Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1698 A War Without a Winner (One Hundred and Fifty)

Chapter 1700 A War Without Winners (One Hundred and Fifty)

Sanna pretended not to hear and walked side by side with him.

Albert didn't care and chatted about other things.

"Is there anyone willing to stay and help take care of the village?"

"I asked, Truman doesn't want to go back to the Ministry of Magic, he said he can stay to help." Shanna knew what Albert wanted to ask, so she continued, "Don't always think about solving all the problems at once, no one has experience in planting and breeding."

"There must be a prototype first, otherwise don't expect any follow-up."

Albert knew very well that if he couldn't even count on himself, it would be better not to count on others.

"You should trust them."

"I just trust them too much." Albert shook his head and said, "If I don't make a good plan before leaving, Avalon will be different when I come back."

Even if you do that, it won't change anything.

Sanna wanted to say that, but she didn't say it in the end.

She had also read Avalon's plan and knew what Albert wanted to do, but could it really be achieved?

There is always a gap between dreams and reality, and both of them are very clear about this.

"I will put a beautiful future in front of them." Albert's mouth curled up slightly, and he whispered, "Like a carrot tied in front of a donkey."

"This is a really bad description." Sana muttered.

"Whether they are willing to pursue such a life is their business."

"If they don't care, then what can I say? Avalon was built by them, and they should decide the future of this village themselves."

"So, in the early stage, do you really plan to pay them wages in person?" Sana suddenly changed the subject and asked.

"How is that possible? Even if I don't lack money, I don't have that much money," Albert shrugged under Sana's stunned eyes, "If Avalon develops as I expected, this village will have its own industry in the future, enough to support the residents here."


"I never lack technology." Albert said as a matter of course.

Sana was speechless, she understood what Albert meant.

If the residents of Avalon choose to go their own way, then he will just let it go.

"It's really a carrot in front of a donkey."

Sannah stared at Albert, "But I'm actually more curious about why you do this."

She didn't think it was Albert's noble moral integrity.

"Maybe it's because I already have everything I want, and I don't have any big life pursuits anymore."

This sounds like arrogant words, but it's true for Albert now.

Sannah was stunned, but then relieved.

"If I don't do some things, probably no one can do them."

"Of course, I actually hate spending too much time on things I don't like, just like I left the very profitable joke shop to Fred and George, the radio station to Lee Jordan, the magazine publishing house to Sirius Black, and Avalon, this great utopian experiment, to you. This way, I can not only help everyone, but also let them help me make some money."

"Make money?"

Sannah thought it was good enough for Albert not to lose money.

"Of course, I may not earn as much as you think. After all, I am not short of money, and I am not one of those blood-sucking capitalists in the Muggle world."

If we follow the sayings of the previous life, I am an angel investor.

Investors naturally need returns.

For Albert, the biggest return of this investment has never been Galleons, but a group of loyal fans.

So far, he doesn't have to worry about encountering the same shitty things as Dumbledore.

At the beginning, Dumbledore encountered so many disgusting things because he was alone.

When Albert controls part of the economy and politics, he will basically control one part of the Ministry of Magic. At that time, even if others are unhappy with him, they have to pretend to be a good person when facing Albert.

Although Albert doesn't like those things, he knows that he can't do without them, otherwise the gossip news incident last time would take a lot of effort even if he wants to solve it.

Of course, the main reason why Albert is willing to do this is: he has a plug-in.

In his previous life, it is: if you are successful, you should help the world.

Maybe, he can't help the world, but he can definitely help his friends.

"So that's the case!"

Sanna nodded, obviously not believing it completely, but part of what Albert said was true, or he only told part of the truth, but it didn't really matter.

He painted a big pie for everyone, and everyone is enjoying it now!

That's enough.

"I'm really envious!"

Sanna murmured, looking at Albert's back.

Albert turned around and asked, "What are you envious of?"

"I envy you!"

Sanna took a few quick steps and followed Albert's side.

"If possible, I think everyone wants to be like you."

Albert didn't respond, but looked at the wall that was constantly being built with bricks, and asked Shanna next to him, "Why did you build a bar in advance?"

"Maybe because everyone wants to spend their first Christmas here." Shanna looked at the bar that was taking shape quickly, smiled and said to Albert, "You should celebrate Christmas with us, right?"

"Maybe I can't stay for too long." Albert told the truth.

"Why not bring Isobel to the Christmas dinner?" Shanna couldn't help but suggest: "I think..."

She seemed to want to say something, but soon shut up again.

"I have to ask her opinion."

Albert didn't really want to force Isobel. She would most likely come with him to the Christmas dinner because she was Albert's wife.

But Albert believed that Isobel would rather spend Christmas with her family. Even with the time converter, he still thought it was a bad decision.

"I think it's a good idea too." Hermione popped up at some point.

"How did you get here?" Albert looked at Hermione in surprise.

"Dobby brought me here." Hermione seemed to think of something and suddenly said, "Are you guys squeezing Dobby? I feel like he has a lot of things to do all day long."

"I don't know about this." Albert shook his head, "But I don't think so. Dobby's job should just be to help solve the problem of three meals."

"If Dobby is too busy, you can consider hiring other house elves to help." Hermione suggested.

"It's not easy. There aren't many free house-elves in the entire British wizarding world."

Albert has actually been looking for house-elves to regain their freedom. They are the best candidates to keep Avalon running. Unfortunately, there aren't that many free house-elves...

"Wait, are you talking about Winky? Did she agree?"

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