Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 841 Old Friend

As dusk approached, the atmosphere in the camp gradually became lively, and wizards began to move around frequently and talk loudly about the Quidditch game.

When the sun disappeared at the end of the horizon, the impatient wizards abandoned the last trace of disguise, and various signs of magic soon appeared from all over the camp.

After nightfall, Albert took Nia to walk around the camp. Every few steps here, there are vendors selling various strange souvenirs in small carts.

"Who do you think will win tonight?"

Katherine picked up a blue rose badge representing the United States and asked Albert who was buying a hat nearby.

"Krum will catch the Golden Snitch and bring victory to Bulgaria."

Albert picked up a red hat and put it on Nia's head. After looking at it carefully, he nodded with satisfaction. Then, he picked up a small red flag from the stall and waved it twice, and the lion on it would roar.

"Oops, it seems we will win if we beat the American team." Valeria muttered softly.

"Then you will definitely lose money."

Isobel and Katrina walked over to this side, holding binoculars in their hands, and handed two of them to Albert and Nia.

"You should have told me earlier." Valeria doesn't like losing money, she prefers the sense of security that winning money brings to her.

However, she doubted that even if Albert had said it, Kathleen would have bought Team USA to win the game.

This woman can be so stubborn sometimes.

"It doesn't matter, there is still a chance anyway, just remember to give me some money when the time comes." Albert said jokingly.

"Then it's settled."

The conversation between the two made the vendors around them look confused.

Does this count as picking up girls?

"I want that."

Nia quietly pulled Albert's arm and pointed at the plastic model on the stall, hoping that Albert would buy her a broomstick model.

Albert immediately took out his wallet, paid the money simply, and took everyone to continue shopping to buy souvenirs.

During this period, Albert also met many acquaintances, and Davis from Ravenclaw was the most interesting. That guy stared straight at the girl next to Albert, as if he had lost his soul. I accidentally bumped into a strange wizard, and when I apologized to him in a panic, I realized there was a language barrier.

Not only Davis, but also young wizards from other countries cast curious glances here. They had no choice but to make their team so eye-catching. Many boys were interested in the beautiful girls around Albert. , there was even an acquaintance who seemed to be Katherine, who shamelessly came over to strike up a conversation.

As a result, Kathleen said "Who are you?" which made her extremely embarrassed, and in the end she could only walk away dejectedly.


"I don't know you." Kathleen asked, "There must be many people who know you in the school, but do you know all the students in the school?"

"That makes sense." Albert stopped asking and continued shopping with Nia, occasionally stopping to buy her some souvenirs or watch performances.

Albert narrowed his eyes and overlapped the wizard in front of him with some make-up and throwing red balls like a fish with a figure in his head. Albert asked tentatively: "Danny? "

"Who are you?"

Danny looked at Albert in confusion, unable to remember who the man in front of him was for a moment.

"Albert Anderson, we once played Quidditch together." Albert reminded with a smile. The other party did not refute, indicating that it was indeed Danny, but it had been too long since they had seen each other, and the other party had forgotten him.

"Oh, it's you!" Danny forced a smile towards Albert, obviously not expecting to be recognized by an acquaintance in a place like this.

His eyes fell on the beautiful girls behind Albert, and he joked with a smile: "You are really popular with the girls. Look at the men over there, they are all jealous of you!"

"Why are you the only one, Mario and Jack?" Albert did not answer the question, but found another topic.

"Jack gave up, and Mario joined a circus alone, and is now traveling around the world to perform." Danny couldn't help but look at peace when talking about his former companions, "Actually, I also gave up, and now I just come here to do odd jobs to earn extra money. Long. If you don’t talk about me anymore, how are the others doing now?"

"Wood just graduated last year and seems to have just signed for Puddlemere United as a substitute. Angelina is interested in becoming a Quidditch player and Fred and George are preparing for the joke shop. They are still batting in the team. Hands, and I’m planning to publish a book soon.”

"I've often seen you in the Daily Prophet recently. Congratulations on winning the International Alchemy Award." Danny reached out and touched Albert's shoulder lightly and said, "How is the Gryffindor team?"

"Winning the Quidditch trophy last year, Harry Potter is a very good Seeker."

"I thought you would take over the Seeker's position." Danny was a little disappointed. He actually hoped to hear that Albert would become a member of the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to go to the hard training." Albert suddenly said: "By the way, do I invite you to perform for my sister?"

"Your sister, you actually have a sister?"

Albert pointed to Nia next to him, quietly took out ten galleons and gave them to him.

"I know this request is a bit arbitrary, but please, this is payment."

"Oh, of course it's no problem." Danny looked complicated, but he still nodded and accepted Albert's kindness.

He took Albert to his tent, took out some juggling tools, and took the lead in showing everyone the simplest fancy throwing and catching bouquets. This is probably Danny's best juggling. Those red flower balls are like red fish, swimming flexibly in the void.

In addition to the bouquet toss, there is also a somersault performance involving foam, which looks a bit like a bubble head charm.

After spinning around in the sky, Danny successfully landed to a round of applause.

Then there was the fire-breathing show. He seemed to eat something, and then spit out all kinds of beautiful sparks from his mouth, which looked a lot like setting off fireworks in his mouth.

There are also singing songs by the Bad Birds. I don’t know how Danny trained the Bad Birds to turn those high-pitched, chirping sounds into rhythmic music.

After Danny finished all the performances, there was a warm round of applause.

"I think it's a pity that you gave up the circus performance." Albert patted Nia's head lovingly and said to Danny with a smile, "Thank you so much."

"No, I should be the one to say thank you." Danny smiled and waved goodbye to them.

"Your friend?" Kathleen asked.

"So be it."

"He is very talented." Valeria said in a low voice after everyone left Danny's tent: "However, people sometimes have to compromise with reality."

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