Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 253 My son is going to attend an academic gathering?

Dear Mr. Anderson:

When I received your letter, I was very surprised and proud of you. It is rare for a student at your age to be able to summon a physical guardian angel. Regarding your concerns about the Animagus in your letter, I think they are unnecessary for the time being.

Although the animal an Animagus transforms into always seems to be the same as the Patronus they cast, it does not mean that they are necessarily the same. As far as I know, there are no known animagus who can change their shapeshifting animal when their patronus changes. Of course, this may be related to the extremely rare number of Animagus with the ability to both transform and perform magic protection.

If you plan to learn the Animagus one day, please do not have to practice secretly on your own. I can help you in this regard.

Have a happy Christmas holiday!

Vice Principal Minerva McGonagall.

After reading Professor McGonagall's letter, Albert's mood did not improve. Professor McGonagall's meaning was already obvious. She thought it was too early for Albert to consider Animagus. Moreover, Professor McGonagall actually didn't know much about this matter. After all, there were too few examples that could be used as research examples.

"Maybe, I can ask Dumbledore." Albert had just taken out the new parchment, but after thinking about it, he gave up the idea for the time being.

Perhaps, he was too anxious. No matter what the outcome was, it would not change due to his will, unless the panel could provide him with supernatural help.

Putting these thoughts aside, Albert stretched out. When he returned to the living room, Tom was lying on the sofa and taking a nap. When no one was at home, he always liked to lie down in a large shape and occupy the sofa. When Albert sat down next to him, the lazy cat's ears finally twitched, and he came over, rubbed his head on Albert's arm, and then climbed onto his lap. Speaking of which, this guy is really Quite heavy.

"It's time to lose weight. If you eat so fat, you can't even catch a mouse." Albert said, while reaching out to scratch Tom's ears and combing his hair with a comb. The guy narrowed his eyes in enjoyment.

"You say... should I take you to Hogwarts School? Then you will have to catch mice by yourself to fill your stomach." Albert said jokingly, but there are many people raising mice at the school. Cat, maybe you can find a cat that only likes you.

"Meow!" Tom seemed to sense Albert's deep malice and jumped off his knees. His stubby legs swung and he quickly hid behind someone's feet.

"Are you going to take Tom to school?" Nia held the cat in her arms and asked curiously.

"No, I just want to scare Tom. This guy has gained weight recently." At this time, there was a sound of something knocking on the glass outside the door. Nia walked over and opened it to find a brown owl flying in and knocking the glass out. The letter was thrown in front of Albert.

"You have so many letters!" Nia looked at Albert in surprise. She had received at least six letters since he came back from Christmas vacation, and each letter was not from the same person. Remember, the sealing wax at the back The badge is different.

"You are busier than me!" Herb put a cup of hot cocoa in front of Albert and asked, "Who sent it this time?"

"Professor Broad, the professor who worked at Hogwarts last semester." Albert took a sip of hot cocoa, opened the envelope, glanced at the letter inside, and knew what was going on, so he handed the letter over. To Herb.

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"Professor Brod invited you to a party?" Herb felt a little confused after reading the letter. A professor invited his son to a party about alchemy. What exactly was going on, Herb? I really didn’t understand it.

"Like inviting a junior high school student to attend a university professor's academic seminar?"

Moreover, the other party arranged the itinerary very sincerely, asking Albert to meet at the Leaky Cauldron first, and then the other party invited him to be a guest in his manor, and then went to the alchemy party together. Finally, before the start of school, The professor sent him back to Hogwarts. There is no need to worry about Albert's safety.

"This... is just an academic gathering anyway." Albert thought for a while and replied.

"Academic gathering?" Herb's face became even weirder, and he sighed lightly without saying anything, "I'll send you there then."

"What are you talking about? Don't leave me alone, okay?" Nia pouted a little angrily. Daisy was also curious about what they were talking about, but after hearing Herb's explanation, she was a little dazed.

"You have to go out to play by yourself again!" Nia was a little unhappy. Albert finally went home, but ended up going out again within a few days. There was no one to chat, tell stories, or watch TV with her.

"I won't stay too long. I'll be back in two days." Albert promised.

"Oh, okay, I know you are a busy person." Nia touched Tom's belly and said to herself: "Tom is still the best."

"Meow!" Tom rubbed Nia's hand, and the latter took out a small dried fish from somewhere and gave it to it.

Albert was speechless immediately. No wonder this cat was so fat.

On the morning of January 10th, Albert appeared in the Leaky Cauldron. The time he had agreed with Professor Brod was twelve o'clock. When he was about to dine at Old Tom's place, Professor Brod, who was wearing a cloak, didn't even notice. Showing up at the bar without warning.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Broad, would you like a drink?" Old Tom greeted Professor Broad with a smile.

"Oh, no need, I'm here to pick you up. I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long!" Professor Brod greeted Albert, "Come on, I'll take you to a place."

"Apparition?" Albert asked curiously.

"Yes, there is no Floo connection there, so we can only use this method." Professor Broad stretched out his left hand, and when Albert raised his hand to pick it up, the two of them disappeared into the Leaky Cauldron. In the backyard.

They appeared outside a villa with a very nice environment. If I had to say it, it could be regarded as a small manor. However, no one seemed to live here.

"This will be the venue for this alchemy gathering. We will stay here for the past two days." Professor Brod winked at Albert and said: "There are many interesting books in it, I think You might be interested."

"It seems like no one has lived here for a long time." Albert raised his eyebrows and said.

"You are right, but it will soon have a new owner." Professor Brod didn't pay much attention and said with a smile: "The house elves have been maintaining it carefully, so this place has always been... It’s very clean and you can live in it as you like.”

The two passed through a layer of protective magic that was like a mist. After entering the manor, Albert discovered that this place had been protected by magic.

When Albert entered the room, a house elf bowed to them and led them into the hall.

"Noel, we will stay here for a few days and help Mr. Anderson arrange a room, which is the one next to the study." Professor Broad ordered the house elf, who secretly took a look at Albert. Then he bowed slightly and left.

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