Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 214 The Autumn of Trouble

"What on going on?"

Snape opened his hazy eyes, woke up from his drowsiness, looked at the familiar layout of the room in front of him, and closed his eyes again to recall some fragmented memory fragments.

"It seemed like... I had a nightmare last night?" Snape covered his eyes with the back of his hand, trying to recall what happened last night. He remembered hearing a strange cry, and then...he couldn't remember anything.

Those things were not memories at all. Snape only vaguely remembered crying, and then he lost consciousness. What on earth was going on?

While Snape was still thinking about the reason, he suddenly glanced at the clock in the corner and jumped out of bed. He found that he had slept until half past nine in the morning.

For a potion master who strictly demands himself, this is simply an unforgivable sin.

Snape hurriedly got up and put on his robes, stretched out his hand to pat his twitching face, and immediately rushed to the potions classroom.

There was no doubt that the Potions Master was late.

The news about Snape letting the students go quickly spread throughout Hogwarts Castle.

This is a rare piece of big news. It is hard to imagine that someone like Snape would be late for class?

It is simply something new that has been rare in ten years.

It only took less than half an hour for this incident to spread almost throughout Hogwarts. It was even more sensational than the stupid Slytherin student who was caught wandering at night in the morning.

There's no way, it's hard for everyone to imagine that something like that would happen.

Of course, no one dared to discuss this matter openly. No one wanted to be caught by Snape and become the chicken who killed the chicken to scare the monkeys. Moreover, everyone noticed Snape's gloomy expression as if someone owed him ten thousand galleons, so naturally he would not seek death.

"What a lively day!" Albert covered his yawn and ate a piece of bread while listening to the interesting things said by the gossip-loving girls next to him.

People were talking about the haunting in the castle underground last night. Some people said that the strange crying sound was actually Myrtle crying in the bathroom on the second floor. Some people said it might be Peeves playing a prank. Of course, there were also others. People... Anyway, Albert was very happy to see this scene.

As for the Slytherin students who were caught by Filch, everyone was more interested in watching the fun. Anyway, seeing that Slytherin House was deducted points, the students in the other three houses were all in a good mood, as if they had drunk a lot. Butterbeer.

Fred and the others, who knew the truth, tried not to laugh. They all knew that the unlucky Slytherin student had undoubtedly become Albert's scapegoat.

However, they were happy to see this scene. There was nothing more satisfying than seeing an annoying guy in trouble.

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"Tell me, when will Snape realize that he has lost something?" Fred and the others were gathering in the Room of Requirement to look at the pot of mandrake that Albert had obtained. George beside him couldn't bear it anymore. He held his stomach and laughed.

"Not so soon. Snape would be suspicious, unless they discovered that a pot of mandrake was missing from the greenhouse, but I don't think Professor Sprout would find out so soon. After all, she has too many magical plants to take care of." There are too many, and I have to teach students every day, so I don’t have time to remember how many pots there are." Albert explained casually.

"It makes sense." George wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and nodded. "If Professor Sprout only grows those mandrakes, she will definitely find problems, but there are too many things she needs to care about, and it is impossible to cover them all. Remember it clearly."

"Are you going to return this pot of mandrake?" Lee Jordan suddenly asked. With Albert's ability, he naturally has a way to quietly return the mandrake to the problem. As long as the Mandrake was returned, there would be basically no flaws in this matter. Even if Snape suspected that the crying came from the Mandrake, he had no evidence.

"No, I still have use for this thing." Albert is already preparing to make it into a black magic prop. As for the salt problem, he believes that he can definitely solve it.

It’s not like before, edible salt was not expensive.

"What if Snape guesses it?" George asked. He believed that Snape was not stupid. As long as he contacted the rumors about the castle and went to Professor Sprout to confirm, he would soon connect these things. Together, maybe not in the first two days, but they will definitely be discovered.

"So what if he finds out? He can't torture all the students. Moreover, ordinary students don't have the ability to quietly get a pot of mandrake from the greenhouse and knock Snape unconscious. , Snape has cast spells to protect his office. Do you think that a second-year student can break through those protective spells and break into his office?

"Besides, it rained yesterday? There were no footprints left on the ground." Albert blinked at the three of them and smiled, "What's more, the Fat Lady was not here last night, even if Snape suspected It was done by a Gryffindor student, and it is impossible for him to know from the Fat Lady that a Gryffindor student left the dormitory in the middle of the night to go out for a night out."

"Unless Snape uses Veritaserum on every student, the Ministry of Magic restricts the use of Veritaserum, and the ingredients required for Veritaserum are also very precious. Even if he wants to prepare more, it will be difficult."

"Oh my God, have you taken this into consideration?" Fred screamed.

"Of course." Albert continued: "Now, you are the only flaw. I don't think Snape will doubt you at will, but you have to pretend you don't know anything and don't go out to discuss it. In short In a word, it's important not to attract Snape's attention."

"We know what to do." The three looked at each other and grinned.

"Snape will definitely be mad if we can't find the murderer." The four of them couldn't help laughing.

"By the way, when are we going out to find jumping toadstools?"

"This week, if it rains, go out and look for jumping toadstools." Albert thought for a moment and said, "After the potion class is over in the afternoon, I will go to the library to find information about jumping toadstools."

The book "Thousands of Miraculous Herbs and Mushrooms" actually has an introduction to jumping toadstools, but it is not complete. They need to find a book called "Encyclopedia of Toadstools" in the library to find a relatively safe guide. harvesting and storage methods.

"Remember, pretend you don't know anything and don't let Snape notice you." Before leaving the Room of Requirement, Albert warned again.

There's no other way, they have a Potions class later.

"We know." The three said seriously, and then they all laughed.

"Okay, okay, I think you'd better laugh enough here before going out." Albert covered his face helplessly, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

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