Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 213 Shocked

At this moment, Filch was holding an oil lamp and walking in the corridor leading to the underground of the castle. Not long ago, a strange-sounding cry came from underneath the castle. He didn't know what the cry was about, but his intuition as an administrator over the years told Filch that something must have happened.

"Who's there? Stop, I see you." Filch suddenly shouted, speeding up and chasing forward.

After a chase, Filch finally cornered the student. Panting, he raised the oil lamp and his eyes fell on the restless face of a student. A malicious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. In front of him was a student. Slytherin student.

As the saying goes, curiosity killed the cat, and it’s absolutely true.

This Slytherin student was also unlucky. He had just heard the cry of Mandrake, so he sneaked out of the common room to find out the source of the sound, but he had just walked out of the Slytherin common room. In the lounge, let Filch catch him.

"Tell me, did you make that weird crying sound just now?" Filch's mood suddenly changed and he asked in a stern tone.

"No, I just heard that sound..." the student explained with a sad face.

"Don't try to escape, come with me." Filch took the student to knock on Snape's office. However, Snape had been knocked unconscious by Albert using mandrake, so it was naturally impossible. Get up and open the door.

After knocking on the door to no avail, Filch could only take the student to find the deputy dean, Professor McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall, who was wearing a cloak, opened the door and looked at Filch. Then he turned his attention to the uneasy Slytherin student and asked, "Argus, what on earth is going on."

"I suspect he was the one who made the noise just now." Filch said softly about what happened just now.

"This matter has nothing to do with me." The Slytherin student said quickly.

"What's going on?" Professor McGonagall frowned slightly, and her eyes gradually became stern.

The Slytherin student swallowed and recalled what he knew.

Mandrake's cry didn't spread too far. Only a few Slytherin students and Filch who were still asleep heard it, and the one caught by Filch came out to find out what the cry was about. What's going on with the sound?

Then he was unlucky.

While Professor McGonagall was severely deducting Slytherin House points, Albert was also telling his roommates what had just happened in Snape's office.

"You actually..." The three of them heard that Albert actually used Mandrake to knock Snape out, and they all looked at their roommate who had just lifted the Disillusionment Curse in shock.

Then he muttered with resentment on his face: "Damn it, you didn't bring us with you for such an interesting thing."

"Isn't this convenient for traveling?" Albert covered his yawn and said with a smile: "I have already obtained the nigella eggs. As for the dragon claw powder, I will write to the drugstore in Diagon Alley tomorrow to buy it. Snape You definitely wouldn’t have guessed that we were going to prepare Baffy’s brain-reviving agent.”

"However, this is such a pity!" Fred said with regret, and at the same time he admired Albert's courage for actually daring to knock Snape unconscious.

"What do you think Snape will do when he wakes up tomorrow?" George asked in a strange tone as he lay back on the bed.

"Of course I thought I had a nightmare." Albert said without thinking, "Okay, go to bed early and don't be late tomorrow morning."

Even though he said this, Fred and the others were too excited to sleep. There was no way, no one would feel sleepy after hearing such news.

Albert didn't care whether Fred or the others slept. He closed his eyes and began to receive the reward for the task of first meeting the Mandrake.

The so-called basic knowledge of mandrake is really the same as what Albert guessed. It is the knowledge of mandrake, but the scope of this knowledge is very wide. If you want to write a paper about mandrake, you can probably Written into a book thick as a brick.

Albert slowly looked through the so-called attempts he had obtained, and was really shocked.

Mandrake is one of the ingredients in the elixir of life.

Mandrake roots can be brewed into wine through some special means. This wine is beneficial to fertility and has a certain aphrodisiac effect.

In fact, mandrake root is also an ingredient in love potions.

The most shocking thing is that Albert still found the formula in his memory, whether it was the elixir or mandrake root wine.

However, the most shocking thing is not just that. Mandrake roots can also be turned into a medicine that delays aging through complex magic potion technology.

If mature mandrake roots are dried and carved, they can be made into a variety of very precious talismans, which can resist disease, protect against black magic, ensure women's pregnancy, and allow them to give birth smoothly.

Dried mandrake roots can also be used for divination if carved into human shapes.

Incidentally, mandrake root is also an ingredient in a flying ointment.

The so-called basic knowledge of mandrake simply stunned Albert. This part of the knowledge simply analyzed all aspects of the various scratching operations of mandrake. Whether it is grass or roots, its It has at least a hundred uses, as a raw material for various alchemies and potions.

Of course, in addition, it can also be made into dark magic items.

If mandrake is planted in salt for three months, it becomes a dangerous dark magic item.

Well, according to Albert's own understanding, the mandrake will never die with its eyes closed. After being pickled in salt for three months, hatred will remain on the pickled mandrake. When it is taken out of the salt, Mandrag Pulling the mandrake will become extremely deadly, and its cry will cause all surrounding creatures to be cursed and faint, or even die. The salt that buried the mandrake in the past will become the best way to lift the curse.

"This...this is really great!" Albert murmured excitedly. He has realized that he may not be able to return the pot of mandrake, and he may have to plant a large number of mandrakes in the future. Of course, Albert is not worried about the planting method, because there are also basic knowledge about mandrakes. The best way to grow it is better than Pomona Sprout.

"What's so great?" a voice suddenly asked from beside him.

"Fortune Elixir." Albert said happily: "The effect of the medicine is really great. I will definitely learn how to prepare the Elixir for Happiness."

"Is it possible that you plan to drink it every day?"

"If everything goes wrong, drink some elixir." Albert said with a smile. "Although drinking too much can make people arrogant, it is undeniable that as long as a small amount is used, everything will be perfect."

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