Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 938 Professor

Albert wondered whether Hermione would catch Rita Skeeter and let her cool down in a glass jar for a while like in the original book.

However, no matter which way things develop, Albert doesn't care. After all, it has nothing to do with him and hangs high.

He still lived his college life as planned, occasionally taking out his notes to improve his previous plans. As for teaching Hermione the shielding spell, it didn't take much time or energy.

Hermione practiced very hard and mastered the shielding spell completely in just one day, making it impossible for the owl to find her location.

However, what surprised Albert the most was Hermione's progress. It took only a few days to lock Rita Skeeter's Animagus form.

"I suspected Rita Skeeter's Animagus was a beetle, and after the second project, Viktor caught a beetle out of my hair." Hermione related her occasional meeting with Mal Fu told Albert about his strange behavior of talking into the air.

"It's not easy to catch flying beetles." Albert reminded with a smile: "It requires patience and luck. Moreover, after this semester, you may not have a chance."

"I'm sure that woman will sneak into Hogwarts to eavesdrop on the news, and I will catch her." Hermione was very confident in herself, and seemed to have thought of something again, and asked, "By the way, what will you do tomorrow?" Do you really not want to come with us to see Sirius?"

"No, I have to take Apparition class tomorrow, and I have an appointment with Professor Flitwick in the afternoon." Albert shook his head and refused, "If you are lucky enough, you should be able to catch that annoying woman. But, you You only have one chance, catch Rita Skeeter before she realizes she's been exposed, and if you fail, Rita Skeeter won't give you a second chance."

"I'll pay attention, thank you Albert, and good night Tom." After Hermione thanked Albert, she bent down and touched Tom's head, then turned and returned to the dormitory.

"Let's go back to sleep." Albert said to the yawning fat cat: "Come down and walk by yourself. You are so heavy, don't expect me to hold you."


Tom shouted, and after seeing Albert walk away, he quickly jumped down from the table and followed him back to the dormitory.

From the beginning of the Apparition class to now, students at Hogwarts have taken several Apparition classes, and more and more students are able to do Apparition. Although the distance at which they can apparate is still very close, as long as they can apparate successfully, it is a good start.

The long-awaited success makes them particularly excited. People share their success experiences with smiles on their faces, or showing off is more appropriate.

Naturally, someone who had mastered Apparition weeks earlier had no interest in joining their conversation.

"Can't we really come with you?"

Fred, George and Lee Jordan were all quite sorry. They heard that Albert was going to conduct practical training with Professor Flitwick, and they all wanted to go with him and act as spectators.

Albert's actual combat experience may not be as rich as Professor Flitwick's, but he is definitely not weak.

"You can go to the Forbidden Forest with the Potters, and Sirius will teach them magic there." Albert waved to the three of them and disappeared deep into the secret passage.

"Are you going to watch Harry train?" Lee Jordan looked at Fred and George, asking for their opinions from their two good roommates.

"Forget it!" Fred shook his head and said, "What's so interesting about Harry's training? We have trained with Albert before. How about we follow him secretly and then follow up in the Room of Requirement? Bert was too embarrassed to drive us away.”

"Do you know which room they entered?" George asked.

"You'll know after you try it." Fred thought it was not difficult to guess. They had trained using the Room of Requirement before.

Albert didn't know that Fred, George and Lee Jordan were planning to come over to watch. He was listening to Professor Flitwick explain about wizard duels.

Although you won't need these things in a duel with a dark wizard, there is always no harm in learning more, especially in some formal duels that may come in handy.

"Okay, let's get started!"

Professor Flitwick pulled out his wand and said to Albert with a smile.

The two bowed to each other, and after counting to three, Albert took the lead and shot a disarming spell at Professor Flitwick.

This was just a trial, and Albert knew that the professors were not at a low level.

"Your silent spell casting speed is very fast, which is a great advantage, but you'd better do your best from the beginning and let me see your actual level." Professor Flitwick lightly used his wand to push away Amber. A special disarming spell.

"Then I won't be polite."

Albert began to speed up his spell casting, but was easily blocked by Professor Flitwick.

This feeling of being faintly suppressed is quite bad. He has experienced it with Smith before. He thought that his strength should have become stronger. Unfortunately, he did not seem to become much stronger, which made Albert frown. He frowned.

"Quick attack may catch some people off guard and make them breathless, but sometimes it is not the best choice when facing a wizard who is more powerful than you. You should try to get into a stalemate with your opponent and use the advantage of powerful magic power Defeat your opponent. Of course, I know this advantage of yours, so I will never compete with you on the strength of magical power." Professor Flitwick calmly dealt with Albert's spell and said unhurriedly: "You You shouldn't compete with me for attacking rhythm. You have no experience advantage in this regard, so it's hard to beat me. You should give full play to your own advantages, and don't worry about using more powerful magic. I'm not as fragile as you think. ”

Professor Flitwick can naturally see Albert's concerns, which can be seen from the magic he uses.

"Although many spells can be used in duels, they are definitely not used openly like you. It is difficult to have real effects. It should be like this." Professor Flitwick didn't know what he had done. Bert felt as if the clothes on his body were trying to hinder him. Although he was quickly cracked by using a universal cracking spell, the moment of distraction immediately put him at a disadvantage.

Although Professor Flitwick's spells were all blocked by Albert, he found it increasingly difficult to block the opponent's spells, as if something was pressing on him, time and time again, making him almost breathless. .

Finally, Albert built a protective barrier to cover himself, thus avoiding being defeated by Professor Flitwick.

"Your spell casting speed is indeed very fast, but it is not heavy enough. It feels light and airy to me. It may be difficult for ordinary wizards to cope with it, but it is not difficult for experienced wizards to cope with it. You should let your magic Become more weighty, make your offense more rhythmic, and suppress your opponent through offense again and again.”

Of course, the duel between wizards is not like what Lockhart said before. The reason why they attack each other is more due to the wizards' respective strength levels.

If you keep defending, you will easily lose when dealing with wizards of the same level, so you usually have to break each other's magic. For example, after Albert used the Iron Armor Curse to block Professor Flitwick's spell, he should find a way to counterattack, and It's not like trying to block the opponent's spell just now.

"Professor, how do you make your magic meaningful?" Albert asked.

"Don't you know how? Your magic power is very strong. As long as you make choices on the spells, the spells will become more and more difficult to block. When the opponent tenses up, you will suddenly relax and make the opponent make mistakes. In one breath, you will The opponent is defeated." Professor Flitwick looked at Albert's defensive barrier and gained a new understanding of the student's magical power.

"Of course, these are my personal experiences. You can learn from the past first. Maybe one day, you will have your own way of fighting. I believe that day will not be too far away. Okay, let's continue. Next, I will slowly give you everything I know. This summer you can try to participate in the European Wizards Duel Competition. It is not enough at your current level, but after you have absorbed my experience, you can go find Bud Blot If you learn from his experience, you will definitely win the duel championship."

Albert didn't expect Professor Flitwick to think so highly of him.

"Okay, let's continue! You still have a lot to learn. I think with your talent, it shouldn't be difficult to master these."

The corners of Albert's mouth twitched slightly. He really had no confidence in his talent. He was only confident in his skill panel. However, the long-term addition of points has made Albert not a genius in some aspects, but his learning ability is not weak.

He quickly suppressed the opponent through the method taught by Professor Flitwick. It should be said that he was able to achieve this on the second try. It was really thanks to Albert's powerful magical power and skillful spell casting techniques.

After all, he is the winner of the Barnabus Finkley Award for Excellent Spellcasting Techniques, and his ability in this area is quite remarkable.

Professor Flitwick's level was very high and he still blocked Albert's attack and was very satisfied with Albert's performance.

"You learn quickly. Under normal circumstances, when a duel reaches a stalemate, wizards will use other methods to break through the opponent's defense and win. For example, I just quietly used wandless magic to control your clothes, allowing you to Be distracted and give yourself a chance to win. Don't look at these little tricks. Even a powerful wizard may fall into this trap. After all, any hesitation of a wizard in the duel may lead to his defeat."

"Of course, your wandless magic is quite powerful and can be easily resolved, but it still puts you at a disadvantage."

"It's indeed a bit insidious." Albert muttered in his heart, but he did not deny that this trick was very practical.

"The second method is to attack the enemy from multiple sides, so that he has to deal with attacks from other sides, causing him to be distracted and creating a huge advantage for himself."

"It feels a bit similar to the first one."

Albert wanted to complain, but he understood what Professor Flitwick meant when he separated the two methods.

"The wizards in the duel competition are not friendly. They will even use black magic in addition to the three unforgivable curses, so you must be careful."

"This is the third method, which makes you hard to defend against. Some wizards' black magic is very difficult to defend against. I remember someone once blew up a strong wind and swept away his opponent."

"There is also a person who can recite very complicated spells, but such a guy usually puts a protective barrier on himself, then hides in it and recites a long and complicated spell, and then defeats you in one breath. This method It's usually useful against wizards whose magic power isn't strong enough, but I don't think anyone will use it outside of duels. After all, today's dark wizards like to recite the Avada Kedavra."

"Most dark wizards usually like to use the third method to break the stalemate between the two sides. When you choose between dark magic and Avada's Kedavra, you will hesitate, and usually use apparation to avoid danger in a short distance. But this method is not very practical, because a skilled wizard can lock your position through Apparition, or even directly create an area where Apparition is impossible, making it impossible for people to escape through Apparation.

"Professor, what would you do if it were you?" Albert easily transformed into a hound and flanked Professor Flitwick from both sides.

"This won't cause me any trouble. Just a simple freezing spell can solve the problem. If you can't succeed in a sneak attack at one time, I suggest you not to do this. Moreover, the creatures transformed by transformation usually have a fatal Weaknesses." Professor Flitwick waved his hand, and while immobilizing the hound, he waved his wand to block Albert's attack, and at the same time controlled the hound, making it rush towards Albert.

Albert shook his finger, and the hound disappeared instantly and turned into a stone. This was the problem Professor Flitwick said. Because things created by using the transformation technique can be easily eliminated by just using "Restore Prototype".

"One thing you need to keep in mind is that when you are dueling with the dark wizard, don't get those fancy things. Everything is practical. It is best to use the things around you skillfully. We can talk about this in the next lesson. "Professor Flitwick put away his wand and said, "Now, let's talk about magic countermeasures. Many wizards will use it to deal with those low-level wizards, because they will chant spells, which will cause them to cast spells. The speed of the spell is relatively slow, and others can know what spell he wants to use, but of course, this is usually only done by experienced wizards. "

"Powerful wizards usually use silent spells to speed up. Just like you and I don't chant spells, there is no chance for people to counterattack. However, casting spells silently is not easy. Chanting loudly is still the mainstream, so This is one of your major advantages." Professor Flitwick continued: "To counter your opponent's magic, you usually need to cooperate with Legilimency. It is not difficult for skilled telepathists to do this. They can often pass your telekinesis. The spell determines what spell you want to use."

Preventing your opponent from using magic or blocking other people's magic is not the core of countermeasures. It can only deal with some inexperienced wizards and make you look powerful, but when you actually face those extraordinary wizards, these can give you a rough judgment. What kind of magic the opponent will use, and whether to block or dodge it, is a very deep knowledge. I suggest that we stop, have something to eat and talk about this slowly.

"That's not a bad idea."

With that said, Professor Flitwick took out a piece of chocolate and handed it to Albert.

"I've prepared afternoon tea."

Albert took the chocolate and put it into his pocket with a smile, waved his magic wand, and conjured tables, chairs, teacups, and then a table of desserts.

Of course, the food on the table is not conjured out of thin air, but summoned through magic.

"It seems that you have made sufficient preparations." Professor Flitwick said softly: "Although I don't know what made you feel the sense of crisis, but don't risk your own life, and don't give up when necessary. If you make a good choice, your life is the most important.”

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