Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1098: See An Zichen

"If I say the conclusion first, then I have to follow them."

After a long time, Lin Mengya spoke.

"I disagree."

Xiaolong Tianyu frowned and had a strong and aggressive voice.

"Master cannot follow them!"

Wu Baisu was also very anxious, wanting to come is not wanting his own owner, was taken away by those heartbroken guys.

In desperation, Lin Mengya grasped the mouths of both of them at the same time, and then told the results of her collation one by one.

"Things, probably started from hundreds of years or even thousands of years ago. Haven't there been any records in ancient books, did the ancient Wei State of that year have sunk overnight? Now it seems that they are just moving around the country. At least, the survivors who left behind did move to another place. "

After listening to these words, Long Tianyu just nodded, and it seemed that his acceptance was pretty good.

So Lin Mengya continued.

"If what they say is true, then my grandmother may have escaped from this patriotic family. For some unknown reason, they are now looking for a grandmother's relative. And I, It just happens. "

If you just take this out, it ’s actually very easy to understand.

He is nothing more than someone who recovers his escaping daughter. But how easy is it?

"And there is, in our eyes, we are just a group of frogs who have never seen the world. In other words, the Patriotic Power may be stronger than the four nations combined. So that they actually treat us as experiments Little mouse. "

Actually how old the Jin Dynasty is, she hasn't always had an accurate figure.

But if the four nations add up, they are at least a little bigger than the present-day nations.

But she ignored one thing, and the current situation is completely different from all her known history.

I also blame her. After coming here, she devoted herself to medical books, why did she not make up for the geography?

"Is it a country overseas?"

Nine Dragons Tianyu frowned, and expressed his guess.

Gao Lin Mengya immediately looked at her own man with worshiping eyes, and she was culturally different.

"But is n’t a country overseas just a legend? Some people say that there is a fairyland, and some people say that it wasn't created by people. Besides, the ship across the sea is afraid that even the kingdom of heaven cannot be made. Maybe It's just that they talk about it. "

I really ... can't help but brag!

Lin Lin Mengya's expression collapsed, which is not to blame Long Tianyu.

Jin State is a landlocked country with many rivers and lakes, but there are no places near the sea.

It doesn't make sense for him to believe.

Lin Lin Mengya shook her head and said.

"I don't think so. There are too many things we don't know about in this world. Which of the things we have experienced before is not beyond our original cognition? So I think what they say is likely to be true. . "

If Aunt Yue didn't tell her those words, she might feel that these guys might have somewhere to release the neuropathy.

But now she has to believe.

Even she guessed that Aunt Yue should come from the Wei Kingdom just like her grandmother.

Unfortunately, it ’s too late to verify.

"Even if it is true, I will never allow it, they will take you away!"

Nine Dragons Tianyu is serious. Lin Mengya feels that she only feels sour and sweet in her heart.

Hold hands, and wantonly tangled with his five fingers.

何 Why did she want to leave him?

Bai Su turned his head and was very conscious.

"Tian Yu, I'll be back in a trip, nothing will happen."

She comforted Long Tianyu, but her heart was muttering.

Don't look at A Jin's mouth calling her young lady, but in fact, she can see that A Jin doesn't pay much attention to her life.

In fact, his main purpose is to come here to see the progress of the experiment.

It was nothing but an unexpected gain.

But A Jin's attitude is very firm, which shows that his appearance still has some surprises for him.

So, she knew that this time, I was afraid it was more formidable.

"No! You can't go!"

Chen Longyu also had his own insistence, Lin Mengya was everything to him, and he would never allow it to hurt her in any way.

"You hear me tell you, the reason why they use Lieyun to test those things is probably to fight for power. If I don't solve them, who can guarantee us, Ninger and Ninger's next generation Can we live safely? Even if we have a way now, except for the Dragon Club, except for the Xin family. But who can guarantee that the second and third will not appear? So, I must cut all the roots of the matter Broke, so that we can live in peace. "

If it was before, she would never think so.

But the day calmed down, she gradually thought about it.

Even if he killed them, would n’t the defending country send someone?

They tested these drugs and poisons in Lieyun culture and wanted to know what they were for.

Once they fail, the hostile forces of the defending country will be uprooted here.

At that time, ignorant of them, they can only face enemies stronger than themselves.

历史 This history, she has read countless times in the book.

Therefore, she must not be a frog sitting in the sky watching the sky!

"I'll go with you!"

I persuaded Long Tianyu that it was not a simple matter.

Wu Baisu didn't know when to leave quietly, only two of them were left in the room.

Seeing the persistence on his man's face, Lin Mengya sighed.

"No, Tianyu, you are my only reliance, you know?"

Her voice is very soft, but it makes Long Tianyu feel uncomfortable.

"If you go, I can only be controlled by others. If you don't go, I still have a lot to do."

How proud he is, how can he bear such grievances.

So, she won't let him humiliate with her.

Nine Dragons Tianyu embraced her, and the two of them hugged silently without saying a word.

After a long time, Long Tianyu whispered in her ear.

"I will protect you, always."

She tightened her hands tightly, almost to be integrated with him, but still not enough.

"Ok, I know."

This time, change her to protect him!

The two men embraced each other silently, feeling the pain of parting together.

The next day, when A Jin appeared in front of her again, he brought a young man.

He is different from the boy who was dirty in the underground cave yesterday. Today, Jin Jin is gorgeous and quite proud.

The young boy has a swollen face, eyes are big and godly, and he has a good education and behavior.

After seeing Long Tianyu who appeared with Lin Mengya, he looked quite dissatisfied.

"Brother 3, that's him! He's the husband-in-law who the young lady is looking for in this barren land. I don't think anything other than leather looks!"

Wu Ajin actually wanted to say that nothing comes from nothing, but today, after a long journey, and the other party was cleaned up, even the handsome beauty that he didn't think could be stigmatized, it was a different kind of glare.

"A Jin, you must not be rude. I met two in Xia Anzichen."

The young men saluted and polite.

Lin Lin Mengya carefully looked at An Zichen. The man was young, about two or three years old.

His face is clean, his facial features are considered handsome, and his eyes are always with a mild smile, which makes it impossible to hate him.

I wore white clothes with a folding fan in my hand, and her mouth was crooked and her expression was mild.

Mr. Qian Qianqian, Wen Runruyu, these eight words on his body, could not be more appropriate.

The so-called reaching out and not smiling at people, even if Long Tianyu was full of anger, he could not attack.

He is just an upbringing of the Dragons and is also unusual.

He returned the gift without losing any education, but always kept his wife at his side.

"Ajin, you step down first, I have something to talk to them."

Although A Jin was reluctant, she didn't seem to dare to violate An Zichen's words.

I immediately backed away, but was not able to hear their conversation.

Lin Lin Mengya glanced at Bai Su, and the latter was the same.

In this way, three of them are left.

"Son, please sit down."

Wu Anzi nodded in the morning and settled elegantly.

Nine Dragons Tianyu and Lin Mengya are the same, but they know that the smiling tiger is the most difficult to deal with.

"A Jin is bad and bad manners yesterday, I am on his behalf to pay the two."

Luan Zichen's attitude was extremely sincere, and her eyes were regretfully begging.

I could not help feeling that he was sincerely apologizing.

If they are both unreasonable people, they can refuse to accept it, and then use the topic to play.

What a pity, both of them are extremely educated people.

People say this, they are naturally not good at continuing to hold on.

"Anyway, now that Mr. An is here, let's talk about your purpose."

Gao Lin Mengya went straight in, saving time for the cold.

She Anzichen heard the words, but a look of guilt appeared on her face.

"Actually, the ancestors were wrong. It was the ancestors who misunderstood their words and started a dispute with their own brothers and sisters. Later, my aunt and grandmother, who were framed, were helpless. They now live here. Upholding the ancestor's last words and wanting to make up for her mistake, I also ask Miss Lin to be considerate of her grandfather's hard work. "

Wu Anzichen's smile was extremely bitter, and her speech was not as fluent as before. Obviously, she lied.

Lin Lin Mengya turned her mind, but sneered.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple. Although I don't know about my grandmother's house, I can see some things clearly. Some people kicked their hands and feet out of the door. Now they are in trouble and want to leave others out. The grandchildren came to the top of the pot, and it was a good calculation. Unfortunately, who would die for the unknown? "

Wu Anzichen's head dropped even lower, and even Lin Mengya could see a touch of red behind his ears.

and many more

This guy, isn't it really thin?

I glanced at Long Tianyu, and both of them froze at the same time.

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