Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 800 o. w. Ls exam

o.\\nw.\\nLs On the day of the exam, there was a depressive atmosphere in the auditorium. Most of the fifth and seventh grade students who were about to enter the exam room remained silent. The depressive atmosphere before the exam even affected students of other grades. .

Opposite Albert, Shanna was actually reading "The Achievement of Magic" while eating, for fear that she would forget the key points in the book. The absent-minded Lee Jordan, who was yawning on his right side, mistakenly took salt for sugar and added it to the pumpkin porridge. Even Fred and George, who had always been careless, were affected by the exam and became taciturn and even lost their appetite. .

Only Albert was eating slowly as usual, unaffected by the depressing atmosphere before the exam.

After breakfast, students from other grades went to their classrooms, but the fifth and seventh grade students remained in the hall aimlessly waiting for the exam to begin.

Well, that's right, the curse theory of o.\\nw.\\nLs and N.\\nE.\\nw.\\nTs will be tested together in the auditorium, but the seats will be separated.

The waiting was the most difficult thing. Everyone looked very nervous. Many people tried to calm down by flipping through books, but most of the time they still looked secretly towards the auditorium, as if they were eager to see something.

Albert had experience with this. He gave George the half-pack of mints he had eaten last time and asked him to share the candies with everyone to help them relieve their stress and anxiety before the exam.

Of course, other colleges don’t have it.

"You are very thoughtful."

With sugar in her mouth, Shanna found Albert who was lazily flipping through "The Achievements of Magic" on the stone bench in the courtyard, and sat down next to him with a smile.

"No way, I'm very experienced."

Albert closed the book and asked casually, "Think about those test papers, o.\\nw.\\nLs is actually not that difficult."

"Yeah." Shanna responded casually without knowing what she was thinking.

After a while, all the Gryffindor candidates came out and gathered around Albert, holding mints in their mouths and chatting incoherently about the topic of the exam. Their original nervousness relaxed unknowingly.

o.\\nw.\\nThe Ls exam starts at ten o'clock, and professors start arranging candidates to enter the venue at nine-thirty.

The auditorium has been rearranged by the professors. The four long academic tables have been moved and replaced with many small single tables, all facing the teachers' bench at the end of the auditorium.

The first Charms Theory Examination was invigilated by five professors including Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick, Professor Marchbain, Professor Tofty and Professor Greengrass.

Before students enter the examination room, they must go through a round of inspections.

Filch was standing at the entrance of the auditorium, holding two honesty detectors to check whether he had any contraband on his body. After being roughly checked, they will take the exam seat numbers they have drawn to find their respective positions.

Most students who try to cheat are not bothered by this, but there are always exceptions.

"It's really hard to imagine that you can be so stupid." Filch touched the sleeve of the Hufflepuff boy with the honesty detector, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, "You should be lucky that the exam hasn't happened yet. First of all, if you ask me, you should be disqualified from the exam for those sneaky guys."

So, in addition to the memory balls and a few error-correcting inks, there were two more removable cuffs on the table.

Many students found it very interesting and felt that the guys who tried to cheat were so stupid. If it were them, Filch would definitely not have discovered it.

Albert discovered that there are two types of detachable clip-on cuffs, one is the magical version, which is invisible to the naked eye but will be detected by honest detectors, and the other is the non-magical version, but Filch seems to be experienced. Can easily check it out. He scolded and handed out number tags to the candidates, and finally succeeded in saving several students who had gone astray.

Albert glanced at his number plate and quickly found his seat number C7. In front of him was a boy from Ravenclaw, and behind him was a girl from Hufflepuff. Well, the one who often had emotional breakdowns. Tricia Stinson.

After checking the spare quills, ink bottles and parchment on the table, Albert discovered that Professor Flitwick, who had handed them the test papers, quietly sat behind them and monitored the entire examination room.

After Professor McGonagall turned the huge hourglass on the table upside down and placed it next to it, he announced to all the candidates: "You can start answering the questions."

Albert picked up the test paper, quickly glanced at all the questions, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The test questions are indeed the most basic. As long as you master the knowledge points in the magic class, you don't have to worry about not getting "excellent".

The Charms Theory Test is divided into three types of questions:

The first is to answer questions.

For example: a) write a spell that makes objects fly; b) describe the action of waving a wand.

The second type is multiple choice questions.

For example: The correct incantation for the Fire Charm is:

a) blaze, b) burn, c) burn quickly, d) burn out

The third type is the breaking spell.

For example: Please write down the spell to break the hiccup curse.

The test content is really simple. The only problem is that there are a lot of questions. There are a hundred questions on the test paper. For some students, there may not be enough time.

Of course, for Albert, this test paper was really not difficult. With the help of the panel, his memory has far surpassed that of ordinary people, and he can answer questions naturally and quickly, and he can do it perfectly without thinking.

At this moment, Albert suddenly heard a sharp alarm: cheating, cheating.

He looked away from the exam paper and looked up in surprise at the front where the sound came from.

Not only Albert, but everyone else in the auditorium was startled by the sound, and they all cast curious glances this way.

Someone actually cheated?

Does this trigger the anti-cheating mechanism?

The students were very curious as this was the first time they had encountered such a situation.

The Ravenclaw student looked a little at a loss, because the dark-faced Professor McGonagall quickly got down from the teacher's chair, carried the unfortunate guy out of the auditorium, and calmed down the voice.

"Quiet, don't look around, and continue to answer the questions." Professor Flitwick's sharp voice sounded next. His face was also very ugly. After all, he was a student of his own college.

After the exam, the cheating incident quickly caused an uproar among students.

The news soon became clear. It was said that the unlucky guy who was taken out had secretly taken dragon claw powder during the exam, triggering the anti-cheating mechanism.

"He made dragon claw powder into pills and put it in his mouth." Lee Jordan said, "That bastard Kenneth probably tipped him off. He was the only one selling dragon claw powder in the whole school. He can do terrible harm to others. Yes, I heard that he has been disqualified from the Charms exam, and Professor McGonagall will write to the other party’s home to inform him of this, and if he cheats again, he will be repeated in the grade.”

"How was it detected?" George asked doubtfully.

"No wonder no one has succeeded in cheating." Fred was a little scared. He actually wanted to do that, but was warned by Albert and had to give up in the end.

"The Ministry of Magic must be on guard against dragon claw powder and intelligence-enhancing agents. These two things are the easiest to get. If you know Legilimency, I dare say no one will be able to find you cheating."

"How did you do?" Shanna asked Albert to borrow the test paper, "I think you just fell asleep on your stomach in the end."

"It should be a perfect score."

"I didn't answer a few questions well." Shanna was a little depressed.

"Can you shut up?" Fred covered his ears and complained, "After finally finishing the test, I can't find the correct answer. It makes me feel sick."

During lunch, the auditorium was restored to its original appearance, and the four house tables reappeared. The fifth-year Gryffindor students all gathered around Albert to listen to him talk about what might be tested in the afternoon practical exam. .

There was no way, basically everything Albert said in the morning was passed.

The afternoon magic spell practical exam started at two o'clock. All candidates were required to come to the small room next to the auditorium in advance and wait to be called to the auditorium in alphabetical order by last name to take the practical exam.

Albert was the first to enter, along with two others.

"Professor March is free, Anderson." Professor Flitwick stood at the door and assigned examiners to the students entering the room.

"Okay, let's start, Mr. Anderson, I think this exam is very easy for you." Professor Marchban smiled kindly at Albert, "Please let this glass cup run on the table. Then let it jump into the air and perform a few sideways flips. Of course, you can do it without having to do it in one breath."

What this actually means is that if you complete it in one go, your score will be higher.

Albert did it easily. It was nothing more than the use of basic movement spells and floating spells. The glass cup completed all the movements in one breath, like an elegant athlete.

"very perfect."

As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of glass falling to the floor and breaking could be heard in the auditorium.

Albert looked down at his glass, then turned to look at the unlucky guy far away who failed to perform a side roll, and then looked back at his old friend.

Professor Marchban smiled at Albert, pointed at the mouse caught from the cage next to him, and said, "Please turn it green and make the mouse the size of a plate."

"Color-Changing and Expanding Charms."

Albert waved the wand gently, and the mouse immediately turned green and began to expand slowly, and soon reached the size required by the other party.

"Perfect." Professor Marchban indicated that he could leave.

Albert is very satisfied with the difficulty of today's o.\\nw.\\nLs exam, which means that he can easily get "excellent" and complete the task of obtaining twelve excellent exams.

Albert went directly back to the dormitory first and got himself a bottle of ice-cold butterbeer to cool down. The sultry weather made him uncomfortable. Then he took his book and slowly went to the library to review for the Transfiguration exam tomorrow.

During dinner, everyone gathered together in twos and threes to talk about today's curse exam.

"It feels very simple. I can at least do well in the exam."

"It would be nice if the Transfiguration exam could be this easy." Fred said.

Albert looked at the somewhat depressed Shanna and asked, "Are you okay?"

"My mouse swelled up like a balloon, and it floated away when I wasn't paying attention." Shanna was a little depressed.

"Don't worry, you can at least get good grades with your grades." Albert comforted casually, but Shanna obviously didn't want her grades to be extremely good.

A loud voice suddenly echoed through the entire auditorium, shaking the dust from the ceiling.

The unlucky Ravenclaw became the center of attention, but he had better luck than the previous protagonists of the shouting letters, because there was not much thought to discuss the matter.

After dinner, everyone returned to their common rooms to prepare for tomorrow's exam.

Gryffindor gathered together and listened to Albert's analysis of the Transfiguration exam the next day. By the way, they took out the previous exam papers and looked through them. Anyway, the content of the previous exams has basically not changed.

With yesterday's experience, no examinee is stupid enough to cheat anymore, and even interpolation will no longer happen.

After Albert flipped through the test paper, he found that the focus of the Transfiguration exam was indeed to test how much theoretical knowledge you had memorized.

The afternoon practical test of the Transfiguration class was about the disappearing spell, and Albert was honored to be among the first batch of candidates. He had to make a cute ferret disappear in front of Professor Tofty.

The Disappearance Spell is the most important spell learned in the fifth-grade Transfiguration class. It is also the most difficult spell to master among the Transfiguration Spells. The larger the object, the harder it is to use the spell to make it disappear.

Albert felt that some students were unlucky because the largest disappearing object they had practiced was a big rat, and it would be difficult for a group of students to make a rat disappear, let alone remind a ferret that was much larger than a big rat.

"Okay, let's get started, Mr. Anderson." Professor Tofty smiled: "You need to use the disappearing spell to make it disappear."

"Well, it looks cute." Albert reached out and touched the ferret's head, took out his wand and tapped it lightly on the head.


There was a flash of light and the ferret disappeared into thin air.

"Perfect." Professor Tofty smiled and went to get the wand on the table, ready to get the ferret back, but Albert was faster than him, and after a few crackling sounds, the ferret appeared out of thin air again.

"For you, such an exam is really too easy." Professor Tofty winked at Albert and said, "If you can give me an extra performance, I can give you extra points."

In fact, Albert can achieve excellence with or without extra points. However, he did not refuse. He pointed at the ferret with his magic wand and turned it into an eagle. When the eagle was about to spread its wings and fly, it fell to the ground and turned into a snake, then a badger, and then a human body. Huge lion.

A roar of a lion sounded in the auditorium, and Albert transformed the lion into a ferret, picked it up from the ground, and placed it in front of Professor Tofty.

"Very good, very good, you can go." Professor Tofodi was very happy to see other new gadgets. It is not easy to transform into a huge lion. The greater the difference in the size of the transformed creatures, the more difficult it is. The higher.

However, the other professors were not very happy, because all the creatures that had been prepared to deform the students were frightened by the lion's roar and were frightened into running around.

The culprit had already escaped.

"It turns out that the lion's roar was caused by you."

During dinner, Fred, George and Lee Jordan laughed so much that they almost couldn't stand upright when they talked about the practical exam.

"What's wrong?" Albert asked, raising his eyebrows.

"You may not know that many of the students waiting in the room were practicing with their wands, but they were startled by the lion's roar and the whole room was in chaos."

Everyone looked like they wanted to laugh, and obviously a lot of interesting things happened. Finally, it was Li Jordan who said, "A Hufflepuff boy had leeks growing out of his butt, two Slytherins' robes were set on fire, and Ellie Ya almost got poked in the eye with a wand, and someone from Ravenclaw almost got sent to the school hospital.

"Did Professor Tofty give you extra points?" Shanna paid more attention to this topic.

"Maybe it's because I'm familiar with him!" Albert said jokingly.

"Your Transfiguration test results must be excellent again!" Shanna reluctantly made her iguana disappear. Some students even tried several times before they succeeded. George was one of them. He was not in a high mood now because Fred did well in the Transfiguration exam, and in his own words could at least do well.

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