Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 252 Another Christmas Eve

Snowflakes are flying outside the window and falling on the frozen glass. Christmas is approaching in a blink of an eye, and the busy Anderson family is preparing for Christmas Eve.

The classic European and American Christmas song "White Christmas" was playing in the living room. Nia, with the help of Grandpa Luke, tried to hang the biggest star on the top of the Christmas tree, while Shanna and Daisy were busy in the kitchen preparing today's meal. and desserts, while Albert and Herb were bringing plates of delicious food to the table.

The dinner was spent with laughter and songs, Christmas Eve programs were playing on the TV, and there was a lot of food left on the table, especially the famous Christmas roast turkey.

People are not keen on this kind of food. There is no way to help it, turkey meat is actually not very delicious.

However, this dish will be included in the Christmas dinner every year, and everyone will eat some. It is not determined by whether it tastes good or not. It is a tradition to eat roast turkey on Christmas, and yes, they eat it as a tradition.

In comparison, the Christmas pudding and Christmas cake after the meal are more popular.

Albert was enjoying a glass of steaming red wine. The first sip of this wine was really average, but the more he drank, the better it tasted, and the more he drank, the warmer his body became. It was very suitable for drinking in snowy weather.

As a member of the family, fat cat Tom also has his own dinner, a large piece of special salmon. The grilled fish obviously arouses Tom's appetite more than the canned cat. By the way, this guy is still showing signs of gaining weight recently.

Now, Tom, who had eaten and drank enough, was lying on the sofa and letting Albert comb him.

"Do vampires really exist in this world?" Nia asked Albert curiously after listening to Luke reading the story of "Traveling with a Vampire".

"There should be. However, I haven't seen them. If you encounter them, it's best to stay away from them, no matter whether the vampires have good intentions or not." Albert retrieved Tom who was about to run away and fiddled with them gently with his fingers. Cat ears.

"Lockhart is so brave." Nia somewhat admired the protagonist in the book.

"In the novel, Lockhart is indeed brave, but you need to distinguish between fiction and reality. After all, 99% of this kind of thing is fiction." Albert winked at Nia, Reminder: "Just like in fairy tales, they are all lies!"

"You hate it, don't ruin the atmosphere." Nia couldn't help but protest, "Is Hogwarts fun? Our school is so boring. The students there feel a little silly, and the boys also like to be cool. They are obviously a group of people. Fool."

"You can't say that to others." Herb educated: "If you think so, it must be because you are smarter than them." He raised the corners of his mouth happily, very satisfied with his children, yes, very satisfied.

"They are really stupid." Nia flattened her mouth and complained: "They always like to talk about random things. They are obviously a group of idiots who don't understand anything."

"Don't make yourself look unique, you should learn to protect yourself." Albert reminded kindly.

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"I can go practice karate or taekwondo." Nia waved her fist and said, "If anyone dares to bully me, beat them down like Albert did."

"Girls shouldn't be so violent." Daisy looked at her son with slight dissatisfaction, blaming him for setting a bad example for Nia.

"Ahem, I think it's good to learn some self-defense skills. At least you can protect yourself from being bullied." Albert coughed lightly and quickly changed the subject, "By the way, I made you an amulet, it's yours Christmas gift."

"You should give it to me at Christmas." Nia looked at the small ornaments and asked curiously: "Is this the legendary unicorn? But it is so small."

"Because it's a pendant or amulet." Albert explained.

"Is it effective?" Herb was more curious about the effect of the amulet. He knew that Albert would cast magic on some small things.

"Just think of it as an ornament like a cross. Besides, don't you think this thing is very delicate?" Albert reminded, "It also takes a lot of time to carve this thing."

"By the way, we don't know when you learned wood carving."

"Learned it in school."

"Hogwarts actually teaches this?" Herb was very surprised.

"No teaching. However, you can learn by yourself." Albert explained helplessly.

"Send a wood carving to the girl you like, and you might get an unexpected surprise!" Herb seemed to remember something and suddenly said, "I remember you have always been very popular."

"Have you?" Albert's face twitched slightly, and he didn't know what to say.

"It would be great if I could receive an invitation letter to Hogwarts next year." Nia whispered, "In this way, I can also go to Hogwarts."

"Even if you can't go, after I graduate, I can take you to see the magical world." Albert comforted softly: "However, if you are not a wizard, it is best not to pay too much attention to the magical world, that is nothing What a great idea, ordinary people can also have ordinary people’s happiness.”

"Remember computers?"

"Know something." Nia nodded.

"In a few years, electronic products will become more and more developed, and mobile phones and computers will become more and more developed. The next step will be the era of electronics." Albert explained softly: "The magic world is lagging behind in this regard. There are a lot of them. Magic seems to interfere with electrical appliances, so the technology in the magic world is actually quite backward. The only ones I know of so far are magic-modified radios."

"The wizarding world still uses very old-fashioned records. After I graduate, I will also get my own house here."

"I thought you would live in the wizarding world!" Daisy looked very happy. She did not want her son to live in the wizarding world. She would definitely not be able to bear it if he suddenly disappeared without contact for ten or twenty years.

"Are you going to work here?" Herb suddenly asked.

"No, in fact, with magic, it becomes very easy to make money, such as buying a lottery ticket and winning a big prize." Albert winked at Herb and said with a smile, "There is a profession among wizards called Fortune tellers, powerful fortune tellers can predict part of the future, and naturally they can also predict the winning numbers of the lottery."

At this moment, the Anderson family all looked at each other, never expecting that Albert would say such a thing.

Make a fortune from winning the lottery?

"Son, I thought you would continue to think about financial matters." Herb's expression became even weirder. He didn't want his son to use magic to do illegal things, although he didn't know whether winning the lottery was illegal.

Herb never doubted Albert's ability, and he might not know that one day his son would suddenly win a multi-million dollar prize.

"Okay, I was just joking. Winning the lottery is indeed the fastest way to make money, but prophecy usually requires talent in this area. Becoming a powerful fortune teller is not just about hard work." Albert Te explained in a joking tone, "I can only use rune stones for divination now."

"Is it accurate?" Nia seemed to be very interested in divination.

"I don't know." Albert said uncertainly, "I just started, so I shouldn't be too accurate."

"Try to divine for me first."

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