Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 398 Bitten by a dog

After the professors of Hogwarts left the Great Hall, they prepared to look for traces of the troll.

Brainless creatures like trolls are very likely to threaten the lives of students. The professors need to find and subdue the troll quickly to avoid causing unnecessary trouble.

At this moment, Snape, who smelled a conspiracy from the troll incident, was quickly rushing to the restricted corridor on the fourth floor, preparing to stop the guy who wanted to get the Philosopher's Stone.

Quirrell was most likely a Death Eater, and he might have put the troll into the castle to divert people's attention.

Although Snape couldn't be sure of this, he was sure that Quirrell, who usually stuttered, must have set his sights on the Philosopher's Stone.

What a stupid and arrogant guy. Did he really think that no one noticed his little actions?

Snape needed to stop him before he did something stupid, and Dumbledore asked him to keep an eye on Quirrell and figure out who was behind it.

As for, want to steal the magic stone?

Snape didn't believe that Quirrell could steal the Philosopher's Stone under Dumbledore's nose.

When Snape came to the fourth floor corridor, he saw that someone had opened the wooden door leading to the restricted corridor on the fourth floor. He hurried over and tried to block Quirrell.

However, when Snape broke into the restricted corridor on the fourth floor, he found that he had lost Quirrell. The worst thing was that the wooden door where the three-headed dog was locked had been opened at some point.

Damn it!

Quirrell must have broken into the trap set up by the professors.

Snape walked over quickly, preparing to check what was going on inside. Hearing the noise in the corridor, the three-headed dog directly knocked open the half-open wooden door, got out of it, and rushed towards Snape.

Snape was startled and quickly waved his wand, trying to drive away the three-headed dog that rushed toward him. The spell did make the head bitten by the three-headed dog flinch, but this guy had three heads.

In his haste, Snape was unable to look at the three heads of the three-headed dog.

Thus, Albert's prediction was verified.

One of the heads of the three-headed dog bit one of Snape's legs. The intense pain caused the Potions Professor's face to completely distort, and he was brought to the ground by the force of the three-headed dog's pull.

Snape was struck so hard that his eyes were filled with stars, and the severe pain caused him to fall into a daze for a moment.

The next moment, Snape heard the sound of rapid footsteps behind him. It was Quirrell. The Defense Against the Dark Arts professor looked at this scene in astonishment and stammered, "Little--be careful, how--how could you do that?" it's here."

"Damn it!" Snape used magic on the three-headed dog to let it loosen its legs. He immediately struggled to stand up, propped up a magic barrier in front of him, bounced the three-headed dog that came at him again, and quickly left the restricted area corridor.

"Severus - are you okay!" Quirrell was about to reach out to help Snape.

"What are you doing?" Snape immediately locked the wooden door of the restricted corridor, checked his wounds, stared at Quirrell with a sullen face and said, "Don't think I don't know what you want to do?"

"But - but, Severus, I - I don't - know that you -" Quirrell seemed to be frightened by Snape and was stammering.

"You know exactly what I mean." Snape said sullenly: "Who are you loyal to, the Dark Lord, or some Death Eater? Give up your stupid idea, you will never be able to defeat Dumbledore. Successfully stole the Philosopher's Stone right under your nose."

"I don't--"

"Don't think I don't know your little tricks." Snape was very sure that Quirrell was eyeing the Philosopher's Stone, and he was tricked by the other party and almost had one of his legs bitten off by Hagrid's big dog.

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Snape ignored Quirrell and limped away.

Quirrell looked at Snape's leaving figure and quickly followed him.

The two of them had no idea that their every move was being watched by someone.

Especially when Albert passed by, he felt particularly happy when he saw Snape limping. He went directly to the third floor. After entering the boys' toilet, he took out his pocket watch and looked at the time, waiting for someone's call. arrival.

After a while, the door of the toilet was knocked rhythmically. Albert took a deep breath, opened the door, looked at the man who looked exactly like himself outside, and raised his hand to make an OK gesture.

The two of them passed each other. Albert walked directly outside and saw his roommate waiting for him in the corridor. Fred and George were eating pumpkin pie, and Lee Jordan was holding a piece of honey-roasted pumpkin in his hand. , the three of them were still talking about the troll.

Well, no matter how you look at it, this thing is definitely weird.

When they returned to the common room, they found a large number of Gryffindor students crowded here. Percy Weasley glared angrily at the four people who had just walked in.

"What the hell are you doing!" Percy took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart.

"What the hell?" Fred pretended not to understand. "We didn't do anything."

"Don't be angry Percy, eat a candy." George took out a candy from his pocket, forced it into Percy's hand, patted his shoulder and said, "We just went to the bathroom on the way, let's drink some pumpkin juice. too much."

"It's just a giant monster. Don't be so nervous. The stink of those idiots can be smelled from a long way away. We can easily avoid them." Lee Jordan also comforted casually.

"I guess the professors should have solved the problem." Albert said lightly, "There is really no need to make a fuss out of a molehill."

Percy was confused by what the four of them said, and he didn't know what to say.

A giant monster.

Well, a fucking troll.

However, Percy didn't quite understand why they didn't take the trolls seriously at all.

Everyone was huddled in the Gryffindor common room, discussing how on earth the troll broke into Hogwarts Castle, making the whole room noisy.

Angelina came over, looked at Albert and the others, and said with a smile, "I heard that you didn't come back until you were full in the hall."

"That's not the case." Albert decisively denied the matter and changed the subject, "They will send the food over later. After all, everyone is not full."

Albert's words soon came true, and the house elf indeed delivered the uneaten food in the Great Hall to the Gryffindor common room.

The students who were not full immediately rushed forward and put their favorite food on their plates. As they ate and chatted, the common room became noisier.

Just then, the door to the common room reopened and Hermione Granger walked in.

Albert looked at Hermione's figure, raised his cup with a smile, and took a sip.

"What are you laughing at?" Shanna asked.

The door to the common room opened again, and Harry and Ron walked in.

"Where do you think they went just now?" Shanna followed Albert's gaze and noticed Harry and Ron, frowning and saying.

"Maybe I can become a warrior who defeats trolls." Albert joked.

"The warrior who defeated the troll?" Fred heard Albert's words and looked at Harry and Ron walking towards them. He slightly raised his eyebrows and said, "It stinks. Did you really go there just now?" Did you fight a troll?”

"I just defeated that troll," Ron announced proudly.

"Okay, okay, warriors who defeated the trolls, please don't come over and thank you." George blocked Ron a few steps away with a look of disgust, "The smell of you will affect our appetite."

"Nonsense." Ron was very angry, "Where does the stink come from on our bodies?"

"Go take a shower quickly. If you want to eat something, I can save some for you." Fred wrinkled his nose and said.

After Harry and Ron left, Albert suddenly said, "I dare say they must have encountered a troll and had close contact with a troll. The smell is really unbearable."

"I really don't know why they like to deal with those stinky guys." Lee Jordan muttered, "Did they really defeat that giant monster?"

"Who knows." Albert said nonchalantly, "It's just a giant monster."

The next morning, during breakfast, Albert noticed something strange about Snape, and the Potions Professor limped out of the hall.

"What happened to his leg?" George swallowed the bread in his mouth and looked up at Snape's leaving back.

"I guess he was bitten by a dog!"

Looking at Snape's back as he limped away, Fred gloated: "I hope he hurts enough."

"The wound bitten by the three-headed dog will not heal so quickly. The guy will probably be in pain for a long time." Albert announced happily.

"So, even Snape can't escape Albert's mouth. It's really scary." Li Jordan joked, pretending to be shocked.

The four of them looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

Several people took advantage of the little time before class to go around from the secret passage to Snape, once again watching the Potions Master's misfortune.

He even deliberately discussed in a low voice what was going on with Snape's legs when passing by him.

Seeing Snape limping away, the mood of the four people suddenly became happy.

"Speaking of which, Snape was bitten by a dog." George suddenly said.

"Perhaps, Snape wanted to pass by the big dog with three heads," Fred tentatively guessed, "and wanted to steal the thing that Principal Dumbledore put in the castle."

"So, it is true that he let the giant monster in to divert people's attention." Li Jordan told everyone his guess.

"I hope it's Snape. If it's really him, he will definitely get out next semester." Albert shook his head and said.

The other three people didn't understand for a while.

"The idiot who stole something will definitely be caught, and he will be expelled from the principal in the end." Albert said matter-of-factly, "If it is really Snape who has his eye on that thing, he will naturally not see it again next year. The other party."

At this moment, several people were praying silently in their hearts, hoping that Snape was the guy who tried to steal the principal's things.

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