Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 399 Suspect

"It seems that you have made a new friend!"

Albert walked past Hermione and said softly.

Hermione suddenly raised her head and looked at Albert's retreating back with a complicated expression.

"What's wrong with you?" Ron followed Hermione's gaze and asked doubtfully.

"Nothing." Hermione shook her head and looked away again. At this moment, she suddenly remembered the prophecy Albert gave her.

Before winter comes, you will no longer be alone.

The prophecy came true!

I did find a good friend.

"Do you think Anderson can really predict?"

"Why do you think so?" Harry asked puzzledly. To be honest, Harry basically knew nothing about prophecies.

"Last time, he told me that I would make good friends before winter comes." Hermione hesitated, but finally spoke under the doubtful looks of the two people.

Harry and Ron looked at each other, both noticing confusion and confusion in each other's eyes. Neither of them understood what Hermione meant.

Maybe it's a coincidence?

Moreover, is this also a prophecy?

At least, both Harry and Ron thought this was not a prophecy.

Prophecy should be something very noble, both of them thought so.

"I don't know." Ron hesitated and said to Hermione: "I don't think he can predict. It is said that there are very few wizards who can predict the future, but Fred and George think Anderson can predict, you know, They are good friends."

"I've heard people say this. Many students think that Albert just talks casually." Harry recalled the news he had heard and said to his two companions: "Everyone thinks that Anderson likes to talk about some simulations." Use contradictory words to achieve the prophetic effect."

Hermione felt that what Harry said was correct.

Of course, Harry was not sure whether Albert would prophesy or not.

"Harry, do you remember what Anderson said to you?" Ron suddenly remembered something, looked at Harry and said, "That's the warning."

"What warning?" Harry was confused and had no idea what Ron was talking about.

"As for the Quidditch warning, didn't he say you have to be extra careful and don't put yourself in trouble?" Ron reminded.

"Oh, that!" Harry remembered, and this was indeed the case, "But, is that a prophecy? I don't think so. Didn't Wood say that Slytherin students might... make me unable to do anything? Next game?”

"They don't know how well you are playing Quidditch, but Albert seems to be sure that you will do well." Hermione recalled it carefully, and suddenly said: "He seemed to have said that this year Gryffindor If the team wants to win the Quidditch Cup, there will be some twists and turns."

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"Hermione, don't listen to his nonsense." Ron didn't want to dwell on this kind of thing at all. He felt that Anderson was just talking casually. Why did Hermione believe it?

"Albert really said that?"

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded next to Harry.


"Albert really said there would be twists and turns in our winning the Quidditch Cup?" Angelina asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I think I've said that before."

"Harry, you should pay attention to your own safety." Angelina looked at Harry and said seriously: "Since Albert said you should be careful, this means that the so-called twists and turns may happen to you."

In fact, Angelina didn't believe in prophecies either, but Fred and George always said that Albert's words were accurate, and the three of them believed that what Albert said was likely to come true, so she felt that she believed it more or less, It never hurts.

Harry looked at Angelina's back and became even more confused. Could he really predict the future?

"Oh, by the way, there's something." Ron suddenly remembered something and whispered to his two friends, "A few days ago, I heard Fred and George talking about Snape's lameness."

"Is Snape lame?" Harry was very interested in this. Snape's misfortune was the source of his happiness.

"They said that on Halloween, Albert said that Snape would be unlucky and bloody." Ron shrugged, "but it turned out that Snape was bitten by a dog the next day."

"Snape was bitten by a dog?" Harry asked excitedly, "Why was he bitten by a dog?"

"What's that in your hand, Potter?"

An extremely cold voice sounded from not far away. When Harry turned his head, he saw Snape limping towards this side. His face was not very good. It was obvious that he had just heard what Harry said. : Snape was bitten by a dog.

"It's "Quidditch Origins." Harry showed the book to Snape.

"Library books are not allowed to get dirty," Snape said coldly, pointing to the crumbled biscuits on top, "Gryffindor will be deducted five points."

"His leg was really bitten by a dog?"

Harry was dissatisfied with Snape's excuse to deduct points from Gryffindor, but he was more curious about how Snape was bitten by a dog.

"Where's the dog from school?" Harry became even more confused, "Is it Fang?"

"I don't know. But I see he's in quite a lot of pain, which is great." Ron gloated. In fact, he didn't care what happened. Snape's unlucky appearance of being bitten by a dog could provide him with happiness for the whole day.

"Don't forget, there is a big dog in the restricted corridor on the fourth floor." Hermione reminded aloud. She didn't forget the big dog. She was scared enough at the beginning.

"I see, I know," Harry jumped up. After noticing that he had attracted a lot of surprised looks, he quickly lowered his voice and said, "I still remember when the troll broke into the school on Halloween."

Ron was stunned for a moment, seeming to recall what happened a few days ago.

Harry continued, "We saw Snape walking towards the third floor alone. I dare to bet with my broomstick that Snape definitely let the giant monster into the castle to take advantage of it." The troll diverted the professors' attention and took the opportunity to..."

"You mean, Snape wanted to pass by the big dog with three heads. When we saw Snape at that time, he was going to the restricted area on the fourth floor, trying to steal the thing guarded by the big dog. ?" Ron said suddenly.

"No - he won't," Hermione said, not trusting Harry and Ron's judgment. "I know Snape is indeed unlovable, but it doesn't mean he is stupid, and I don't think Snape is stupid either." To be able to steal from Headmaster Dumbledore's carefully guarded collection right under his nose."

"To be honest, Hermione, you always think that all teachers are... saints." Ron had no good impression of Snape at all.

"No, that has nothing to do with this matter," Hermione noticed the expression on Ron's face and said helplessly, "Please Ron, use your brain and think carefully about why Principal Dumbledore dared to put things in the Hall. Gwarts School, would the principal not consider this problem and not take any precautions?"

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