Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 280 Special Rewards

Do you want to write a letter to Professor Brod?

Ever since he brought Professor Smith into the Ravenclaw chamber, Albert had been hesitant to tell Professor Brod about this.

He could feel that Professor Smith entered Ravenclaw's secret chamber not just to get Ravenclaw's treasure, but for something else, or in other words, Professor Smith wanted to confirm something.

Wild Smith?

It is very possible that the other party may have guessed something, but he is not completely sure. After entering Ravenclaw's secret room and seeing Will de Smith on the wall, he finally found the final key to the answer.

Did you do something stupid?


Albert didn't think what he did at that time was wrong. Regardless of whether he wanted to or not, in fact, he had already been involved in this controversy after becoming a candidate.

And what he was doing in Ravenclaw's secret room was just to confuse Professor Smith. If he became an enemy, extracting as much benefit from the opponent as possible would undoubtedly be the best choice at the moment.

As for Professor Broad, his instinct told Albert that the other party was probably a member of the Wildsmith family and would contact him, probably to judge whether he met the requirements of a successor?

This feeling is really annoying.

"Sure enough, let's just overturn the table!" A malicious smile appeared on Albert's face, he took out the parchment and quill from the cabinet, and began to write a letter to Professor Brod, telling him that he could Open Ravenclaw's Chamber of Secrets and tell the other party about the Bronze Book.

Albert felt that the Bronze Book of Ravenclaw might be in the hands of Professor Brod, so he completed the task first and took the reward.

As for other things...

Hehehe, you can do whatever you want!

After bringing Professor Smith into the secret room, the task of "py transaction" was completed. When Professor Smith left the Room of Requirement, he also expressed his willingness to teach himself the Invisible Stretch Spell.

Although it is a gratifying thing, there is also a risk in having an intersection with Professor Smith, especially after it is confirmed that the other party has mastered advanced Legilimency, Albert becomes unsatisfied with the third-level Occlumency. How could he rest assured that he could not guarantee that he would not meet Professor Smith's eyes.

Want to level up again?

Albert stared at the panel and hesitated.

To be honest, by upgrading Occlumency to level 4, he should be able to avoid the prying eyes of most telepathy masters, but he wanted to save the skill points to upgrade the wizard bloodline.

The benefit of upgrading the wizard's bloodline is very obvious, that is, the improvement of one's own magical power. There is an upper limit to a wizard's magical power. Generally, after graduating from a magic school at the latest, the magical power will reach the peak of life and will not increase any more.

The more powerful the magic, the more powerful the magic used becomes.

Most powerful black magic requires magical power to support it. Avada Kedavra is the best example. Even if a low-level wizard chants Avada Kedavra to someone, at most it will cause a nosebleed.

This is one of the reasons why most pure-blood wizards are arrogant. It is undeniable that the magical power of most pure-blood wizards is indeed stronger than that of Muggle wizards.

If you can raise your wizard bloodline to level five, you can try wandless magic.

Tom is actually the best example. He was already able to use magic very roughly when he was young. This is because his magic power is strong enough. If his talent is quantified, it would be at least level four.

As for Dumbledore, he should be at least level four.

However, Dumbledore's magical power should have begun to decline. His current strength is more due to his wisdom, experience and the invincible Elder Wand.

Voldemort was severely beaten by Dumbledore, not without reason. Who asked Dumbledore to equip the divine costume?

never mind!

It is still more important to protect your own secrets.

As for the wizard bloodline, you can upgrade it later when you have skill points!

Albert upgraded Occlumency to level 4 through the panel, and only the last two skill points accumulated from the original mission were left.

He closed his eyes and felt the changes after the Occlumency upgrade. Now Albert could construct false memories according to his own wishes.

This should be similar to the principle of the fake memory spell!

"Hmph, let you try to peek into my memory again." Albert closed his eyes and hid those parts of his memory that he regarded as important in the depths of his brain.

Next is Hagrid's task of "finding pets". This task has also been completed. I don't know what the special gift will be, but I am looking forward to it a little.

Albert received the task, and the next step was to wait.

When he was about to close the panel, a new task suddenly appeared on the task panel.

Wild Smith's name.

The Wildsmith family is famous in the magical world for selling Floo powder, but no one knows about the members of this family. They have been well hidden in the magical world, and now you may become a member of this mysterious family, and Share their secrets.

Reward: Unknown.

Well, another mission with an unknown reward.

By the way, when did this mission appear?

Albert really didn't notice.

During dinner, Albert heard Fred, George and Lee Jordan talking about Louie.

However, no one knew that the monster they were talking about was the three-headed dog Luwei, let alone Hagrid’s pet.

After Dumbledore returned from the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest, he announced that the monsters had been driven back to the depths of the Forbidden Forest, and warned everyone not to enter the woods to avoid danger.

"Didn't you go into the woods with Hagrid?" Fred suddenly looked sideways at Albert and couldn't help but ask, "Have you ever seen any monsters in the woods?"

"Do you think Dumbledore would allow students to participate in such a dangerous thing?" Albert ate the black pudding on the plate carelessly, glanced up at Fred, and said angrily.


How could Dumbledore allow students to take risks?

However, Albert's words could also deceive others. Fred, George and Lee Jordan did not believe it because Albert did not answer their questions directly, indicating that he might know something.

The three of them looked at each other and understood each other's meaning. If they had any questions, they would ask them back to the dormitory.

At this moment, an owl flew over and threw a package in front of Albert, almost knocking over the jam bottle.

"It seems to be from Hagrid." Fred took the package first. After looking at the sender, he helped Albert open the package and handed the box over.

Albert opened the box and fell silent looking at the small furry drawstring bag inside.

"What is this?" Fred asked curiously.

"have no idea."

"There is a note inside." George reminded.

Albert picked up the note and glanced at the contents:

Thank you for Lu Wei, Dumbledore has already arranged it.

This small bag is made of deformed lizard skin, which is quite rare. No matter what is hidden inside, only the owner can take it out.

Is this a special reward?

not bad!

Can be used to store some more valuable things.

Albert stuffed the leather bag into his pocket and gave the three of them another look, telling them to shut up and continue eating. We would talk about this after returning to the dormitory.

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