Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 886 Traditional Skills

"It seems that Albert was right."

In the room, Yanila, who was playing wizard chess with Fleur, looked sideways at the tall figure outside the window, and whispered to the person playing chess in front of her: "Mrs. Maxim will really try her best to help you figure out the content of the first project. What is it?"

"You stayed up at night and came to play wizard chess with me just to talk nonsense to me?" Fleur frowned deeply, and her eyes couldn't help but fall on Mrs. Maxim who had been dressed up, and she was very puzzled by Hogg. What is it about Watts' hunting ground guard that attracts their principal? Is it because of herself that Mrs. Maxim agreed to this invitation?

"Of course not, I'm just here to get some information from you."

"What information?"

"Intelligence about Albert?" After Yanila saw Isobel in Hogsmeade, she suddenly realized that she knew too little about Albert.

"I actually don't know much about him than you do. I really don't understand why you like him, just because he is handsome and handsome?" Fleur really couldn't understand Yanila's dedication to Albert.

She admitted that Albert was handsome, talented, and famous, but Yanila herself was actually not inferior to Albert, and even more privileged.

"You have such an ordinary way of looking at people." Yanila said sarcastically.

"No matter how ordinary you are, it's still better than staring at someone else's man." Fleur retorted sarcastically.

Fleur was a little depressed, but she had to admit that Yanila's family had good vision, but some of their behavior was really criticized.

"Tell me, what do you want?" Yanila asked.

"I haven't thought about it yet. I'll talk about it later. However, I don't think you can catch him." Furong did not hide her gloating and began to recall: "I remember the first time I met and knew his name. It was in my father's house. In the letter, he said that he had met a very interesting friend in the UK and asked me if I wanted to get to know him and try to become a pen pal with him and keep in touch with him through letters."

At that time, Fleur was really surprised. After all, her father's friends, who were all about the same age, actually said they wanted to introduce him to her, which made her baffled.

"Later, the first time I met him was after the International Wizards Chess Competition. At that time, Albert Anderson had just won the international championship. I didn't know that the friend named Anderson that my father mentioned was about the same age as me.

"However, my cousin Louise knows him and likes him. It is said that they are pen pals and often communicate through letters. As for how they met, maybe they were introduced by my uncle. Who knows?"

"Then, not long ago, I met him again at a relative's wedding. At that time, Anderson took the woman named Isobel to the wedding." Fleur thought for a while and added: "At the wedding , he hangs out with a group of well-known wizards, they seem to know each other, and they have a good relationship."

"Oh, by the way, I met him again last summer. At that time, he was with his girlfriend. I heard that he seemed to be engaged." Furong's face was full of unconcealable gloating: "At that time, they brought The engagement ring made Cousin Louise sad for a long time."

"Engaged?" Yanila's face froze and she asked in disbelief, "He just came of age this year, right?"

"I'm sure they're engaged. There's no need for them to lie." Fleur looked at the wonderful expression on Yanila's face and was quite satisfied with how much this bombshell news had hurt Yanila.

"So, you have no hope. Maybe there are a dozen girls like you who have a crush on him in front of you, who are coveting him." Fleur didn't hide her sarcasm at all, and planned to use this to attack Yanila.

It took Yanila some time to come back to her senses. After noticing the ridicule on Fleur's face, she said calmly: "I'm not competing for his wife's position."

"Yes, you just want to be his lover." Fleur sneered, "I really don't understand what your family is thinking."

"This is not something you should consider. Madam Maxime should be back soon. I think she will tell you what the first event is. Think carefully about how to pass the first event of the Triwizard Tournament." Ya Nila moved the pieces and checked Fleur mercilessly, ending the half-hour chess game.

Soon after Yanila got up and went back to rest, Madame Maxime came back and came to talk to Fleur about the first project.

"Sit down," Madam Maxime said straight to the point, "I just figured out the first event of the Triwizard Tournament."

At this moment, Fleur felt very uncomfortable. She had thought that Madame Maxime would not help her cheat, but Albert was obviously right. Cheating was completely normal in the Triwizard Tournament.

Fleur waited quietly for Madame Maxime to say what the first project would be.

"Warriors need to face the fire dragons. I just saw a group of dragon trainers bringing four fire dragons in the woods." Mrs. Maxim directly pointed out to Fleur the danger she needed to face.

"A warrior needs to fight a fire dragon?"

Fleur stared blankly at Madame Maxime, remembering again that she had dismissed Albert's words in the bar, thinking that it was impossible for him to subdue a fire dragon.

However, can he defeat a fire dragon?

Obviously not.

"Of course not. You need to pass by the fire dragon and get the golden egg that the organizer placed in the dragon's lair. Only the warriors who get the golden egg can pass the first event." Mrs. Maxim comforted softly, " Don't worry, you don't need to defeat the fire dragon, you just need to find an opportunity to steal the golden egg, and I will also help you find a way."

"It's not easy."

Furong's heart had never been as nervous and anxious as it was now. She even suspected that she would be burned to ashes by the dragon's flames before approaching the fire dragon's lair.

"The fire dragon has weaknesses. As long as we target the weaknesses..."

"You mean eyes? But I don't think it's a good idea to anger a dragon." Fleur thought of Albert talking about the weakness of fire dragons, and immediately realized what Madam Maxime wanted to say, but she didn't want to use eye disease Even if the curse was successful, she would still have to face a furious fire dragon.

"No, I'm not talking about the Eye Spell. That's quite reckless." Mrs. Maxim has been thinking about how to deal with the fire dragon since just now. "I think you should use your strengths."

"Play to my strengths?"

"You are very good at charm magic, aren't you?" Madame Maxime said.

"But, does charm magic work on fire dragons?" Fleur expressed doubts.

"No, I mean hypnosis. I know a very powerful hypnotic magic. Your talent and wand are very suitable for this kind of magic. As long as you use it, you will definitely put the fire dragon into a hypnotic state. Then you can take advantage of the fire dragon. When you were drowsy, you quietly stole the golden egg. It would be quite foolish to confront the fire dragon head-on. As everyone knows, it takes at least eight dragon trainers to subdue a dragon." Madame Maxime knew the first project very well. The key is how to obtain the golden egg, rather than subduing a fire dragon, which tests the courage and wisdom of the warriors.

In fact, in the past, it was really possible to become a subdued fire dragon. It is not without reason that the Triwizard Tournament was criticized for being extremely dangerous.

"We will start training tonight. As for the eye disease curse you mentioned, we will keep it as a backup plan. To be honest, we don't have much advantage. Karkaroff should sneak away to check the contents of the first project tonight. I Suspicion will make his warriors use the Eye Spell to deal with the fire dragon." Madam Maxime did not have any expectations for Karkaroff's integrity, "As for Harry Potter and Albert Anderson, they should also know about the first project. Content, they all have a good relationship with Hagrid, I think Hagrid will definitely leak the dragon thing to them."

Fleur was silent again, because she remembered what Albert said in the bar: all the players were cheating, and the whole game was just like a joke.

Isn’t that what is happening now?

Madame Maxime misunderstood Hagrid, who really hadn't told Albert and Harry about the fire dragon yet. In fact, Hagrid did think about doing that, but Mrs. Maxim's romantic date and the excitement of seeing the fire dragon made Hagrid forget about other things.

There is no way, without little Barty's encouragement and advice, Hagrid would easily forget the others when he gets excited. Maybe, when he thinks about it tomorrow, he will tell Harry and Albert, but who knows what tomorrow will bring. What's the situation?

As for Barty Jr., he has completely given up helping Harry win the championship. Naturally, he does not have that much time to deal with Harry's stupidity, especially after Dumbledore has some doubts about him, any action is unwise. What's more, with the help of Black and Lupine, Harry shouldn't die easily. If Harry really dies in the Triwizard Tournament, it might be a good thing for the Dark Lord, at least it means that the so-called savior is not qualified to stand at all. In the presence of the Dark Lord.

Harry Potter naturally had no idea about this. Due to Albert's relationship, he had already known about the fire dragon in advance and had made complete preparations. Apart from Albert, he was the most confident in himself. warrior.

However, something happened the next day that made Albert feel extremely weird. Someone actually came to tell him that his first project required people to face the fire dragon.

"It seems you already knew?"

Yanila noticed Albert's calm expression and knew that Albert must know about the fire dragon, but Yanila still came to tell Albert that she would naturally do things to gain favor. As for where he knew it, naturally It was Fleur who told her, and Albert knew it anyway.

"Aren't you worried that Beauxbatons students will regard you as a traitor?" Albert asked with a strange expression.

He naturally knew where the Beauxbatons news came from, but hearing it from a Beauxbatons student himself made him feel inexplicably weird.

I think the gamekeeper named Hagrid will probably tell you, isn’t your relationship very good?

"Then you are here to tell me this?" Albert asked with a smile.

"I just feel that that guy is very unreliable. Maybe he was too excited because he was going to date Madame Maxime, and maybe he forgot about it."

Albert was silent because Hagrid had indeed not told them about the fire dragon so far. At least Yanila was right. Hagrid was so excited about dating Madam Maxim that he forgot about it.

Of course, it could also be that he was too excited to see the fire dragon.

Who knows?

I probably forgot.

Anyway, in Albert's impression, Hagrid has never been very reliable.

What makes Albert more dissatisfied is that the task of "finding out the content of the first project of the Triwizard Tournament" may fail.

However, the most embarrassing thing about this matter was not actually Albert, but that shortly after Yanila left, Albert told Hermione the news, and Hermione told Harry the news, haha Li never expected that the news he got about the fire dragon would actually come from a Beauxbatons student.

Although they had already learned about the fire dragon from Albert, the three of them were confused by Hagrid's surrender to the enemy.

"I think Hagrid is probably fascinated by Beauxbatons' headmaster, Madame Maxime." Hermione finally came to this conclusion.

Maybe, when Hagrid recovered from the huge excitement, he would tell them about the fire dragon.

"Maybe he has to wait until the 24th to remember." Ron also felt that this matter was inexplicably ironic.

"I suddenly realized that Albert's words were really sharp and correct," Harry actually didn't care much about the game now. It was just like what Albert said: everyone was cheating, and the whole game was like a A joke, the glory of the warrior, that is a complete joke.

"It turns out that except for Dumbledore, no one else has such a noble character. Look at what happened on the Quidditch Cup pitch this year." Ron sneered unceremoniously. He now also felt that the top three The outcome of the tournament was no longer important, what was important was Harry's safety.

As for the fire dragon, after they consolidated the foundation again with the help of Sirius and Remus, they met Hagrid on the way back to school. It should be said that Hagrid seemed to be specially waiting for them.

"Harry, I have something important to tell you." Hagrid said mysteriously.

"We already know about the fire dragon." Hermione comforted.

"You already know that." Hagrid was surprised.

"Albert told us that just this morning, a Beauxbatons student told Albert the news, and Albert told Harry."

All three of them noticed the embarrassed expression on Hagrid's face, because the news about Albert and Harry was not told to them by him personally or in a letter, but from Beauxbatons.

"You don't have to worry about Hagrid." Hermione comforted her thoughtfully: "You forgot something. Albert can do divination. He has known about the fire dragon a long time ago, so Harry has been training against the fire dragon." ."

"Oh, come on Harry, as for Albert, I never feel like I need others to worry too much." Hagrid said awkwardly.

"You shouldn't have said that just now." Ron waited until they walked away and looked at Hermione reproachfully: "He even forgot about Harry and Albert."

"He didn't mean it. You probably won't understand that feeling!"

"I don't understand, but what do you think will happen if Harry faces the fire dragon without knowing it?" Ron now somewhat understands why cheating has become a tradition in the Triwizard Tournament.

If he only knew that he needed to face the fire dragon on the day of the competition, Albert would probably be the only one who could face the fire dragon calmly. It would be great if the others could not have stage fright, let alone come up with ways to deal with the dangerous fire dragon in a short period of time. .

Any test of a warrior's talent, superiority, courage, theory, reasoning ability and ability to overcome danger in magic is all nonsense. Even if a thirty-year-old wizard is thrown in front of a fire dragon, he will not be frightened to the point where his legs are shaking. , losing your life is already pretty good.

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