Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 801 Right Wrong

With the exam experience in the first two days, everyone already has a relatively intuitive impression of the level of the o.\\nw.\\nLs exam.

Wednesday’s herbalism written exam, like the previous two written exams, mainly tests the magical properties and applications of magical plants and mushrooms. It is similar to the exam on magic theory. It also requires one hundred questions, and most of these questions come from In the book "A Thousand Miracle Herbs and Mushrooms".

Therefore, if you want to get high scores in the written test of herbal medicine, it depends on whether you have memorized "Thousands of Miraculous Herbs and Mushrooms".

The afternoon practical exam was held in Greenhouse No. 3. Candidates need to enter Greenhouse No. 3 one by one, deal with the fang geraniums individually, and collect a certain number of fangs.

The key to getting a high score is to avoid being bitten by the fanged geranium as much as possible. Several examiners will score the students by judging whether the students' operation of collecting fangs is standardized and whether they are bitten.

Even with the dragon skin gloves on, Fred was bitten by the fang geraniums many times, and his performance in picking the fangs was a complete mess. On the contrary, George seemed to be very handy when dealing with the fang geraniums.

“I can finally get away from this class.”

While eating dinner, Fred repeatedly checked the injury on his hand and complained, "I don't have much patience to take care of those things. If I can barely pass the exam, I will be satisfied. I don't plan to continue taking this elective anyway." Class is over.”

"Making joke props will definitely require the use of a lot of magic plants." Albert reminded.

"Aren't you and George involved?" Fred shrugged and said, "I discussed it with George at the beginning. One learns transfiguration and the other learns herbal medicine. We call this division of labor and cooperation."

"What about brewing the potion?" Li Jordan asked with a smile.

"Isn't there Albert?" Fred said disapprovingly, "Besides, we can also brew ordinary potions. As for the particularly difficult potions, we can leave them to Albert."

"Tomorrow is the Defense Against the Dark Arts exam." George said suddenly. He wanted to fight to see if he could be outstanding. This was also their only chance to achieve excellence.

"I think the exam shouldn't be too difficult. Albert has tutored so many people a while ago. Maybe the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor next semester will be surprised to find that so many students have achieved good results." Lee Jordan said about the next step. I am becoming more confident in taking exams. The so-called written test is just to see who has memorized the key points. As long as you are willing to spend more time on the key points, basically there will be no problem in the written test.

As for the practical exam, there was no problem. Albert talked about the breaking spell and the defensive spell separately.

He needs to unspell a cursed rat and fight off a boggart that emerges from a small box.

"Is there something really special that you're afraid of?"

Professor Tofty looked at Albert who had just demonstrated a perfect Boggart expulsion spell, blinked his eyes and said.

"Everyone said so." Albert sent the Boggart away as soon as it appeared.

"If you are willing to show something special, I can give you extra points." Professor Tofty said with a smile.

The extra points were meaningless to Albert, but he was too lazy to point out Professor Tofty's little thoughts. He raised his wand and shook it lightly. Five silver balls of light shot out from the tip of the wand, surrounding Professor Tofty. Fei, actually all said Albert's voice: "Is this okay?"

"Of course, it's great. Your use of the patron saint has reached a very advanced level. I dare say that not many people can achieve this level." Professor Tofodi did not hesitate to praise and applaud, Albert It always brings him unexpected surprises.

It is already very difficult for ordinary wizards to summon a patron saint, let alone a form like Albert that directly hides the patron saint, and summons multiple patron saints in one breath, and finally makes the patron saint speak.

This is no longer a level that ordinary wizards can achieve. Even the wizards in the entire British magical world who can achieve this level in one breath can be counted on both hands.

The other examiners all noticed the ball of light melting into silver mist above Professor Tofodi's head, and they didn't know what they were thinking.

Albert successfully obtained the fourth excellent one.

Fred, George and Lee Jordan also passed the Defense Against the Dark Arts exams with ease and believed they had a chance of excellence.

During dinner, many fifth-grade students came over to express their gratitude to Albert for helping them with the Defense Against the Dark Arts tutorial, allowing them to easily pass the o.\\nw.\\nLs Defense Against the Dark Arts written test, afternoon practice The exam was not that difficult. Albert had focused on breaking spells and defensive spells. He even had special training in dealing with Boggarts, so there was no reason to fail the exam.

Next term's Defense Against the Dark Arts professor is sure to be in for a surprise.

Fred, George and Lee Jordan all had a great time that night, because they had three full days to prepare for the next exam.

Albert has two classes tomorrow, the Ancient Runes written test and the Muggle Studies written test. They were originally one class for one day, but these two classes are both written tests, so they were taken together.

However, the number of students who took the ancient magic writing examination was extremely small. Even if the seventh-grade students were included, there were barely more than twenty.

Albert glanced at the ancient magic text test paper, and he had a sense of déjà vu as if he had taken an English test in his previous life, and it was a very simple one, giving him a sense of déjà vu as if he had taken an English test paper in elementary school.

It took Albert nearly ten minutes to finish the test paper, and he also checked it again.

Then, he lay down on the table and began to sleep, which made Katrina, who was sitting behind him, a little doubtful about life, because Albert basically slept on his stomach throughout the exam.

The Muggle Studies written test in the afternoon was even more nonsense. After reading the test paper, Albert was a little doubtful whether the wizard who wrote the test paper had ever lived in the Muggle world. The whole test paper gave Albert the feeling of being from "British Muggles". "Gua's Family Life and Social Habits" is excerpted from the book.

Of course, this kind of thing is a matter of course for Hogwarts exams, but Albert found this exam a bit funny.

For example, to describe Muggle etiquette when meeting guests for the first time:

Another example: a) Please briefly explain why Muggles need electricity in their lives, and b) what things require electricity.

And in those widespread electrical appliances, you can see the shadow of sockets and switches, because "The Family Life and Social Habits of British Muggles" mentioned that these two things require the use of electricity.

In the end, Albert didn't worry about it anymore. He just needed to get an excellent test anyway, and the rest of the questions were like that.

Whether the correct answer is correct or not is really not that important to Albert.

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