Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 939 Potter, become an Auror

On the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest, a bonfire was burning. Harry and the others sat around the bonfire to rest while listening to Lupine explain to them the knowledge of defense against the dark arts.

"Sirius, do you mean to tell me to give up participating in the third project?" Harry put down the chocolate in his hand and asked with a frown.

"No, it's not giving up." Sirius shook his head and said: "There is still a magical contract between you and the Goblet of Fire. It is impossible to give up participating in the Triwizard Tournament."

Lupine, who was stirring the campfire, explained to Harry on Sirius' behalf: "Sirius just wants you to protect yourself."


Harry was about to speak when he was interrupted by Sirius.

"Albert believes that the third project may put his life in danger and believes that you caused this crisis."

Hermione and Ron looked at each other uneasily.

"Are you sure you're not kidding?" Harry didn't find it funny at all.

"Do you think he is joking with us?" Sirius looked deeply at his godson.

"Let me explain!" Lupine interrupted: "Harry, you should also realize that it is no accident that you became the fourth warrior of Hogwarts."

"Someone is trying to do something against you," Sirius said.

"No one touched me for a whole year," Harry pointed out bluntly. "No one dared to do anything to me."

"It's not that they don't dare, it's just that the time hasn't come yet." Sirius corrected.

"Didn't someone want to use the Triwizard Tournament to murder Harry?" Ron felt that Harry coming all the way was dangerous enough.

The fire dragon in the first project is difficult to deal with. If you are not careful, you may be burned to death by the dragon's fire.

The second project requires diving into an icy lake to rescue people. The warriors also have a high chance of drowning in the lake.

"Of course not." Sirius shook his head and said, "Although we haven't figured out what the other party wants to do yet, since he has tried so hard to make you a Hogwarts warrior, he won't let you go so easily. This matter It’s not over yet.”

"Anderson thinks the other party will take action on the third project?" Harry showed a weird smile.

"We all think so." Sirius said a little irritably, "Albert's premonition of crisis gave us a wake-up call. During the third project, the guys hiding behind the scenes are likely to take action against you. You're going to be very dangerous."

"Actually, if that guy had taken action from the beginning, we wouldn't have been so vigilant." Lu Ping explained to the three of them. "It is precisely because the other party has not taken action until now that we are worried. Once the other party takes action, he will definitely Won't miss."

"I don't think the other party can do anything under Dumbledore's nose?" Hermione was very confident in Principal Dumbledore.

"We figured out the content of the third project not long ago." Lupine said with a wry smile, "It is a maze. The four warriors need to find the Triwizard Tournament trophy deep in the maze. The first warrior to get the trophy will Become the champion of the Triwizard Tournament.”

"The third project is a good opportunity for you to take action. Now you know why!" Sirius actually didn't want Harry to participate in the third project. This was really because he knew there was danger ahead and still went up to take risks. It was purely Just seeking death.

"The other party knows the content of the Triwizard Tournament?"

"Of course I know." Hermione looked at Ron with an idiot look, "Harry becoming a warrior has something to do with You-Know-Who."

"The disappearance of Bertha Jorkins is related to Voldemort." Lupine explained, "What's more, Voldemort once used the Imperius Curse to control Barty Crouch. He wanted to find out what happened in the Triwizard Tournament. The competition is too simple.”

"Working in a place like a maze is undoubtedly the best opportunity." Sirius was a little irritated. "There are dangers in the maze. Warriors need to break through the maze to reach the place where the trophy is placed. After the opponent kills you, he can easily disguise himself as In the scenario where you are unfortunately killed by a dark creature, even if the other party does not kill you, it can still do a lot of things, and Dumbledore who is left outside the maze will not be able to save you in time. "

"What do you want me to do?" Harry asked, frowning.

"I hope you don't try to go deep into the maze. Just wait for the game to end at the entrance of the maze. As long as you don't go deep into the maze, the opponent will have no chance to attack you. Dumbledore can go and save you at any time." Sirius said seriously, "By doing this, you can easily decipher the other party's conspiracy."


Harry replied casually that he didn't like this.

"What should I do with the championship?" Ron asked, "Just give it to someone else?"

"You mean Albert?"

Hermione raised her eyebrows slightly and looked at Ron slightly dissatisfied.

"No." Ron shook his head in denial.

"I suspect that guy will probably give up the championship directly. Life is obviously more important to him, isn't it." There was a hint of ridicule in Harry's words.

"He doesn't want the championship?" Ron couldn't understand. It was the championship and glory, as well as a thousand galleons bonus.

"He doesn't lack championships and glory, and he doesn't lack galleons either." Harry said calmly, "If the champion needs to risk his life, just give up."

"That guy really doesn't need anything, there's no need to lose his life over it." Ron agreed with Harry's words.

"Sometimes it takes courage to give up." Hermione was dissatisfied with Ron's ugly look of envy and said sharply, "You don't even have the courage to face a spider, do you?"

"I thought Albert would come too." Sirius changed the topic to prevent them from arguing.

"He's busy," Hermione said. "It seems he has an appointment with someone."

"I thought he would also seize the time to train himself?" Harry curled his lips and said, "It seems that he is indeed planning to give up."

Most of the time, Harry was annoyed when people compared him to Albert, which made him look like a fool.

Sometimes he really wanted to say to them, why don't you compare yourself with Albert.

Sirius suddenly reached out and grabbed Harry's shoulders, and said seriously: "I know you won't admit defeat, but if you want to thwart the enemy's conspiracy, you have to pay a price. I hope you can be aware of it and give up the game to protect yourself. "

"Okay, I promise you." Harry was very depressed and asked doubtfully: "If this can really solve the problem, then what's the point of us training here?"

"Because you are the savior and Voldemort's mortal enemy." Sirius said helplessly, "I know you don't like this title, but sooner or later you will have to face Voldemort or his minions, not because of the title of savior, but because they don't know how to do it. Let you go."

"Because it would be foolish to go into battle and die unprepared."

A hoarse voice came from the woods.

"Who is there?" Lupine raised his wand and pointed in the direction of the sound.

"it's me."

Moody walked towards this side on crutches. He glanced at Lupine's wand and said to the people around the campfire: "I heard Dumbledore said that you plan to train Potter, so come and take a look."

"We will teach Harry useful things, you don't need to worry." Sirius said with a frown.

"Have you ever thought about becoming an Auror in the future, Potter?" Moody asked, ignoring Sirius's gaze and staring at Harry.

"No." Harry was surprised.

"Think about it. Your talent in this area is very good. After receiving training, you can easily reach the level of a trainee Auror." Moody did not hesitate to praise him. "In a few years, you should be able to easily become a trainee Auror." An Auror."

Moody turned to Sirius and Lupin and said, "Honestly, I don't want to comment on your teaching level, but you'd better teach Potter something useful instead of just teaching him spells, otherwise I'm very suspicious. He won't survive the third project. To deal with those evil guys, it's not enough to just throw magic at them."

"I'm teaching him now," Lupine said gently.

"That's best." Moody warned hoarsely. "I heard them say the third project is the maze. You'd better be ready. I will be one of the four patrols responsible for keeping an eye on Potter. It’s safe, but I suggest that Porter give up competing for the championship and stay peacefully near the entrance of the maze to avoid giving the enemy an opportunity.”

With that, Moody left.

"I always feel that you don't seem to care about the winner of the Triwizard Tournament." Harry did not expect that Professor Moody would also let him give up the competition.

"Your safety is more important than the championship." Lupine looked at Professor Moody's leaving back and frowned slightly.

"Sirius, you don't seem to like Moody very much." Harry noticed that both Sirius and Lupine were frowning.

"It's not annoying, but your Defense Against the Dark Arts professor often has problems. I think it's right to be more vigilant." Sirius said to Harry.

"What do you think about me becoming an Auror in the future?" Harry asked tentatively.

"That's a good choice." Sirius nodded, "but becoming an Auror is very demanding."

"At least five N.E.w.Ts certificates are required, and the scores must not be lower than 'good'." Hermione reminded in a low voice.

"Don't worry Harry, as long as you study hard next semester, it won't be difficult to become an Auror." Lupine comforted him with a smile, "Your results are pretty good in all aspects, you just need to work harder. "

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