Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 839 Camp

Ding dong!

Doorbell rang.

Sansa opened the door to the entrance hall, looked at the red-haired girl outside, and let her into the house with a smile.

"Isobel, right?"

A long time ago, Sansa had seen Isobel's appearance from the photos given by Albert. Sometimes she had to sigh that the three generations of her ancestors and grandchildren all had good tastes. There was something special about the red-haired girl in front of her. His temperament is a perfect match for Albert.

"I think Albert should have mentioned it to you." Isobel said to the old man with a smile, "I'm here to pick them up to watch the Quidditch World Cup."

"Albert and Nia are still dining, would you like to sit down and have something to eat with everyone!"

"No, I've had breakfast."

When Isobel followed Sansa into the restaurant, she saw Albert wearing simple clothes eating breakfast, and Nia was also dressed in ordinary clothes.

However, with the temperament and appearance of the Anderson brothers and sisters, even if they wear ordinary clothes, they can easily attract others' attention in the crowd.

Nia put down her fork, took out her handkerchief and wiped the corners of her mouth, and asked impatiently: "Shall we leave now?"

"Yes. However, we have to move everything that will be used in the next few days into the box." After Albert ate the last bit of food on the plate, he raised his head and said to Nia: "You will have to do the same later. Stay in the box until I can secretly apparate you into the camp."

"Stay in the box?" Nia's eyes moved to the suitcase in Isobel's hand and asked doubtfully: "Will it suffocate people to death?"

"There's a lot of space inside. You'll know when you go in later." Albert motioned to Isobel to open the suitcase, directly revealing the staircase winding downwards.

"Magic is incredible. I didn't expect that even such a thing could be done." When Nia pulled the small suitcase in, she was surprised to find that there was actually a house inside, and not only was there sunshine outside, but there were also a large number of flower fields planted around it. .

"Stay here, and the Apparition will not affect you." Albert smiled and said to Nia: "You can choose a room you like here."

"Are we going to live here next?" Nia asked in confusion.

"Yes, we may stay here for the next few days." Albert nodded and left the suitcase with Isobel.

"Then let's go first." Albert said to Luke.

"Aren't you going to leave with her?" Sansa looked at Isobel who was leaving empty-handed, and then at Albert who was carrying the suitcase, and asked doubtfully.

"I'm underage and can't use magic, so we have to leave." Albert took out his pocket watch and looked at the time and said, "I need Grandpa Luke and Grandma Sansa to leave home for a while. You can go to a nearby convenience store. Buy something from the store.”

"Take good care of your sister," Luke warned.

"I will." Albert walked back to his room, where the house elf Bit was already waiting for him.

Albert handed the suitcase to the house elf Bit, then entered the vanishing cabinet and secretly apparated to Isobel's house to join the two sisters.

The task of the house elf Bit is to return to the house in Hogsmeade with the suitcase when no one is home, wait for Albert to set up the tent, and then secretly bring the suitcase to join the three of them.

At this time, Isobel was taking Albert and Katrina to a place specially designated for Apparition by the British Ministry of Magic.

When they first arrived, they saw a tired old wizard not far away. He was frowning at the young trio. His eyes stayed on Albert for a moment, and then moved towards him as if he was not used to it. Apparition of Katrina.

"Is there any problem?" Albert noticed the old wizard's gaze and asked indifferently.

"Is it just you?"

"We have registered in advance, I think you should be able to find MacDoug on the parchment." Albert reminded.

"Oh, are over there. The groundskeeper is Mr. Payne." The old wizard suddenly said, "You are Albert Anderson, right?"

At this moment, several young people fell to the ground in embarrassment, obviously the sequelae of using the door key.

Albert didn't answer, just nodded towards the other person, and then went in the direction of the other person's finger to look for the Muggle gentleman.

The three of them soon saw the stone house. There was a man standing at the door, with a dazed and indifferent expression on his face.

"Good morning, you must be Mr. Payne." Albert stepped forward to greet the other party. He could obviously see that this unlucky guy had just been cast under a forgetting spell.

Mr. Payne looked at the three young people and asked: "Ah, yes, are you?"

"McDoug, I booked a tent two days ago. I will stay here for about twelve days. Of course, I don't rule out the possibility of leaving early."

After saying that, Albert took out the pound he had prepared in advance and handed it directly to Mr. Payne.

"You have a place there." Mr. Payne looked at the list posted on the door, took the pound handed by Albert and said, "Just in time, I'll give you a plan of the camp."

"Thank you." Albert took the map and led the McDougal sisters toward the camp over there.

"Is that Muggle going to be a fool?"

"No, but I'm afraid there will be some forgetfulness. If the Forgetting Curse is used too many times, there will always be some trouble." Albert said.

As soon as he entered the camp, Albert saw two rows of new tents arranged neatly in the camp. They looked the same as Muggle tents, but there were still some wizard tents that could be seen using magic. He wanted to count on the wizards. Being able to hide yourself is obviously unrealistic.

They quickly reached the end of the camp and spent a minute finding the wooden sign with McDoug on it.

Albert quickly unloaded a very simple tent and used magic to set up the tent in a short time.

The space inside the tent is much larger than outside. Apart from a table, there are only a few beds left, which looks very simple.

Of course, they didn't plan to live in a tent, so it didn't matter how crude it was.

"This is definitely the worst tent I have ever seen." Katrina couldn't help complaining.

"At least, it is still a tent, and you are not allowed to live here." Albert took out his pocket watch and looked at the time, and said to Sister McDougal, "Sit down and rest for a while, Bit will be there soon. Come join us."

"Bit is your house elf?" Katrina asked curiously.

She didn't wait for Albert's answer.

There was a crackling sound from the compartment, and the house elf appeared in the tent with a suitcase.

Albert took the suitcase and opened it at the entrance of the compartment, disguising the entrance of the suitcase as the entrance of the compartment, making it look like he opened the door and entered the compartment of the tent.

As for the current broken tent, it was actually prepared for the house elves. Once they encounter any trouble, the house elves can immediately take the box and apparate away, leaving this broken tent directly here.

"If anything happens, you can notify me directly through this thing."

As he spoke, Albert took out a bracelet from his pocket and handed it to the house elf. It was a communication tool he made. He has made many similar gadgets, but most of the communication props can only be used one-on-one and have defects.

"Okay Master." The house elf put the communication bracelet on his hand and started to go about his own business.


Katrina keenly captured the meaning of the house elf's words and looked at Albert suspiciously.

The latter didn't intend to explain at all, just opened the door and entered the suitcase.

"Are you at your destination?"

Nia heard the noise coming from the room and hurried back to the room. She saw Albert appearing in the house with two beautiful red-haired girls. One of them was known to Nia, and the other should be Isobel's sister Carter. Rina.

She had heard them say that Isobel's sister would also go with them to the Quidditch World Cup.

Katrina looked at the beautiful girl in front of her with the same curiosity, and suddenly felt a little depressed, because Albert's sister was also a beautiful girl.

"My sister Nia, this is Isobel's sister Katrina. This should be your first meeting." Albert introduced them to the two of them respectively.

After the two got to know each other, Katrina suddenly asked Albert: "There must be a Muggle-repelling spell on the Quidditch pitch. How are you going to bring her into the stadium?"

"It's not difficult to block the Muggle Expelling Curse. It's not a particularly powerful spell." Since Albert dared to bring Nia over to watch the Quidditch World Cup, he naturally considered various situations and responded accordingly. measure.

"You guys need to rest for a while. During the day, in order to prevent Muggles from discovering abnormalities, the camp is very normal and there is nothing to visit. In the evening, there will be vendors selling things in the camp. Then I will take you around Let's go shopping and buy some souvenirs." Albert learned about the situation in advance through other channels.

"Can I do that too?" Nia asked with a wink.

"Of course, but you have to put these things on first, and you can't leave my side until then." Albert took out a few magic props and handed them to Nia, and then took out the wand to apply magic to her.

"Is it really okay to do this?" Katrina was a little worried. Albert was really unscrupulous and didn't take the Ministry of Magic seriously at all.

"I have studied the traces of the Ministry of Magic. As long as magic is not used outside the magical world, there will be no problems. I have tested it in Diagon Alley before. As long as you are in the magical world, even if you are around Muggles You won't be warned when you use magic." Albert took Nia out of the suitcase and appeared in the tent.

"what is that?"

The girl was startled when she saw the house elf at first sight, and couldn't help shrinking behind Albert.

"A house elf is similar to a hired servant. Some wizard families have house elves serving them." Albert explained casually, "His name is Bit, and he is responsible for taking care of our daily life."

"This is my sister Nia." Albert introduced to Bit. The house elf bowed slightly to Nia and then continued to do his own business.

"Is this tent using similar magic?"

Nia followed Albert out of the tent and found that there was a vast space inside the tent, but outside it was actually just a very small tent.

There were people coming and going outside the tent, and it looked like an ordinary camp. If it weren't for the fancy clothes, this group of wizards were using poor acting skills to try to disguise themselves as Muggles. However, they didn't realize that their actions were Muggle-like. His eyes were so weird.

"I think they treat ordinary people as idiots." Nia looked at the group of wizards with poor acting skills and couldn't help complaining.

"Yes, in fact, no one really cares about those things, because they prefer to use magic to solve problems." Albert said softly, "If a Muggle discovers the secrets here, wizards will use magic to solve the problem."

"Let the other party forget?"

"Let the other person forget."

"So... arrogant," Nia muttered under her breath.

"This is the wizard."

Albert patted Nia on the shoulder and motioned her to go back to the tent to rest and not run around at this time.

"When does the Quidditch match start?" Nia looked up at Albert.

"Probably at night," Albert said.

"What a terrible time. Staying up late is a woman's natural enemy." Nia muttered.

"I completely agree with your opinion." A voice came from not far away.

Albert turned around and saw Catherine and Valeria walking this way.

Nia looked at the two uninvited guests in front of her in surprise, frowned and said, "You are really charming."

"Who is this beautiful girl? Is she your new girlfriend?" Valeria greeted Albert enthusiastically, looked at Nia with the same curiosity, and couldn't help but tease, "Isobel must be It’s going to be very sad.”

"Let's talk after we go in." Albert invited the two of them into the tent.

"Your tent is really simple." Valeria looked at the tent with some surprise. It was hard to imagine that Albert and Isobel would live in such a ghost place.

"Idiot, they definitely don't live here." Kathleen's eyes fell on the girl next to Albert. She was also curious about who the beautiful girl beside Albert was.

"This is my sister, Nia." Albert introduced them to the two of them. "This is Katherine and Valeria, my friends in the magic world. The beauty potion you used before also contains some of theirs." A share of credit.”


"Magical world?"

Unlike Valeria, Kathleen noticed Albert's choice of words.

"Nia is a Muggle, remember to keep it a secret." Albert also knew that this kind of thing could not be hidden from a smart guy, so he directly showed his cards.

The two looked at each other, but both said they would keep it a secret.

"If you are looking for Isobel, she is resting inside." Albert pointed to the entrance of the suitcase.

"You don't mind if we have a meal at your place. Kathleen's cooking skills are really not that good, and the food I cook is also barely edible." Valeria said pitifully.

"I'll have the house elves prepare more portions for you."

"Actually, if possible, we would rather move here to live with you." Valeria continued to push further, this was her goal.

Nia looked at the busty blonde in front of her suspiciously, she felt that this woman had other intentions for Albert.

"Unfortunately, we don't have any extra space here." Isobel declined directly.

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