Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 402 A great victory

"Flint's despicable behavior completely angered the audience in the stands!" Lee Jordan shouted into the microphone, with undisguised excitement in his tone, "Look, someone is throwing evil curses at him in the audience. , it was great, oh, I mean it was terrible, there was chaos on the field and Mrs. Hooch had to blow the whistle to stop the game."

"Jordan!" Professor McGonagall growled.

"Speaking of which, Flint was not hit by the curse. I dare say he must have stepped on dog poop when he went out today." Lee Jordan became more and more excited as he spoke. He quickly changed his tune when he realized that Professor McGonagall was about to take away his microphone. Said: "Okay, okay, Slytherin's Quidditch captain did successfully prevent Gryffindor from winning the game, and almost killed the Gryffindor team's seeker. His despicable behavior also aroused the audience I am dissatisfied and hope that Flint will not be hit by a curse during the game."

Mrs. Hooch yelled into the stands to stop people from using jinxes on the players, and the game was paused for ten minutes before the chaos subsided.

However, the chaos just now still cannot change the fact that the Gryffindor team has been completely suppressed by the Slytherin team. The current score is 20:40, and the Slytherin team is temporarily in the lead.

This is not the first time Fred and George have encountered this situation. The two have already started to attack the Slytherin team. Bell, the pursuer, was threatened by Fred's stick and had to lift his broom to avoid the stick. He received a direct hit from George with a Bludger, and his nose was crooked.


The Weasley twins high-fived themselves in the air to a roar of cheers from Gryffindor House.

However, everyone could not be happy for long. The ghost ball fell from Bell's hand, was caught by another Slytherin team's pursuer, and successfully scored a goal amidst the roars of the Slytherins.

"Is there something wrong with Potter's broom?"

In the audience, Isobel noticed the changes on the field and signaled Albert to pay attention to Potter's situation, "I don't think Slytherin students have the ability to interfere with a broomstick."

"Has it started yet?"

Albert muttered quietly, moving the binoculars towards Potter's position. As expected, Potter's broom was out of control, twitching and twisting crazily, rising higher and higher, taking Harry Potter away from the arena.

"What did you just say?" Isobel raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Look over there..." Albert raised his finger and pointed in Snape's direction, "It's probably someone casting a curse on Potter's broom."

"Snape?" Isobel looked in the direction of Albert's finger and saw Snape standing not far away, Potter's eyes fixed on the sky, muttering silently, He looked like he was ready to curse Harry Potter to death.

"It shouldn't be!"


"I don't think Snape is that stupid. Even if he can throw Potter down from high in the air, he can't just throw him to death."

Yes, Isobel's idea is completely reasonable. Most of the professors at Hogwarts came to watch this Quidditch match. As long as Harry Potter is thrown off the broom, there will definitely be a professor who reads him a message in time. The shock-absorbing spell can easily solve the problem of falling from high altitudes. Harry Potter was totally fine, at most he was frightened.

"Although Snape doesn't know why he likes to cause trouble for Harry Potter," Albert said, "but as long as his brain has not been caught in the door, he probably won't use such a bad trick."

"Do you already know who is hexing Potter's broom?"

Isobel looked at Albert in surprise. She also felt that it was unlikely to be Snape. After all, a gloomy guy like Snape never looked like an idiot.

Albert smiled and did not answer.

Isobel focused her attention on the other professors again, and frowned slightly when her eyes passed over Professor Quirrell.

The new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor is indeed suspicious.

"Professor Quirrell?"

"why would you say so?"

"Professor Quirrell is actually very suspicious. That big scarf...well, I can't read his thoughts." Isobel said: "Based on my impression of him, Professor Quirrell is obviously not a powerful wizard. He should be more theoretical, and there are not many wizards who are good at Occlumency."

"Although there is no evidence, Quirrell may be a minion of the mysterious man." Albert said in a voice that only two people could hear: "In the future, stay away from Quirrell, and don't try to use Legilimency on him. .”

"Then you often ask him questions. I heard that Professor Quirrell is avoiding you now." Isobel said speechlessly. "But why did Quirrell come to Hogwarts? To get rid of Potter, or to steal the thing in the restricted corridor on the fourth floor."

"It should be the latter." Albert said without hesitation, "Getting rid of Potter should just be easy."

"I remember Professor Quirrell came from Ravenclaw College, so he shouldn't be that stupid!"

"Who knows?" Albert actually couldn't figure out why Quirrell thought that just throwing Potter off his broomstick would kill him. "

Perhaps, Voldemort's possession caused his IQ to drop?

Maybe he was actually forced to do this by Voldemort?


All in all, it all seemed like a farce to Albert.

Yes, a farce.

At this moment, all the spectators in the stands noticed the abnormality of Harry's broom. Everyone was whispering and discussing what happened to Harry's broom.

The students in Slytherin were all staring at Harry Potter, and some even started shouting "Fall off", "Fall off", as long as Potter fell off the broom, they could put Kenneth Toller in his pocket He took out every coin he had, and even took away his pants to pay off his debt before leaving.

Harry's situation was indeed not good. He was almost thrown off the broom. He was currently hanging in the air with only one hand on the broom handle, and his situation was precarious.

Albert was not too worried about Potter's situation. The binoculars fell under the banner, and Hermione beside Ron had disappeared. Albert moved his gaze to Snape again and found that the guy had just been startled and was trying to put out the flames on his robes.

Albert moved his eyes back to Potter. Sure enough, the broom had returned to normal, and Harry had climbed back on the broom handle, much to the disappointment of most Slytherin students. They also experienced the feeling of the students who had just bet that Harry would catch the Golden Snitch, as if they were on a roller coaster.

It was not unreasonable for Albert to find that Snape was taking the blame. If he didn't know the plot and saw the scene just now, he would probably think that Snape was chanting a curse on Potter's broom. At most, he would There may be something wrong with Snape's IQ.

The game lasted about twenty minutes, and the Slytherin team was still slowly expanding their advantage. They successfully scored two more goals, stretching the score to 20:60.

When people were angry that the Slytherin players tried to attack Harry, it was discovered that Harry suddenly dived to avoid the oncoming Bludger, and once again started a golden snitch chase with Higgins.

This time, as they dived directly towards the Golden Snitch on the ground at high speed, Higgins gave up at the last moment.

"Potter caught the Golden Snitch." When Albert saw Harry holding the Golden Snitch out of his mouth above his head, he smiled and said to Isobel next to him.

"Congratulations, you won another bet. Remember to treat me next time."

The game ended in chaos, with Gryffindor finally defeating Slytherin with a 170:60 advantage.

"He failed to catch the snitch, Potter almost swallowed it." Flint roared angrily, but it had no effect, Harry caught the golden snitch and won the victory for Gryffindor, and worse Yes, he and his companions lost a large sum of galleons as a result.

After the game, Flint was blocked by a group of students on the Quidditch pitch, and debt collectors came.

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