Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 887 The First Project

On the day of the competition, students at Hogwarts still had to attend classes. To be precise, they had to attend half-day classes and stopped at noon. However, Fred, George and Lee Jordan complained about this matter. Their reason was the Triwizard Competition. The game has brought a lot of pressure to the Warriors, and they should be given a relaxed environment to welcome the first project.

Okay, this sounds reasonable, but Albert knows that when they say this, they actually don’t want to go to Charms class.

After all, it feels very disappointing to have to go to a game in the afternoon and have classes.

As soon as he entered the hall, Albert was surrounded by a large group of students, and everyone sent their blessings.

Zannah led a group of girls to show Albert a large banner they had made. On it was Albert holding up his wand, as if he was confronting something. Next to him was a roaring Gryffindor lion with a There was a line of magical text that kept flashing: Gryffindor must win, Albert must win.

However, Gryffindor must win was changed by Albert to Hogwarts must win.

Fred and George even took this opportunity to start a bet. The odds of Albert scoring first were the lowest, only 10%. It seemed to be obvious to others that Albert would definitely win. Of course, the focus of the bet is not on Albert, but on Harry. The odds of betting on Harry being at the bottom are very high.

Compared to Albert, who is popular with everyone, Harry's situation is worse. He is not liked by everyone, and most people don't think highly of him. In addition, he has made a series of scandals a while ago, and now he is gloating about it. There were many students, and many even held handkerchiefs and said to Harry: "We have prepared a lot of tissues to cry for you."

"You're not going to play like this, are you?" Shanna looked at Albert's outfit, frowned deeply and said, "They didn't prepare you special clothes for the game?"

Several people around looked at each other, not understanding what Shanna meant.

"Quidditch players all have special robes and protective gear, let alone the dangerous Triwizard Tournament. They don't prepare protective gear for the warriors. Isn't it too disrespectful to take the lives of the warriors seriously? No wonder all the competitions in the past So many brave men will die."

"There's none?"

Others who didn't think there was a problem at first also frowned after hearing what Shanna said, because what Shanna said really made sense.

After all, warriors need to face dangerous challenges, so it is obviously necessary to prepare clothes and armor.

"I'll go ask it for you."

Lee Jordan enthusiastically expressed his willingness to help Albert get the news because he also felt that what Shanna said made sense.

Albert's safety is obviously more important than the Triwizard Tournament trophy.

Not long after, Lee Jordan came back and brought back the news he had learned from Professor McGonagall: No.

Hogwarts really has nothing prepared for warriors.

As for it, other schools don’t seem to have it?

After a long period of embarrassment and silence, everyone suddenly felt that this Triwizard Tournament was deeply unreliable.

This atmosphere did not last long,

Everyone's attention was attracted by a big package.

The long-eared owls that delivered the package placed the package in front of Albert's desk, and another owl threw a letter in front of Albert.

Albert opened the envelope and found a letter from Mr. McDougal: Inside the package was a set of combat uniforms specially prepared for him. According to Mr. McDougal, this combat uniform came from Fengya Wizard Clothing Store.

Something like a star agent, and as advertising fee, after they recycle the clothes, they will give him a brand new set of clothes.

As the most well-known figure in the UK, Fengya Wizard Clothing Store does not suffer from this. Of course, another reason is that the Wild Smith family has a wide range of friends.

"Wow, we were talking about protective clothing just now, and now someone has actually brought it to you." Fred and George looked at each other. Neither of them expected that as soon as they said this, someone would bring something to Albert. .

"Do you want to take it apart now?"

Li Jordan wanted to see the style of the entire costume. After all, it was specially designed for Albert by Fengya Wizard Clothing Store. It must be good stuff.

"Wait until noon to change."

Albert didn’t pay much attention, and didn’t want to cause a commotion here.

"Are you familiar with the owner of Fengya Wizard Clothing Store?" Aaliya couldn't help but ask.

"I'm not familiar with it. It was sent by a friend. It's only for temporary loan and will be recycled." Albert explained as he handed the envelope to George.

"This should be considered a win-win situation. With Albert's current fame, it can be regarded as a free advertisement for Fengya Wizard Clothing Store." Shanna analyzed calmly.

In the morning's Charms class, Professor Flitwick did not disappoint everyone. Instead, he helped them, or rather helped Albert, review the spells he had learned in the past five years, and showed everyone his understanding and application of spells.

Everyone could see that Professor Flitwick was giving Albert a temporary lesson. Although it was a little late, he could provide Albert with some new ideas.

However, they didn't know that Albert, a person who didn't like to put himself in danger, had already thought about how to clear the first project.

The last few hours seemed to have been stolen.

One minute they seemed to be sitting in the classroom taking Charms class, and the next they were sitting in the hall eating lunch.

Albert didn't eat much. Anyway, there must be a celebration party after the game. After simply filling his stomach, he returned to the dormitory to change clothes.

"Wow, this outfit is really cool."

Fred, George and Lee Jordan stared at Albert who came out of the changing room, their faces full of unconcealable envy.

Inside the package is a complete set of clothes, including underwear, shirts, trousers, gloves, boots, socks, and cloaks, just short of underwear. When worn, it actually feels a bit like wearing a set of leather armor, and the joints of the body are protected. But it won't affect your activities at all, and it actually looks the same as ordinary clothes, even more comfortable. The most handsome thing is probably the red cloak with the pattern of a griffon outlined in gold thread.

"What is this made of? It looks so handsome." Fred, George and Lee Jordan all touched Albert's red cloak curiously.

"It seems to be made of fire dragon skin."

Well, in fact, except for underwear and socks, the entire set of clothes is basically made of fire dragon skin.

"Oh my god, how much does this cost." Fred and George both stared. The only item they had seen made of dragon skin was their Aunt Muriel's handbag.

"Fengya Wizard Clothing Store is really generous." Li Jordan raised his eyebrows slightly and estimated, "I feel that the complete set you are wearing may cost several thousand Galleons."

"Thousands of galleons." Fred and George almost stuttered.

"Don't be stupid. After the game, they will recycle this entire set of clothes for display." Albert looked at his clothes in the full-length mirror. He doubted that ordinary spells cast on his body might not be effective. What effect.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and Shanna's voice came from outside, "Albert, are you okay? Professor McGonagall asked you to hurry up. She is waiting for you in the foyer."

"Okay," Albert put his wand back into its holster, opened the door and walked out.

"you you……"

Shanna was stunned after seeing Albert's dress, and stammered: "This suit suits you very well."

"Isn't it cool? This is made of fire dragon skin. A complete set may cost several thousand Galleons." Fred said with envy.

"Thousands of galleons?"

Shanna's eyes widened in shock and she murmured: "I remember that Fengya Wizard Clothing Store planned to give you a set for advertising expenses afterwards?"

"Who knows!"

Albert left the common room amidst the giggles of the girls. When he came to the foyer, he saw Professor McGonagall and Harry Potter waiting for him in the foyer. Potter had not changed his clothes and was still wearing ordinary robes. .

After seeing Albert, Harry's eyes were almost glued to Albert's body.

"Where did you get the clothes?" Harry couldn't help but ask.

"The Fengya Wizard Clothing Store sent it to me to try out. They probably want me to help with advertising. After the Triwizard Tournament is over, this set of clothes will have to be returned." Albert explained.

"Could this be dragon skin?"

Harry finally couldn't help but stretched out his hand to touch it, and his eyes fell on his clothes again, feeling suddenly very insecure.

After seeing Albert armed to the teeth from head to toe, Harry suddenly regretted why he didn't get himself such equipment.

Professor McGonagall was speechless when she saw it, but what Albert did was actually understandable. It was the most correct thing to do like Albert, just like when Lee Jordan asked her if Hogwarts prepared any warriors for the Triwizards. When it came to the protective gear and clothing for the competition, Professor McGonagall was actually very embarrassed, because no one at Hogwarts was aware of this matter, and just let the warriors compete with wands.

"It seems that you are ready." Professor McGonagall put her hand on Albert's shoulder and said, "To be honest, I have never worried about you. However, I still want to say be careful."

"I will." Albert looked at the crooked wizard hat and wanted to laugh a little. Professor McGonagall was obviously not as calm as he seemed on the surface.

"Don't be nervous, keep a calm mind, and give full play to your abilities." Professor McGonagall said to Harry and Albert: "If the situation goes bad, the wizards arranged by the school will step forward to control the situation."

"My words may sound a bit unpleasant, but I have to remind you, Potter, don't trust your own safety on others. If you are in danger, your own safety should be your first priority. As for the game or other things, Let them go to hell!" Albert reminded, "You should prioritize protecting your own safety, and then the outcome of the game."

The expression on Professor McGonagall's face was a little stiff, but she had to admit that Albert's words were correct. She actually thought so too, but as a professor, she obviously couldn't say that.

"I'm ready," Harry muttered. He understood that it was Albert's reminder. After all, there was a guy hiding in the shadows who wanted to target him.

Professor McGonagall led the two of them around the edge of the Forbidden Forest and towards the big tent not far away.

"Harry, Albert, you are finally here!"

Bagman, wearing an old Hornets uniform, walked quickly towards the two of them and greeted them warmly: "Where did you get this suit? It's so cool. Maybe I should give Barty some advice. He gives all the warriors a similar outfit.”

"It was prepared by Fengya Wizard Clothing Store." Albert shrugged and said, "They hope I can wear it to participate in the Triwizard Tournament."

"Those guys have very good minds. I remember they advertised at the World Cup a while ago, and now they've all paid attention to you." Bagman put his hand on Harry's shoulders: "Relax a little bit. Lee, don’t be nervous, just go in, just like you are at home!”

After Harry entered the tent, he felt bad all of a sudden, because both Fleur and Krum had changed into clothes suitable for fighting fire dragons, but he was the only one who was still wearing his usual robes. Now Harry regretted not buying one for himself. Clothes like Albert's do look very handsome, and they might be able to attract...

Bagman's voice interrupted Harry's thoughts, and he motioned for everyone to gather around him.

"Your mission is to pick up the golden eggs."

Bagman handed a purple silk bag in front of them, and announced cheerfully in the tone of Santa Claus taking out gifts from the bag: "When the audience arrives, you need to pick out what you are going to face from it." Little models of that thing, they are the keepers of the golden eggs, and you need to face them, overcome them, and get the golden egg from their lair."


No one responded, but Bagman was not embarrassed and indicated that everyone could find a place to sit down and wait for the game to officially start.

Albert pulled out his wand and flicked it, and the low wooden stool in the corner turned into a comfortable couch. "Sit down, Harry. The Ministry of Magic is so stingy that they won't even prepare some comfortable chairs for everyone, right?" , do you want chocolate?"

To be honest, Albert even suspected that he had gone to the wrong side. The space inside the tent was about the size of a classroom, but it was empty, with only a few low wooden stools. There was no comfortable resting place for the warriors at all. , so that Albert had the illusion that the Triwizard Tournament was very unreliable.

He took out a piece of chocolate from his pocket, opened the wrapping paper and put it in his mouth, then handed a piece to Harry.

"No, thank you." Harry refused with a stiff face.

"I mentioned this to Barty and thought that some comfortable places should be prepared for the warriors to rest, but he seemed to be too busy and forgot to remind Dumbledore." Bagman took Abel with a smile. He handed over the chocolates and waved to Harry, "Sit here Harry, don't just stand there."

Albert took out a few more pieces of chocolate from his pocket and asked casually: "Do you want chocolate? Eat something, maybe you won't be nervous."

Fleur looked up at Albert, shook her head and refused. Klum obviously didn't want to eat the food given by the stranger. He was calmer than Fleur, but his expression was a little gloomy.

The waiting was undoubtedly the most painful. The warriors waited for about half an hour before Bagman stood up from the sofa and muttered something.

"Okay, everyone, come here." Bagman handed the bag to Fleur Delacour and said with a smile, "Ladies first."

Fleur obviously knew what challenge she was about to face, and she didn't show the slightest surprise when she reached into her bag and pulled out a small, lifelike model of a Welsh green dragon.

"Ms. Delacour, you are the second contestant to enter."

Bagman glanced at the number tied around the model's neck, and handed the bag to Krum. The international Quidditch superstar took out the bright red Chinese fireball, obviously knowing that he would face it. What's the matter? Without even blinking, he returned to the chair again.

"Mr. Krum, you are the third contestant to enter." After finishing speaking, Bagman extended the bag to Albert.

Albert put his hand into his pocket and fished out one at random, and found that it was a silver-blue Swedish Brachysaurus. The result was the same as in the novel, except that Albert replaced Diggory.

"Mr. Anderson, you are the first player to enter. When you hear the whistle, walk into the field." Bagman warned.

"It seems I'm pretty lucky." Albert smiled as he looked at the model of the Swedish Brachysaurus.

Harry still "drew" the Hungarian Horntail and was the last warrior to enter.

If you are facing an unknown monster, the later you enter, the more advantageous it will be, because you will have more time to formulate tactics.

However, when everyone knows what they have to face, entering the game later will be more disadvantageous, because waiting will only make the warriors feel restless for no reason, and there is no benefit at all.

Soon after, the whistle sounded. Albert walked out of the tent and passed through a gap in the fence of the field. Deafening cheers rang in his ears.

Albert didn't pay attention to the cheering crowd, nor did he pay attention to the sound of the panel mission being triggered in his ears. Instead, he squinted his eyes and looked at the silver-blue Swedish Brachysaurus opposite him.

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