Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1687 A War Without a Winner (One Hundred and Thirty-nine)

Chapter 1689 A war without a winner (one hundred and thirty-nine)

"This is an interesting job." Isobel commented.

How interesting it is, Albert doesn't know yet. The first half of the "Guide to Defense Against the Dark Arts" is about to be completed. He needs to devote most of his energy to this matter in the near future, and he can't spare any energy to focus on other things.

However, Albert was still happy for Isobel. Taking care of young Alice was a relatively boring task. Life needed some spice after all, and it was a good thing to find something interesting.

"Finally done."

Hermione jumped up from her seat, almost throwing away the pile of manuscript paper in front of her, and gave everyone a "goddess shower" to celebrate the fruits of these months of labor.

"When are you going to publish it?"

Cedric also stood up from his seat and stretched out to relax. In recent days, he not only had to go to class to correct students' homework, but he also had to come over to help check and proofread the final draft, but he was very busy.

"Tomorrow, I'll write a letter over there later."

After putting the complete manuscript into the document bag and using a spell to make a copy for himself as a backup, Albert planned to send it in person tomorrow.

Of course, you can also use owl mail, but after all, it is the result of a lot of hard work by everyone. Albert feels that he should be on the safe side, even if he will keep the original version.

"By the way, remember to come to Halloween in a few days. I heard Principal McGonagall said that she was going to invite the weird sisters to the school to help sing." Cedric seemed to know what Albert wanted to say, so he interrupted in advance, "The main thing is Because Hogsmeade is still under reconstruction, we have to find a way for students who cannot go to Hogsmeade to vent. "

"Oh, it's really surprising. Do they finally know how to understand the students?" Albert's expression was extremely strange, and his tone sounded even more sinister.

"I heard that there will be stage performances and Hogwarts choruses at the Halloween party. Principal McGonagall also asked someone to compile a song, intending to use Halloween to celebrate the victory of the Second Wizarding War." Cedric pretended Not hearing Albert's weird words, he waved his magic wand to summon a vinyl record and a piece of parchment recording the music out of thin air, and continued, "Principal McGonagall also wants you to lead the singing for everyone."

"I'm not good at singing."

Albert didn't even bother to look at the music score and rejected it directly, "Besides, I think it's better for the principal to lead the singing group himself."

"You only need to take the lead, and then you can pretend to hum along with everyone else. The chorus doesn't need to be formal anyway." Cedric said in a coaxing tone.

"Guess whether I believe your nonsense or not."

Albert couldn't help but rolled his eyes at Cedric. How could he not know what it was like to sing the school song every year at Hogwarts after staying in this castle for seven years?

I don't know if it was because of Albert's decisive refusal, but Principal McGonagall actually came to talk to him about this matter in person, and also said a lot of things that made him very impatient.

However, due to face issues on both sides, Albert finally agreed to go on stage to lead the singing. In the words of Principal McGonagall, he was the only one with enough weight.

Albert naturally didn't believe this nonsense, but he couldn't bear to get into trouble with the other party over such a trivial matter.

But this incident also made him more determined to take his family to travel around the world next year. No matter what happens then, it will have nothing to do with him.

"You don't seem very happy." Hermione was keenly aware of Albert's change in mood.

"No one likes to be forced into something." Albert made no secret that he did not want to attend the Halloween party a few days later

"Then why not refuse?" Hermione was very confused.

"Because McGonagall is the principal, and I am still teaching at Hogwarts, and the relationship between the two parties was not bad before." Albert looked down at the girl in his arms, "Besides, use less of favors. That is, Now, when I start traveling around the world next year, they won’t be able to bother me anymore.”

"What should I do if I miss you during that period?" Hermione raised her head and kissed Albert's cheek and asked seriously.

"We can meet through the two-way mirror." Albert said without thinking.

"Will you come back secretly to see me?" Hermione asked expectantly.

"Of course." Albert's answer did not disappoint Hermione.

"I knew you wouldn't leave me behind." Hermione hugged Albert's neck and gave him a deep kiss. This was a precursor to intimacy, but Albert's sexiness didn't seem to be high today.

"What's wrong?"

Hermione asked in confusion when she didn't get an enthusiastic response.

"When Nu joins the Ministry of Magic, maybe he won't miss me so much." Albert said softly.

"Why?" Hermione was even more confused.

"Because you are in a different environment, your mentality may change." Albert patted Hermione and asked her to get off him. "Percy is actually a ready-made example. This is also the case for many lovers after graduation. The main reason for the breakup not long after.

"I'm not Percy." Hermione was a little unhappy.

"I'm just giving an example casually." Albert shook his head.

"So, you are worried that I will abandon you?" Hermione's expression became extremely weird.

"I'm just worried that you will regret it." Albert knew very well that after taking the oath, Hermione had no right to regret it.

"I won't regret it, never," Hermione said firmly.

"That's good, because even if you really regret it, I can't help you." Albert said softly.

"You don't seem to believe in the relationship between us." Hermione was quite dissatisfied with this, "Or do you do this to other lovers?"

"That's not the case, they don't need me to worry."

"Why?" Hermione looked like you had to make things clear.

"Because we all have some interests, but you are different." Albert couldn't help but laugh at himself, "It's ridiculous to say, but sometimes interests make the relationship more solid."

"Are you implying that I should get some benefits from you?" Hermione raised her eyebrows slightly, "Or do you think it's best for us to have a child."

"I'm just a little worried about you." Albert reached out and touched Hermione's head.

"I think your worries are unnecessary." Hermione snorted twice in dissatisfaction, "It would be better if you could spend more time with me."

"You have occupied most of my time recently."

There is a reason why Hermione's cheeks are rosy and she is getting more and more radiant and charming.

She didn't respond, but asked: "How many years do you plan to travel around the world?"

"I don't know, maybe one year, two years or even longer, just let it go."

"I really envy Isobel." Hermione also wanted to travel around the world, but she knew it was almost impossible unless she was willing to give up Britain and disappear for several years. Even if she was willing, Albert probably wouldn't agree.

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