Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1699 A War Without a Winner (One Hundred and Fifty-One)

Chapter 1701 A War without a Winner (One Hundred and Fifty One)


Hermione actually didn't know whether the house elf Winky was willing to work for Albert, but in her opinion this was undoubtedly the best choice.

Because except for Albert, it is estimated that no wizard would be willing to pay a salary to hire a house elf.

After the two talked about this carefully, they said goodbye to Zannah and went to Hogwarts together to talk about employment with the house elf Sparkling who stayed in the castle.

When Albert smiled and extended his hand to the house elf, Hermione thought he could successfully convince Winky to accept the employment.

The result was a bit beyond their expectations.

Winky suddenly burst into tears, leaving Hermione at a loss for a moment.

Albert just reached out and touched her head in a comforting way, and before leaving, he said that he and Avalon would welcome her at any time.

"She is much better than when she was first driven away, and she is no longer as drunk as before, but she still cannot completely get out of the shadows." Hermione looked back at the house elves who sent them away.

"Let Dobby come and talk to her another day. I believe Winky will be able to get back on her feet." Albert felt that it wouldn't be difficult to take down Winky with more effort.

"I thought you could convince Winky with your charm." Hermione was quite disappointed.

"I'm a human being, not a wishing machine, and you haven't been to the kitchen for a long time."

"They don't welcome me." Hermione didn't want to talk about it, so she changed the topic and talked about another thing, "By the way, you should spend Christmas in Avalon this year. Everyone is looking forward to meeting you. Spend your first Christmas in Avalon together.”


Albert decided to go back and talk to Isobel about the matter.

"So, you want me to go to Avalon with you for Christmas this year?"

Isobel was not surprised when she heard Albert mention this matter. She actually knew that she needed to show up as Albert's wife after all, so that she could integrate into Albert's circle later.

"This mainly depends on your own personal wishes." Albert raised his daughter high in the air amid laughter.

"I don't care, but some people might be unhappy." Isobel put down the towel she was knitting and looked at the father and daughter with soft eyes.

"There is nothing we can do about Katrina's words. After all, she is really not good for others..." Albert was interrupted by Isobel next to him in the middle of his words.

"I'm not talking about Katrina, but Catherine, Valeria and Louise. They seem to be planning to come to England for Christmas together." Isobel seemed to have thought of something again and continued: "This time they I also went to find Miss Yanila and prepared to give this singer with vampire blood as your Christmas gift.”

"Didn't you stop them?"

Albert's face twitched, suspecting that Isobel just wanted to see his excitement.

Once there are too many women, it is also a problem.

After all, people's emotions and energy are limited. Once they are divided too thin, they will fade away, and they won't even be considered feelings.

"Do you think it's useful? Besides, I remember that the singer lady seems to like you very much."

Isobel seemed to find this incident very interesting, and did not give Albert a chance to refute. She took a piece of parchment from the table, handed it to Albert, and took her daughter from his hand. .

On the parchment were friends and acquaintances who had previously corresponded with Albert.

Correspondence is essential if you want to maintain a relationship.

We lost contact some time ago due to Voldemort's affairs, and now we naturally need to regain contact through letters. Otherwise, when Albert starts traveling around the world, most of the relationships on the parchment may be completely severed.

Fortunately, Isobel helped handle these matters, so that they would not involve too much of Albert's energy. By the way, except for a few elderly people, the Christmas gifts they receive this year will be the "Defense Against the Dark Arts Guide" compiled by Albert.

In order to show his sincerity, Albert will leave his blessing and autograph on the front page of the book.

Well, mainly because similar situations will be common in the future.

It’s normal for an author to give one of his books as a gift!

This actually has many benefits.

He no longer has to worry about giving gifts in the future, and the gifts are cheap. As a book author, he can easily get a batch of cost-priced books to give away.

As for the content of the letter, it was also very simple. It just mentioned the bad things that happened this year and the family's plan to travel around the world.

"I suddenly felt that it would be nice to travel around the world all the time. There wouldn't be so many bad things to deal with." Albert put down his quill, put the sealed envelope and the gift together, and prepared to let the house elf take a trip when he was free. Owl Post Office.

"That will have to wait a long, long time." Isobel leaned over and kissed Albert's forehead.

"I think I can announce my retirement next summer," Albert muttered.

"Remember to bring Hermione with you to the manor party this year."

Katrina, who was helping to stack the Christmas gift packages, suddenly said, "This is what the girls specially asked. They seem to think that they should get to know your other lovers, but I don't think Valeria mentioned it." With good intentions.”

Well, in fact, not only Valeria doesn't like Hermione, but other girls don't like Hermione very much either, but they just don't show it directly.

The main reason is still jealousy.

If Hermione didn't dress up carefully, she would definitely be at the bottom of Albert's lovers, but she could enjoy better treatment than other girls.

Naturally, the girls were very dissatisfied.

"She may not be willing to participate." Albert shook his head.

"She will." Isobel said meaningfully, "Women are like this, they won't give in easily, not to mention competing with other women for men."

"What you said..."

"You may have to work out more recently, otherwise you can't meet the needs of so many girls." Katrina looked at Albert with a smile and decided to satisfy herself before the group of annoying women came.

"I always feel that I have been deceived by you!"

Albert reached out and hugged Isobel in his arms, smelling the familiar fragrance on her body, and murmured: "That was a stupid decision."

He felt that Isobel's conspiracy was likely to succeed. Now Albert really didn't have any special feelings for other women. No matter how beautiful they were, they were just like that in Albert's eyes.

"Aren't you enjoying it yourself?"

Isobel and Katrina looked at each other, smiled and kissed Albert's cheeks from both sides.

"It's time to rest, otherwise you'll have to stay up late tonight."

There's no doubt that staying up late is bad for your health.

So much so that Albert has developed the habit of going to bed early.

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