Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1692 A War Without a Winner (One Hundred and Forty-four)

Chapter 1694 A war without a winner (one hundred and forty-four)

Perhaps it is precisely because Albert has never appeared or accepted interviews from reporters that major newspapers and magazines that cannot profit from this huge wave of traffic have used their own subjective initiative to search for information related to Albert. Gossip and gossip.

All reporters know that publishing Albert's various gossips and pornographic history will definitely be more popular than interviews with him himself.

However, this was not an easy task. Reporters who were collecting intelligence everywhere discovered that Albert had no sexual history at all. Everyone had the same emotional impression of him, that is, he was devoted.

The only thing worth mentioning is getting married right after graduation, but that's all.

Even if Albert did have a few close female friends, they were just female friends, and there was no stain at all.

This made all the reporters scratch their heads anxiously. How could newspapers and magazines be so popular without breaking news? Didn’t you see that everyone was scolding them for being incompetent?

In the end, the reporters who were itchy and couldn't bear it, after a simple consultation, decided to use a unified approach to fabricate various tidbits for Albert to satisfy the preferences of the general public.

As for Albert, no one cares.

As soon as the tidbit was published, it was immediately well received, but it also angered many people.

What's weirder is that the McDougal family reacted very coldly to the latest reports and didn't take the so-called love story of sisters Albert and McDougal seriously at all.

In the tone of Mrs. McDougal chatting about this with her colleagues: How can I not know what is going on? I visit my little granddaughter Alice every week.

There is no doubt that this report is false, but many people who are not too dissatisfied are willing to believe that Albert has quietly captured the beautiful McDougal sisters.

There are various strange variations of similar tidbits, and they become more and more exaggerated as they spread. Hermione, who is also a good friend of Albert, has also been affected. However, Hermione had a similar experience earlier and did not care about other people's gossip at all. She still went her own way.

When a reporter came to interview her, Hermione bluntly pointed out, "Aren't you afraid of retribution for making up things like this and destroying other people's families?"

Hermione thought she knew Albert pretty well. That guy was not a person who liked to suffer losses. There was a high probability that these newspaper reporters would suffer retribution.

Upon learning of this, Principal McGonagall angrily stated that Hogwarts no longer welcomes any reporters to visit.

Even though the reporters hit a brick wall at Hogwarts, it still couldn't stop their high spirits.

Albert's tidbits have changed from maintaining super friendly relationships with several beautiful women to having several lovers. Anyway, he has become a playboy in the public's mind. Many people think that he is actually busy. He always keeps his whereabouts secret when dating other girls.

On the contrary, Albert himself didn't care at all. When talking about this matter in a Defense Against the Dark Arts class, he couldn't help but sigh: "The thing I look forward to most every day has become to open my eyes and read the newspaper, because every time I read it, Newspapers, I find myself with a lover or two.”

"The mouth grows on other people, you can never shut up people, and anyone with any brain will understand that these are made up by unscrupulous reporters for the sake of sales of newspapers and magazines."

"When you read these tidbits with relish, you don't know that you are being treated as a fool again, and this is not the first time this has happened. I am used to it."

Albert didn't care, but some people finally couldn't stand it anymore.

"That's just a rumor created by many newspapers for the sake of sales. Anyone who knows Albert knows that the relationship between the couple is very good, and Albert is also a very dedicated person."

Lee Jordan spoke with indignation about the recent rumors on the Wizard's Watch broadcast.

"I'm not surprised by this."

In an interview with the Daily Prophet, George talked about this matter calmly, "Because there have been too many times, both Harry and Dumbledore have had similar experiences. Many. People are more willing to believe what they want to believe, and they don’t care if they are regarded as a fool by others.”

"I think it's appropriate to use Albert's words: The only lesson mankind has learned from history is that mankind has learned no lessons from history."

"I think it's inappropriate and even offensive for them to make up Albert's story just for the sake of sales." Cedric said in a malicious tone when he took the initiative to be interviewed by the Daily Prophet. , "According to the latest gossip I got, the Ministry of Magic seems to be intending to take action and plan to fine newspapers and magazines for spreading rumors."

This news caused an uproar as soon as it came out, but many newspapers and magazines still scoffed at Cedric's words because there was no similar precedent in the Ministry of Magic.

But they soon stopped laughing, and just because they didn’t, didn’t mean they wouldn’t.

Kingsley happened to be short of money, so this was a good opportunity for him. Not only could he sell Albert a favor, he could also get a large sum of Galleons, and by the way, he could correct the bad habits in the British wizarding world, so as to avoid another day. Someone is spreading rumors on such a large scale.

The reason is also very simple. Based on what Albert has done, he deserves everyone's respect, rather than making up stories to slander his reputation. This is a great offense to him and the entire British magical community.

So, the Daily Prophet alone was fined a thousand Galleons, the rumor-mongering reporter was called to be interrogated with truth serum, and even the newspaper owner suffered.

All the magazines and newspapers that made up the story were fined a Galleon, as well as the reporters who made up the rumor. This was considered to be a return of all the benefits gained from this wave of traffic.

Albert's deeds also began to spread in the British wizarding world under the intentional guidance of the Ministry of Magic, making many people feel ashamed.

He had just defeated Voldemort and did a lot of good things, and you actually came to make trouble, which made people wonder whether there were Voldemort's remnants behind this.

Even if not, it was too much to slander Albert just for a little sales. If it wasn't punished more severely, it would be a bit sorry for Albert.

Moreover, in order to prevent similar things from happening, the Ministry of Magic showed no mercy at all. Don't forget that he is still the Minister's senior adviser!

Amid the wailing of countless magazines, this matter came to an end.

However, people who read the newspaper afterwards suddenly realized that they had become fools again. The most interesting thing was that Kingsley had announced that the high fine would be used to implement the subsequent werewolf isolation plan to ensure that the adverse effects brought by werewolves to the UK would be gradually eliminated.

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