Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1691 A War Without a Winner (One Hundred and Forty-three)

Chapter 1693 A war without a winner (one hundred and forty-three)

No one had ever thought that such heavy news would suddenly break out at Hogwarts' Halloween party. The stage play called "The Final Battle" soon spread throughout the British wizarding world through owls.

Kingsley, who received the news immediately, was shocked and angry. He couldn't believe that Professor McGonagall dared to disclose the "truth".

If those damn dark wizards learn to make Horcruxes, wouldn't the entire magical world be in chaos?

Just one Voldemort is enough, but if a few more guys like Voldemort appear, will everyone still be able to live their lives?

This incident directly caused panic in the British wizarding community. It is no wonder that Kingsley was so angry. In fact, it was Voldemort who left an indelible shadow on everyone.

"Perhaps, the situation is not as bad as we thought." Percy waited for Kingsley to vent his inner anger, and then pretended not to see it and said his guess, "They should all know the consequences of revealing the secret of the Horcrux. It caused terrible consequences, but they still did it. I think there is probably some hidden secret that we don't know about. I suggest talking to them first. Maybe Cedric's report is already on the way. "

Percy's words made Kingsley calm down again and asked him to contact Cedric immediately and ask what was going on.

Not long after, Cedric appeared at the Ministry of Magic through the fireplace and began to report the story he had planned in advance.

Kingsley did not doubt the content of the stage play, but he was half-convinced about the Horcrux. It's worth sending someone to investigate the Horcrux thing.

This matter has been exposed, so we must find out and give everyone an explanation.

In fact, Kingsley believed what Albert said. As long as he used his brain a little bit, it was not difficult to guess that Albert was right. Voldemort was indeed a powerful guy. There were even more powerful dark wizards than him in history. Not much really.

Even if someone does succeed in creating a Horcrux, do you really think you can reshape your body and live like Voldemort did after your death?

Just casting a spell without a wand can kill a lot of people, let alone mastering the magic of restoring the body.

The reason why Voldemort was able to survive was entirely because he was very powerful.

If you want to rely on Horcruxes to survive like Voldemort, you must have Voldemort's ability?

In the vast magical world, Albert is probably the only one who has that ability, but from his dismissive attitude towards Horcruxes, it is not difficult to guess that he will not do that at all.

"If you quietly reveal this matter to other pure-blood families, I think they will probably be curious about the secret of the Horcrux!"

After careful consideration, Kingsley handed Cedric's detailed report to Percy beside him and laughed at himself: "I just don't know how many people would really be tempted to try to make a Horcrux."

As a close friend of Harry Potter and one of the few people qualified to know the truth, Hermione's "Final Battle" script is naturally very convincing. After it spread in the British wizarding community, it immediately triggered widespread discussion and almost Everyone was discussing the Horcruxes.

The Ministry of Magic disclosed the Horcruxes not long after, which further solidified the truth. Everyone only selectively believed in some of the secrets about the Horcruxes. They all knew what kind of people the Ministry of Magic was. They usually only picked the secrets. Some reports that make sense to you.

Therefore, the broadcasts of Wizard Watchers have attracted everyone's attention, and they are the only ones who can truly rely on this matter.

To this end, they tried to invite Albert and Harry as special guests to reveal the secrets of the Horcruxes, but unfortunately only Harry came.

But it can be regarded as clarifying to everyone what kind of deceptive black magic Horcrux is. As for how many people believe it, it is unknown.

Anyway, in just two days, this incident spread throughout the European wizarding world and once again caused a damn commotion. All countries protested against the British Ministry of Magic through the International Federation of Wizards.

But Kingsley said very honestly that this matter had nothing to do with the British Ministry of Magic. After all, he was not the one who spread it, not to mention that Horcruxes are a sinkhole.

Not even halfway through November, a certain dark wizard who got the news tried to do just that.

The results were not as good as expected.

Splitting a soul is never an interesting thing, and it is not something that ordinary wizards can touch rashly.

Therefore, the consequences of creating Horcruxes soon appeared.

The unstable soul quickly developed various adverse symptoms. What surprised Albert the most was that the dark wizard's spellcasting was actually affected and became a semi-disabled person.

This is actually not surprising. According to Dumbledore, Horcruxes are actually not a secret in the circle of dark wizards. Dark wizards who don’t know the secret are probably not powerful characters. They are just trying to kill themselves. typical.

Many powerful dark wizards will even try to make Horcruxes. They are very aware of the deceptions of those things. This is one of the reasons why Principal McGonagall directly disclosed the information about Horcruxes.

After a few unlucky people were used as cases, all wizards avoided Horcruxes like snakes and scorpions. They even thought that the British Ministry of Magic deliberately released them to deceive people. After all, there were already several unlucky people who had to die in front of them. .

This matter should have gradually subsided by now. However, the most incomprehensible thing is that Voldemort, a dead man, has become the object of everyone's attention. After all, a guy who can use Horcruxes to become immortal is really not something that ordinary dark wizards can do. of.

Of course, Albert, who could kill Voldemort, also became a well-known figure in a short period of time. Various information about him soon revealed to everyone, which stunned most people.

Everyone realized that he was a more legendary figure than Dumbledore, and most importantly, he was only in his early twenties.

And the "Self-Defense Guide" and "Guide to Defense Against the Dark Arts" compiled by Albert himself began to spread throughout Europe under the promotion of the Obscure Book Company.

Because everyone realized that as long as they mastered the information in the books, their attainments in defense against the dark arts would not be too bad.

Even though it has not been completely compiled, it is still sought after by many wizards, and some wizard schools are even considering whether to use the "Guide to Defense Against the Dark Arts" as their textbook for defense against the dark arts.

Albert also made a lot of money because of this, and even Cedric couldn't believe his first share of the royalties.

However, the most amazing thing is that many authors want to help Albert write his autobiography, after all, his identity and deeds are all legendary.

Whether it was the numerous world awards or the fact that he was the only student of Nicolas Flamel, the name Albert was full of gimmicks.

However, they could not find Albert's home or the legendary Avalon, otherwise he would have been annoyed to death by reporters.

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