Lupin doesn't have it. He has no trial and error costs at all. Right now, he is still counting on this job to make money to support his family. If the magazine is gone, where will he find another decent job?" Albert could of course give Lupin another one, but the magazine was founded by him and Sirius, and it meant more to them.

Fortunately, Lupin did not lose his mind. He probably had such an idea, but he still came to consult Albert first to hear his opinion on this matter.

The feedback he got also disappointed Lupin.

"Okay, old friend, I think Albert is right." Sirius patted Lupin on the shoulder and comforted him. "First of all, we don't have that many people, nor do we have any experience. It would be unwise to rashly get involved in the newspaper field. Besides, there's nothing wrong with focusing on Defense Against the Dark Arts. In the future, we can also develop semi-academic weekly magazines such as Transfiguration Today and Spell Innovation."

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