Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 401 A bunch of fallacies

As eleven o'clock approached, the teachers and students of the school began to go to the Quidditch pitch.

After arriving at the Quidditch stadium, Lee Jordan separated from Albert and the others and went directly to the commentator's table. He would later serve as the commentator for the Quidditch game under the supervision of Professor McGonagall.

"Let's find an empty seat too." Shanna turned her head and said to Albert.

The two of them walked towards the area where Gryffindor students gathered together, preparing to pick an empty seat. When they looked up, they saw someone in the highest row trying to put a paper with the words "Potter Must Win" on it. of sheets hung up.

"It seems that our savior also has his own supporters." Albert said with a smile.

"It should be Potter's roommate. The big lion is well drawn." Shanna raised her binoculars and observed the flashing colors on the banner. She smiled and said to Albert: "Gryffindor House may appear again. What a genius."

Shanna saw no other upperclassmen, which meant the banner was probably the work of a first-year student. Except for Albert, no one in their class could achieve this level within a few months.

"Barely enough." Albert smiled and took out the wand from the pocket of his robe, pointed at the lion on the banner and chanted a spell, and the lion suddenly roared.

"It's much better this way, isn't it." Albert winked at Shanna as if the prank had succeeded.

"You scared them."

Zanna looked at the people who were startled by the lion's roar and couldn't help but cover her mouth and chuckle.

"What's going on? How did you do that?" Ron looked up at the banner that roared like a lion from time to time, and looked at Hermione beside him in shock.

Not only him, but several of Harry's roommates also looked at Hermione in surprise.

"I didn't do it." Hermione didn't understand what was going on.

Amidst the roar of the lions, the Quidditch players from both sides took the field one after another. Mrs. Hooch blew her silver whistle vigorously, announcing that the game had officially begun.

After an unknown amount of time, Angelina scored the first goal amidst the cheers of the Gryffindors and the roars of the Slytherins.

As Gryffindor scored first, the game became less friendly.

Everyone is used to this kind of competition atmosphere, and there are always a few not-so-friendly Quidditch matches every year.

Gryffindor is at a disadvantage this time. Their suitors are all girls. They are relatively weak when it comes to attacking each other in private. Fred and George alone are obviously not enough.

The Slytherin team quickly regained the advantage and began to take a points lead.

Albert wasn't surprised at all. Sometimes you just aren't black enough. If you can't be strong enough to directly suppress your opponent, you can only use black to fight black.

Gryffindor couldn't do the former, and didn't choose the latter, so when it encountered the Slytherin team's evil hand, it had no choice but to be hung up and beaten by the opponent.

Amid the angry roars of the Gryffindor students, Albert took out the communication bookmark from his pocket, glanced at the words on it, stood up and walked to the side, feeling angry because of the Slytherin team's despicable methods. The Gryffindor students didn't notice Albert's departure at all.

Albert found Isobel observing the game with binoculars in a remote corner where there was basically no one around.

He walked over directly, sat down next to the girl, and asked with a smile: "Do you think Gryffindor will win?"

"I heard someone say that you think Harry Potter will catch the Golden Snitch and win the game for Gryffindor." Isobel put down the binoculars, looked at Albert beside her, and said gently, "They Take your word for it.”

"People always need some confidence. You know, sometimes confidence is very important to allow everyone to fully utilize their abilities, and I can just bring them confidence." Albert reached out and grabbed Isobel's hand. , gently stroking her white palms, and asked with a smile, "Do you feel more confident than before?"

Isobel couldn't help but roll her eyes at Albert.

"It can be a simple and effective way to improve morale, why not do it?" Albert smiled and raised the binoculars hanging around his neck to observe and look for Harry Potter.

The savior is high in the sky, moving around looking for the whereabouts of the Golden Snitch.

In fact, the purpose of flying to high altitude is to prevent Harry from being targeted by the Slytherin team. Since Wood was reminded by Albert last time, he has paid great attention to protecting Harry's safety. In his words: We don't want you to fall into the sky early. The land was attacked.

It turned out to be a wise decision.

After all, it was Harry's first Quidditch match and he had no idea the dirty tricks the Slytherin team would use to win.

"You can always make a lot of excuses for yourself." Isobel held Albert's hand backhand and said gently, "But you are right, there are some methods that can really improve everyone's confidence. However, I I heard you bet a large sum of galleons that Harry would catch the Golden Snitch and win for Gryffindor?"

"Not a large amount of Galleons." Albert corrected, "Only ten Galleons."

"Gambling is not a good habit." Isobel reminded kindly.

"I rarely do things I'm not sure about, so I rarely lose." Albert shrugged.

"But I still don't want you to gamble on certain things." Isobel looked into Albert's eyes and said seriously: "There are some things that you can't gamble on, even if the probability of losing is very small."

"Okay, I promise. You know that I cherish my own life more than anyone else." Albert knew what Isobel was talking about.

A real gambler does not mean these so-called small bets, but one who dares to bet on other things. Sometimes, if you lose once, you will lose everything.

While the two were talking, something happened in the sky above the Quidditch pitch. Harry, who had just dodged a Bludger, was speeding up his dive, chasing a golden stream of light.

By the way, the novel app I’m using recently, [\\Mi\\Mi\\Reading\\app\\\\], is supported by Android and Apple phones!

That's right, Harry Potter discovered the Golden Snitch.

Just as Harry dived, the entire Quidditch field suddenly became quiet. Everyone noticed the Golden Snitch and stood up to watch the upcoming battle between the Golden Snitch.

Terrence Higgins, the seeker of the Slytherin team, obviously saw it too. He was even closer than Harry. However, he did not have an advantage on the broom. Harry had already taken advantage of the Nimbus 2000 broom. After catching up, the two of them ran side by side towards the snitch.

At this moment, everyone stopped what they were doing. The players seemed to have forgotten what they were supposed to do. They were all hovering in the air, watching the fight for the Golden Snitch.

As soon as the Seeker catches the Snitch, the game is over.

Harry's Nimbus 2000 was faster than Higgins' Sweeping Seven Stars. When he saw Harry speeding up again and reaching out to catch the Golden Snitch and seize victory for the Gryffindor team, an accident happened.

With a "bang", Harry felt himself being hit hard, and the broom moved sideways as a result.

It was Marcus Flint, captain of the Slytherin team, who deliberately bumped into Harry to prevent him from catching the Golden Snitch.


Amid the angry roars of the Gryffindors, Mrs. Hooch blew the silver whistle to pause the game. She flew over angrily and scolded Flint bloody.

The latter's face showed a smile that the plan had succeeded. Because the game was suspended, the Golden Snitch had disappeared from everyone's sight, and Gryffindor missed the opportunity to win the game.

The Gryffindor glared at Flint with such fury that they nearly ate him alive.

However, many students who recovered from their anger suddenly realized what had just happened and began to throw debris towards the field. Some even pulled out their wands and cast curses on Flint to express their protest and dissatisfaction.

"They seem...a little excited." Isobel raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Because they all bet that Harry can catch the Golden Snitch and win the game, and Flint's actions undoubtedly let the Galleons they were about to get slip away from their hands." Albert said maliciously, "There is nothing better than just It makes everyone even more angry when the Galleons slip through our fingers."

"You're not angry?" Isobel looked at Albert up and down and asked, "I remember you seemed to have bet too."

"If nothing else goes wrong, Harry should be able to catch the Golden Snitch. His Nimbus 2000 broom is obviously faster than Higgins' Sweep Seven Stars. Moreover, Harry's skills are not bad. As the savior, he is naturally lucky. So I don’t think he’s going to lose.”

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Isobel couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing.

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