Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 281 Defense against Dark Arts

A few days later, the topic related to the monsters in the Forbidden Forest still showed no sign of subside. There is no way, even the professors are curious about what the monster is in the Forbidden Forest.

Some imaginative students connected this matter with the school motto of Hogwarts, saying that there was a fire dragon in the Forbidden Forest and that it was secretly raised by Hogwarts School.

In fact, it's just that I'm too idle, so I spread rumors. If I really want students to face those monsters, they won't be scared to death.

In the afternoon, in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, someone finally couldn't help but be curious and mentioned this matter to Professor Smith. It was said that Professor Smith was helping to drive away monsters in the Forbidden Forest.

"Unfortunately, I did not see the appearance of the monster." Facing everyone's expectant gazes, Professor Smith replied in a helpless tone: "At that time, Dumbledore and I searched for traces of the monster separately, and the result was also I don’t know if it’s good luck or bad luck, but I was bumped into by the principal, who is said to be a dangerous guy.”

Seeing the regretful expressions on everyone's faces, Professor Smith smiled and reassured: "Although I did not encounter the monster you mentioned, I encountered another dangerous monster in the Forbidden Forest."

"What kind of monster is it?" Lee Jordan asked first.

"Acromantula." Professor Smith said with a smile, "You must have seen it once, in the Boggart class. The thing that the two Mr. Weasleys were afraid of was the Acromantula."

There was a sudden murmur in the seats.

"You probably don't know that there were rumors that there were a large number of Acromantulas in the Forbidden Forest. I think this is true. This is one of the reasons why Dumbledore banned everyone from entering the Forbidden Forest." Professor Smith did not Forgot to warn everyone.

Because of the Lu Wei incident, the number of students who broke into the Forbidden Forest together has suddenly increased recently. Hagrid was very troubled by this incident, and even put several signs at the entrance of the Forbidden Forest, indicating that if they were caught, they would be released from confinement.

"Who knows what the magic classification level of Acromantula is?" Professor Smith clapped his hands and attracted everyone's attention again.

"XXXXX." Fred said.

"Very good." Professor Smith looked around at everyone and warned sternly, "The Acromantula is a giant spider with a cruel nature. It can understand and speak human language, but it also likes to eat human flesh. So, don't I doubt the intelligence of these big guys.”

"With your current level of magic, you probably won't even be able to escape when you encounter the Acromantula."

"Then what should we do?"

"The best way is to stay away from them," Professor Smith said. "Don't think you're great just because you've learned some magic, let alone go into the forbidden forest. That's irresponsible for your own life. , if you die, Hagrid will have to go into the forest to clean up the wreckage for you. Even I will lose my life if I am accidentally attacked by the Acromantula."

"Can the Acromantula really speak human language?" Professor Smith's words undoubtedly shocked most of the students, but there were still a few who were very curious.

"Yes, Acromantula can indeed speak human language."

On the seats, Fred and George looked at each other. They had actually encountered Acromantulas before, and felt that Smith's words were a bit exaggerated. The man next to them was a fierce man who single-handedly defeated hundreds of Acromantulas.

"No, Professor Smith is right. The Acromantula is very dangerous. Not everyone is as lucky as you." Albert agreed with Professor Smith's words. It was undoubtedly very stupid for him to despise the Acromantula. When facing the Acromantula in the forest, you need to be careful for fear of being attacked by surprise.

Of course, if it were a face-to-face duel, Albert thought he could fight a dozen Acromantulas.

"Okay, this topic is over." Professor Smith raised his hand to make a stop gesture and continued, "Next, let's start our course today and learn about a magical creature called Kabbah, with a magic classification level of XXXX .”

"To be honest, Kabbah is not common in Europe, but since it is mentioned in the book..."

In Albert's eyes, Kabbah is a kappa in Japan, living in shallow ponds and rivers. The reason for the magic classification level XXXX is that Kabbah sucks human blood and will try to strangle those who wade through the pond but do nothing. A defensive person.

By the way, the way to deal with Kabba is very funny, just throw a cucumber with your name engraved on Kabba, and it will not hurt the opponent.

If you want to defeat Kabbah, you only need to trick Kabbah into bowing to him, because Kabbah has a brain hole on top of his head, which contains water. Once the water flows out, it will lose all its strength.

There is no doubt that these interesting facts amused many students.

"I don't expect you who have never been in danger to understand." Professor Smith frowned slightly and warned, "What you have to do is stay away from danger and stay vigilant at all times."

"Stay away from danger and stay vigilant at all times, do you understand?" Professor Smith repeated, "This sentence is more effective than the knowledge I just taught you."

"Don't underestimate any magical creature with magic classification level XXXX, otherwise you will definitely be in bad luck and even lose your life."

There was a dead silence in the classroom. Everyone looked at Professor Smith in astonishment, wondering why he suddenly became strict.

Defense Against the Dark Arts was still always interesting, Professor Smith could always vividly describe it to them, and sometimes he would bring some magical creatures to class, but this was the first of its kind.

"Okay, you just need to turn in a paper about Kabbah after class. For the next topic, I will teach you how to identify and deal with werewolves. You can turn to page 394."


"In my opinion, the most important knowledge in this book is about werewolves." Professor Smith raised his hand and interrupted, "Werewolves are very dangerous existences. Although the possibility of you encountering them is unlikely, once they are If you are bitten or scratched by the transformed werewolf, it means that your life will be completely over, which is a more painful torture than direct death."

"In the magical world, most werewolves began to hate wizards due to oppression and discrimination, and deliberately attacked others." Professor Smith explained, "Although not all werewolves are like this, don't expect most werewolves to do so." Some werewolves are able to restrain themselves, but one case never represents the whole story."

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"During the full moon, werewolves cannot choose whether to transform, and they will forget their identity after transforming, and may even find opportunities to kill people around them. Therefore, it is very important for you to learn how to protect yourself. ."

In class, everyone was a little confused, but they were still looking forward to this part of the course. In the magical world, wizards are actually as afraid of werewolves as giants and Death Eaters.

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