Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1099: Family background

"Are we sorry for what you did?"

This situation doesn't seem right?

Didn't the other party threaten her? Isn't she in the midst of stubborn resistance, and then the other side intimidates and induces, tells her the conditions, and finally the two sides reach a consensus?

Luan Zichen's reaction was obviously that the road was wrong with her.

I mean, this guy is so treacherous, he is very good at advancing!

Lin Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu immediately erected a fence in her heart, with 120,000 extreme caution, for fear of hitting the boy's routine.

"No, no, but I'm ashamed of my ancestors. Girl Lin, if you really don't want to go, you will never be reluctant. Life and death have life and wealth in the sky, these are all we should bear!"

Su Anzichen suddenly raised her head, and there was a look of determination in her eyes.

Lin Lin Mengya suddenly lost her head, this is not as good as her brain supplement before!

"Calm down first, we can talk about something slowly."

She has always been like this. One respects her and she respects others.

Even if the knife holder is around the neck, he never bows his head.

I can't deal with those who are polite. She is even more polite when others are polite.

This person is really cunning!

"I know my request is bold, but I am sincere and would like to invite you to return home to recognize your ancestors. And if you must choose to stay here, I'm afraid, I'm afraid there will be people who care Dangerous. "

If anyone said this, it would be a naked threat.

He could say from An Zichen's mouth, but every word seemed to be thinking about Lin Mengya.

She read countless people, her eyes are very accurate.

要 If this person isn't really pure in heart, then he's pretending to be too powerful.

不管 No matter how she looks, she feels more and more that An Zichen doesn't seem to be the kind of gangster.

What does the Lu'an family mean? Sending such an individual out is not afraid to have someone sell it.

既 "So, can you tell me, why did you ask me to go back?"

It is too fake to say anything about compensation.

What she can think of now is that something happened to settle down, and she had to be an outsider to fight the fire.

But generally this kind of thing will not be very good for her. Maybe it is to die.

Her life is very expensive, but she can't give it away randomly.

She Anzichen was in a dilemma. Her eyes were guilty and she bit her lip lightly, as if she was struggling with a fierce heart.

Lin Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu are more and more patient. If An Zichen is really a gentleman, she must reveal some inside information to them.

Although it might be to lie to her, at least it won't make her eyes dark.

The atmosphere stalemate for about half a moment, An Zichen gritted his teeth and looked at the couple seriously.

既 "That being the case, then I will tell the truth. In fact, the home is not to find you for yourself, all these are for the palace family."

Lin Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu silently touched the cup of tea in front of themselves, apparently ready to listen to the story.

And An Zichen finally made plans to explain the situation of defending the country to Lin Mengya.

"Things originated from a trial 50 years ago. All the powerful families have their own power. Here, it was once our home and the exile of the palace. Only a few hundred years passed. In 1949, people here forgot where their ancestors came from. Such exiles are found in almost every big family. In order to test the abilities of the heirs of the homeowners, they will secretly inherit the heirs in adulthood To their respective exiles. In fact, it is also to protect the heirs. "

With An Zichen's martyrdom, Lin Mengya's narrow worldview was gradually refreshed.

Defeating the country is beyond her imagination.

Qiu Guang was a homeland, which was more spacious than Jin Dynasty, not to mention, the Wei Kingdom had ten people, three kings, and one holy force.

They settled down with the palace family. Fifty years ago, they were the best among ten people. Because of their in-laws, the relationship was even more inseparable.

But because the ancestor of Anjia was kicked out of his family by his own brother, the ancestor of An An who was kicked out later came to the palace because of coincidence.

The children and grandchildren who led to their homes always inexplicably apologize to the people in the palace.

And because the palace family is a rare family that can have female heads, almost all families choose to marry the girls of the palace, not only because they can get a very rich dowry, but because the palace family attaches great importance to women, so The effect of marriage is indeed better than other families.

Even the emperors of the Wei Dynasty, they would marry several women of the palace as concubines.

Therefore, the palace family once flourished. But bad is also bad in this matter.

Where people are, there will be no more intrigue.

At that time, my grandmother was the only niece of the palace family. I was afraid that even the emperor's emperor was no more honorable than her.

Those who want to marry a grandmother can almost extend from the palace's fiefdom to the family's fiefdom.

But Grandma Bingxue was clever, and she had read all the facts early. She had already seen the thoughtful methods of the family. She was not ready to get married, so she used the name of trial to escape in the middle.

外 Originally, her grandmother escaped by scamming, and after the people of Anjia and Gongjia came here, she turned from light to darkness and went to those agents to deal with things. She spent these days safely.

But I didn't expect it, but it happened to my mother, something went wrong.

"Actually, it's not that they are not cautious. They are really the prostitutes of the palace family. They look a bit similar. Twenty-five years ago, we received news from our family that someone who was suspected of having an aunt. This incident, Although we tried hard to prevent it, several families were aware of the news. My grandfather tried everything to send a letter to Ling Ci to let her be more careful. A few years later, the news of Ci Shen died. And I heard that you were inherently inadequate and lost your mind. This matter is no longer mentioned. But who thought, just a while ago, some people said that you killed the ambassadors of other families. The family gave an explanation. Helpless, my grandfather sent me to find you. Actually, it was also to protect you. "

She Anzi Chen is generous and speaks clearly.

Lin Lin Mengya frowned, and she understood.

"Palace, hasn't there been a homeowner in these 50 years?"

Wu Anzichen shook her head.

"The palace family has group training. The palace family owners of all past generations must not inherit it unless they die. The previous public family owner is the aunt and grandmother's sister. The old family owner has only three sons and no daughters. And you, You are the real housekeeper in name. Now, no matter who is in charge, it ’s just for you. ”

For a moment, Lin Mengya was completely clear.

"Then I'll quit my job as a homeowner. Doesn't it matter to me? Anyway, I'm just an outsider and I'm not familiar with you."

An Anzi nodded in the morning, worried.

"It could have been this way, but it was probably by God's will. Since the disappearance of my aunt and grandmother, all the family members of the palace family have born boys, so"

Lin Lin Mengya really did not hold back and rolled her eyes.

By the way, she had become the only piece of bone.

真的 "Really, is there no girl?"

The cheekbones are not dead, and they continue to struggle.

I was so anxious that An Jin waited aside, and ran quietly, just when I heard Lin Mengya's question, couldn't help but interject.

"Where there are girls, it has been 50 years. Your palace family has already changed from a maiden's camp to a gentleman's camp. Everyone outside has said that if anyone has no son, you can definitely go to worship by you."

"A Jin, be rude."

A Jin's mouth is indeed fast. Before An Zichen had time to stop, the boy said it.

I looked at Lin Mengya apologetically and glared at A Jin again. The boy immediately bowed his head, and he would admit that he was wrong.

"While holding a harp, although A Jin is talking about some rumors. But the situation of the palace family is indeed the case."

Gao Linmengya was completely speechless, okay, it seems that the yin sheng and yang declining to the extreme, she has really become a lone seedling.

所以 "So, no one inherits the palace now. The families of all parties are watching, and the killing of the so-called guards this time is just an excuse for the palace, right?"

Seeing Lin Mengya finally understood her situation, An Zichen was relieved.

"Yes, the Gong family is now struggling to support it. It is no longer the former state of prosperity. Ashamed to say, because the two people in An Gong have a lot of contacts, and some people in An Family want to take a chance to take a share. So my grandpa sent me I hope to pick you up. "

This can make your head hurt, Lin Mengya rubbed her brows and leaned on Long Tianyu's body.

"Well, you said you would play it alone, why should you bring me? I am an outsider, and it's a mess if I go in. Otherwise, you say I'm dead, don't you?"

I have weak advice. If things really look like An Zichen said, her troubles will be big.

Xi Huai's guilt is because she is the only woman existing in the palace family, so those who look down on the palace family will never let her go.

She Anzichen looked at her in distress and answered her seriously.

"We thought about this too, but I'm afraid it's not so confusing now. Under the pharmacy yesterday, the man who swallowed the Boshi flower is actually a hidden work here. Your news has been passed on by him. Arrived in the Patriotic Kingdom. So even if we said you were dead, they would never believe it. At that time, I was afraid that it would be turned upside down. "

Even if she can take the man and her child to retreat, all her relatives and friends may not be able to hide.

By that time, everyone would be affected by her.

"I see, I will discuss these matters with you. Thank you for your confusion today, but I still have no idea."

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