Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 840 Peter: It’s too difficult for me

Humph, women are troublesome sometimes, especially the more beautiful the woman, the more troublesome they are. When several beautiful women get together, it becomes even more troublesome.

Most of the time, they don't even do anything serious. Instead, they like to compare who is more beautiful.

Ever since Valeria and Katherine arrived, the surrounding atmosphere had been very wrong. Albert immediately pulled Nia away from the wooden house, sat back in the armchair of the tent, and slowly flipped through the book in his hand. Daily Prophet.

"It seems that being too popular is also a distressing thing!" Nia was a little gloating. She rarely saw Albert in such a mess, and found it particularly interesting.

"Yeah, so you don't have to tease me." Albert continued to flip through the newspaper in his hand. The news in the past few days has been related to the Quidditch World Cup.

"Is it really okay?" Nia fiddled with the rough bracelet on her hand and suddenly asked, "Is it really not going to cause you any trouble?"

"As long as you are obedient and don't run around, there will be no problem." Albert comforted softly: "Remember to catch up on your sleep at noon to avoid being sleepy at night. Although most Quidditch matches will be over within a few hours, even Shorter, but sometimes exceptions are made.”

Nia knew something about the Quidditch game. She had also read "The Origins of Quidditch" and had a better understanding of the rules of Quidditch. In Nia's opinion, the reason why Quidditch is so popular is probably related to the low-level entertainment activities in the wizarding world.

Of course, it may also be related to the excitement of this kind of competition, just like racing.

"Have you told those two beauties about your engagement?" Nia began to gossip about her brother's relationship problems. In fact, Nia couldn't quite understand that Isobel could still talk to Valeria and Kathleen calmly.

To be honest, Nia still admires Isobel, at least it is difficult for her to do this.

Especially in front of a beautiful woman who may want to steal her boyfriend, and Nia also doubts whether Isobel's sister also secretly likes Albert.

"Isobel will handle this kind of thing by herself."

Albert put down the newspaper, looked at his gossiping sister, and sighed softly, why do women like gossip news?

He remembered that Nia didn't like him having contact with other women before?

My sister is also growing up.

"Sounds like the opinions of a scumbag." Nia raised her eyebrows and said, "You should make it clear to them."

"I said it before," Albert protested, "and I also consciously kept a distance from them."

"I have a friend who fell in love with a handsome and rich boy the year before last and later slept with him," Nia recalled. "Now, she shares a boyfriend with another beautiful girl."

"That man sounds like a public toilet." Albert couldn't help but joked, "By the way, your friend didn't dump him?"

"No, that boy's character and character are actually pretty good, but he just doesn't know how to reject others."

At this moment, an owl flew in from outside the tent and landed in front of the two of them. Albert was a little confused, why would an owl come here to deliver a message to him?

It was a small owl, holding a note at its feet and chirping non-stop.

Albert untied the note, spread it out and read the contents:

Dear Albert:

I heard that you have arrived at the Quidditch World Cup camp, so I couldn’t wait to write you this letter. I hope to meet you. I want to ask you to help me make a prediction about Peter Pettigrew. I want to Know if that guy is still alive, and if so, where he is hiding now.

Also, I will visit you before 10 o'clock, I hope not to disturb you.

Sirius Black.

"Is there anything wrong with that letter?" Nia noticed the strange expression on Albert's face and asked curiously.

"It's nothing, someone wants me to do divination for him. Then again, how do they know that I'm here." Albert muttered softly. He took out a quill pen from his pocket, wrote "see you later" on the back of the note, then let the owl fly away with the note, then took out his pocket watch and checked the time, and continued reading the newspaper.

Sirius Black came earlier than expected. Shortly after the owl flew away, Sirius Black came over. And he was not the only one. He was also accompanied by a group of people: Harry, Ron and Hermione. group, plus Professor Luping.

"Sorry to bother you," Sirius said to Albert, "By the way, this tent is not like your style."

"It's pretty shabby here," Ron muttered. Sirius's tent was very gorgeous, even better than Ron's house.

As soon as Ron finished speaking, he was glared hard by Hermione next to him.

"Why are you alone? I thought you would come over with Isobel to watch the Quidditch World Cup?" Hermione naturally noticed the wooden sign outside. The name on it was McDougal, not Anderson.

"Isobel is entertaining friends." Albert motioned for Sirius Black to sit across from him, and then waved his hand, as if to repel mosquitoes, to keep the others away for the time being.

"More than?"

Harry looked at the house elf who brought them tea and water in disbelief: "Are you now employed by Anderson?"

"Sorry sir, my name is not Dobby, and you must be mistaken. I am not employed by the master." The house elf said sharply.

"I'm sorry," Harry said to the elf, "I mistook you for someone I used to know."

"It's okay sir." The house elf turned and left.

"Your house elf?" Sirius Black looked at the house elf and asked curiously: "Are you really a Muggle wizard?"

"Of course I am a Muggle wizard." Albert changed the subject: "You want to know if Peter is still alive, and if he is still alive, where is he now?"


Sirius placed a small bag of Galleons in front of Albert.

Albert did not look at Galen, but instead focused on the crystal ball in front of him. The white mist in the crystal ball gradually dispersed, reflecting some figures like water.

That man was clearly Peter Pettigrew.

"It seems that Peter Pettigrew is still alive and doing well."

"But the Daily Prophet reported that Peter had died in Azkaban Prison. It is said that officials from the Ministry of Magic even went to confirm the body." Lupine said suddenly.

"Of course the body can be fake." Albert said to Sirius: "It seems that you have not given up on killing him yourself?"

"Yes." Sirius made no secret of this, "The dead should lie in their coffins, instead of running around pretending to be corpses like they are now."

"I agree with you."

Albert moved his gaze back to the crystal ball, which was a very hidden room. Albert raised his hand and touched the crystal ball lightly. The picture above disappeared again, replaced by a forest, and then a double eagle flag.

Sirius Black stared at the changes in the crystal ball, raised his head again and looked at Albert, waiting for the other party's explanation.

"Double eagle flag, Austria, Montenegro, Armenia? However, I think this should refer to Albania, the forest of Albania. This should refer to Peter going to the forest of Albania to find the mysterious man."

"I once dreamed that Peter and Voldemort murdered someone." Harry, who had been eavesdropping, suddenly interrupted.

"Oh, tell me what you dreamed about?" Albert looked at Harry curiously.

Harry briefly told what happened in his dream.

"What an incredible ability. I have not heard of similar precognitive dreams so far, but I cannot rule out the possibility." Albert said to Harry: "As far as I know, you have never shown anything related to prophecy. ability, so I think it is not a precognitive dream, but that there may be some connection between you and the mysterious man. Albert pointed to Harry's scar, "Although it feels a bit incredible, the mysterious man became like that, The failure to kill it completely is incredible in itself. I can't help you, but I suggest you go to Dumbledore, he is the expert in this field. "

"Okay, let's continue talking about Peter. It's really bad news that the guy is not dead." Albert smiled at Sirius: "Since you plan to contribute to the British wizarding world, I don't mind providing you with Please help, it's troubling that Peter is still alive and has escaped from Azkaban."

As he spoke, Albert touched the crystal ball lightly again, and the picture rotated again, turning into a large desolate house, and then the picture turned into a person again.

"Do you know this guy?" Albert pointed to the person in the crystal ball.

"It looks familiar, but I can't remember it for a moment." Sirius frowned and said.

The picture in the crystal ball finally turned into a desolate cemetery, and the picture finally settled in front of a tombstone.

However, the surroundings were too dark to clearly see whose tombstone it was.

"They may return to the UK. After all, you may know that man." Albert analyzed: "Peter Pettigrew may have settled in that dilapidated house, and then Peter will come into contact with the man just now, and finally it really The cemetery that will actually be converted into normal income should refer to the place where Peter Pettigrew will appear."

"No more?" Harry's eyes widened.

"This is what the prophecy is." Albert glanced at Harry and said to Sirius: "If you want to find clues, you'd better first think about who the man who appeared in the crystal ball is, and if you want to Find Peter Pettigrew and I can give you a little gadget so you can have a good chat with him."

Hermione thought it was ridiculous. She didn't expect anyone to be here talking about plans to murder someone.

"Do you have any grudge against Peter Pettigrew?" Hermione had never thought that Albert had such a side.

"It doesn't count as having a grudge, but Peter definitely has a grudge against me." Albert smiled.

"He has a grudge against you?" Hermione raised her eyebrows slightly.

Both Harry and Ron were a little confused, obviously not paying attention to what they were talking about just now.

"Peter was sent to Azkaban prison by Albert." The expression on Lupine's face was very complicated, and he didn't know whether he should support Sirius in killing his old friend.

"I myself am not afraid of Peter's revenge, but I never believe in the integrity of the dark wizard, and I don't want my family to be harmed because of this." Albert took out a wooden box from the deformed lizard skin bag, and after opening it, there were various kinds of things inside. Medicine, he picked up a golden pill and put it into a small bottle and handed it to Blake.

"When you find Peter, eat it. This thing will give you some help." Albert said mysteriously.

"What is this thing?" Blake looked at the golden pills in the bottle curiously.

"The elixir can last for about half an hour. I think it's enough time." Albert said lightly.

"Give me more, I can buy it with money." Sirius felt that he might have more luck finding Peter.

"What is the Elixir of Fortune?" Harry couldn't help but ask.

"Lucky potion, a magic potion that can bring good luck to people!" Hermione couldn't help but ask: "Can you brew a fortune potion? It is said that this potion is very difficult to brew."

"Can it really bring good luck to people?" Ron felt that he needed some blessing elixir to change his bad luck.

"This is a gift from an old friend." Albert explained with a smile: "The elixir does not bring real good luck, but it does work very well sometimes, especially at critical times. It has unexpected effects.”

"I will kill that guy as soon as possible." After Sirius Black stuffed the bottle back into his pocket, he seemed to remember something again and said, "I heard that you are planning to open a joke shop with the Weasley brothers?"

"Yes, it does happen." Albert nodded and admitted.

"Lupine and I are also planning to open a store. We have thought about your last proposal carefully, but we didn't think it was suitable." Black felt a little embarrassed when he talked about it, but he still followed Harry's suggestion and asked Ai Bert's opinion may lead to unexpected results. This guy is even more powerful than imagined.

"What are you and Professor Lupin good at?" Albert suddenly asked: "Opening a store is not an easy task. At least you have to lose money, otherwise the store will not be able to open. If you have nothing to do, I suggest you write a memoir. Professor Luping can also write and turn your story into a story, and then you can use this time to carefully consider what store to open, and then spend some time to do research."

The two looked at each other. Albert's proposal was good, but it was difficult for them to settle down and write a book. To say the least, Sirius had a hard time settling down to write a book.

"If it were you, what store would you choose to open?" Sirius asked Albert.

"Start a magazine, a Defense Against the Dark Arts magazine." Albert said without thinking, "There is no Defense Against the Dark Arts magazine in the British wizarding community, and most wizards and students are relatively weak in Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"This is a good idea." Sirius and Lupine looked at each other, intending to study this aspect in depth.

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