Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1682 A War Without a Winner (One Hundred and Thirty-four)

Chapter 1684 A war without a winner (one hundred and thirty-four)

Lupine naturally understood what Sirius meant, and after careful consideration, he gave up his bold idea. As Albert said, this is never something that can be done with a hot head.

They first need enough manpower, which is what the magazine currently lacks.

Of course, they could hire other people, but the magazine's remaining funds wouldn't allow that. Even if the magazine did make a small profit some time ago, it would still not be enough to cause such harm to them.

After Lupine calmed down again, he realized that he had almost done something irreversible in a flash of his mind.

You can't really blame Lu Ping for this. He watched the number of people ordering "Wizard Express" drop rapidly, and the good situation disappeared. It was inevitable to feel anxious and unstable.

It is not difficult to understand that Lupine is trying to do something to attract more readers and restore the decline of "Wizard Express".

"Sorry, I..." Lu Ping hesitated.

"Well old man, you didn't do anything."

Sirius reached out and patted Lupine on the shoulder, comforting: "You just want to try a new track, but unfortunately we don't have the capital to try and make mistakes."

Yes, they don’t have Galleons, and they don’t have the capital to try and make mistakes!

For this reason, Lu Ping was depressed for several days, and suddenly laughed at himself for his delusions. After his bad life finally got better with the help of others, he actually wanted to do something further?

Fortunately, his attention was quickly attracted by other things.

Tonks brought back news from the Ministry of Magic that Kingsley was pushing for werewolf-related laws. To ensure that werewolves are in a controlled situation during the full moon.

It probably means finding a place where the werewolves can transform during the full moon so that they can be managed uniformly.

“Can such a bill really be implemented?”

Sirius was the first to question this. There were similar bills before, but they were all useless.

No one wants to admit that they are a werewolf.

No one wants to be discriminated against because of being a werewolf.

"Yes, many people think so, but I heard that Kingsley plans to impose the law by force." Tonks looked at Lupin slightly uneasily and said, "It is said that the law is currently stuck in the Galleons budget issue. superior."

"Perhaps, we can ask Kingsley or Percy directly." Sirius said without thinking, "I think they won't be stingy in revealing some useful information to us."

However, the contact with Kingsley was not smooth. Since the other party became the new minister, this old friend has become farther and farther away from them. Therefore, Sirius had to contact Percy through Mr. Weasley. Fortunately, as the minister's assistant, Percy did know a lot of secrets.

"Yes, the minister wants to fundamentally solve the werewolf problem." Percy knew Kingsley's intentions very well.

"I'm afraid this will be difficult."

Everyone frowned. There had been no successful cases in history.

"At least now is the best time." Percy explained, "The number of werewolves in the UK is at an all-time low."

"That's true."

Everyone looked at each other, but they had not forgotten the large number of werewolves who died during the Battle of Hogwarts.

"As long as we control the remaining werewolves, we can control the number of werewolves from the source."

"Control the remaining werewolves?"

Lupine repeated Percy's exact words, frowning deeply.

"Yes, the way is very simple, that is to find a respectable job for the werewolf." Percy softly said something shocking.

"Find a respectable job for werewolves?" Everyone wondered if they heard correctly.

"I don't know the specific situation. According to the budget, this doesn't actually require many galleons."

"What if you don't want to go?" Lu Ping suddenly asked.

"Of course it's not necessary, but you must accept unified management during the full moon." Percy explained, "Moreover, most werewolves live a miserable life. They often can't find a job, so they might as well work for the Ministry of Magic, which at least includes... There is money for food and accommodation, not to mention being surrounded by werewolves, so there is no need to worry about being discriminated against by others. "

"I dare say that this is definitely the idea given to Kingsley by Albert, and only he dares to propose such a bold idea." Sirius couldn't help but muttered.

"What if there are werewolves who are unwilling?" Lu Ping suddenly asked, "You should also know that many werewolves are unwilling to reveal their identities."

"Then they'd better pray that their identities are not exposed, otherwise they will directly become the targets of the Aurors once they are exposed." Percy said the most terrifying words in the calmest tone.

"After all, after most of the werewolves are controllable, the other small number of hidden werewolves naturally need to be forcibly eliminated."

"Do you think Kingsley can pull it off?"

Lupine was silent for a moment, then turned to ask Sirius.

"I don't know, but the probability is not low. I very much doubt that Kingsley plans to promote this to the whole world?" Sirius thought that it would be a good thing if it succeeded, and it could solve the werewolf problem from the source.

I believe that most werewolves would hope to have a decent job and live a reasonably satisfying life.

Their requirements for quality of life are really not high. The Ministry of Magic can completely provide this part of the work, and it doesn't cost much.

Don't forget, werewolves are also human beings. They can work and produce value, so the Ministry of Magic doesn't need to pay too many Galleons for this, and can easily solve the huge hidden danger of werewolves.

The biggest problem now is where the start-up capital comes from!

The fastest way is to attack the treasury of the exterminated Voldemort remnants, but this is not smooth and has even been blocked. Pure-blood wizards are afraid that someone will set this precedent.

Stringer has actually done something similar, but it's not so radical.

"I don't think the probability of them agreeing is high."

"Of course I know they don't want to set this precedent, and I know what they are afraid of, but we need a large amount of Galleons to promote subsequent bills... They will always need to compromise." Kingsley is not worried about this problem at all. He believes that after the last werewolf incident, British wizards will definitely want to completely solve the werewolf problem.

Once this matter is brought up for public discussion, it will become inevitable to use the legacy of the Death Eater family that caused the chaos to fill the mess they left behind.

But this is a powerful weapon, and Kingsley dare not use it casually, so he patiently gave others time to figure out how to solve the funding problem.

During this period, Kingsley promoted the bill in an orderly manner, popularized how to identify werewolves, and gradually revealed the treatment of werewolves in the UK and the subsequent werewolf bill, so as to completely eradicate the crisis that werewolves can bring.

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