Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1686 A War Without a Winner (One Hundred and Thirty-Eight)

Chapter 1688 A war without a winner (one hundred and thirty-eight)

If Albert knew the choice Fred made, he would definitely be very happy about it.

Love is something that should be given to each other, and unilateral giving will only make people bruised and bruised.

So licking a dog is doomed to a bad death.

However, it seems that Fred was stimulated by this incident and focused more energy on his work, and chose to let the relationship with Angelina take its course.

In Albert's words, if you really want to be together, you will definitely get together in the end.

He also thinks this is right!

Fred's change was not obvious, but it was still noticed by the girls in love.

Although everyone was surprised that there would be problems in Fred and Angelina's relationship, after all, it was their private matter, so no one asked any more questions.

Angelina naturally noticed the changes in Fred.

Ever since their in-depth talk that night, Fred was no longer as enthusiastic as before. He spent most of his time busy with his own affairs and no longer made time to spend time with her every day. It felt like the relationship between the two had changed again. Former friendships.

Fred's indifference made Angelina feel cold in her heart, but Angelina couldn't complain because Fred also said that he planned to earn more galleons in the next few years to prepare for the future.

But is it really their future?

It should be said that Fred is preparing for himself and his future wife.

As for Fred's wife, will it be Angelina?

I'm afraid it's still unknown.

At least after Fred's attitude towards her changed, Angelina lost faith in it.

Although neither of them would say it out loud, something was definitely wrong with their fragile relationship, at least in Angelina's mind.

As for the reason, Angelina naturally knows it.

But in her opinion, even if they delay getting married for three or four years, it is not too late. At that time, they will still be very young and their mentality will be much more mature than now.

However, this obviously did not meet Fred's final expectations. He did not have Angelina's confidence, and he was even less sure whether his relationship with Angelina could withstand the test of time without deterioration.

However, he still chose to respect the other party's choice.

What else could happen?

"So you're planning on postponing your wedding until after you retire from Holyhead Harpies?"

Qiu Zhang looked at Angelina in disbelief, unable to believe that the other party would actually make such a decision.

Putting aside the fact that Quidditch players have a very long professional lifespan, even if they retire after four years as Angelina said, will there really be no problems with their relationship?

"Any questions?"

Angelina was confused by the confusion and shock on Cho Chang's face after hearing about her and Fred's decision.

"Of course there is a problem. You are already engaged, but you plan to move the wedding to four years later. Is Fred crazy? If you really do that, why do you want to get engaged in advance?" Qiu Zhang felt that the two of them were completely screwed up. Engagement is a joke.

This is much more prudent than finding a boyfriend, otherwise it will be easy to make a joke.

"When are you and Cedric going to get married?" Angelina quickly changed the subject.

"The date is set for July next year. We still have more than half a year to prepare for the wedding." Speaking of this matter, Qiu Zhang's face was filled with the radiance of happiness: "Even if I accidentally get pregnant by then, It won’t be too obvious.”

The expression on Angelina's face suddenly froze, and she realized what she was missing.


The happiness of being together with your lover!

Even though Harry and Ginny are recognized as the worst, Angelina can still see happy smiles on their faces, but she rarely has such smiles when getting along with Fred. Feel.

Shortly after Angelina walked away in despair, Fred appeared out of nowhere, nodded slightly to express his thanks to Qiu Zhang, and then quietly turned around to leave.

"Are you really going to give up?" Qiu Zhang opened his mouth and asked.

"I have already made all the efforts that I should make. If that is Angelina's choice, I will silently support her choice. As for what will happen in the future, no one knows what will happen in the future."

Now Fred is able to deal with this relationship calmly.

As for whether their relationship can withstand the test of time.

He could accept it no matter what the outcome was.

In the following time, Angelina began to run to the Holyhead Harpies and discussed with the team about entering the Holyhead Harpies for trial training.

Just like Ginny was able to join the Holyhead Harpies in the original book, Angelina was able to successfully join the team because a certain chaser of the Holyhead Harpies was about to retire.

After Angelina told her good friend Aaliyah the good news that she could go on trial with the Holyhead Harpies, she naturally received her blessing quickly.

However, what Aaliya said next made her expression completely freeze.

"Then I'm afraid you have to advance the wedding date. Otherwise, with all the time taken up by competition and training, I'm afraid you won't be able to spare much time for the wedding."

"I've discussed it with Fred and we plan to postpone the wedding." Angelina whispered.

"Perhaps, we can hold a wedding together. This is very similar to what Fred and George can do."

During the time of dating George, Katie has been able to face the relationship between the two parties calmly.

"Aren't you engaged yet?" Alia's expression was particularly strange.

"If nothing unexpected happens, we will be engaged next year and married the year after." Katie felt that there was nothing wrong with marrying George. At least the two knew each other at Hogwarts, and they were close friends and had a good relationship.

Recently, the two went out on dates whenever they were free, and their relationship warmed up quickly.

They talked about their own relationship problems again, and Alia couldn't help but complain about Wood's "busyness", but it was not difficult to see that the relationship between the two was still stable, but Angelina kept silent for some reason.

Especially when talking about planning to attend bride training, Angelina was always distracted.

Usually, girls don't actually need the so-called "bride training".

However, for young couples who plan to enter the marriage hall right after graduating from school, relevant education in this area is still very necessary.

At least you can't mess up your future family because you don't know anything after getting married.

However, the most interesting thing is that the person responsible for teaching this lesson to the girls was not their mother, but Isobel.

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