Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1213: Little hobby

I did not expect this time, even the winning streak was rare, and agreed with his brother's words.

"Lian Xing makes sense, everyone in Longdu knows that the three of you have a good personal relationship. Besides, a few days ago, didn't you and you in the Yuqing Pavilion at the same time scold those puppets? Look at this busy time, It ’s more reasonable for them to be by your side. "

Suddenly, Lian Xing almost lifted his tail into the sky.

Xun really is a child's temperament, can not stand even a little praise.

After seeing this picture, a few people in the room couldn't help laughing.

I have him, and sure enough, he will not be cold.

In fact, this kind of thing is, in the final analysis, a snow sculpture lamp from each household to make the emperor happy.

Gao Linmengya has a bit of experience, winning streak and experience, plus Gong Wu and Lian Xing, two people from time to time give some more useful suggestions.

On the winter solstice, everything about the Snow Sculpture Lantern Tournament was finalized.

When she left Lian's house, Mrs. Lian reluctantly took her and Gongwu's hands, kindly like her own children.

Lin Lin Mengya liked this gentle and loving lady, and after a few days, she promised to return to visit her, and then she followed Gongwu.

"Sister, I forgot to tell you something."

Inside the carriage, Gong Wu looked at his sister who was a little tired, and looked a little bit sloppy.

"Say anything."

Lin Lin Mengya glanced at him, when did this guy become so reserved?

"It's that aunt Li. She may tell you something very special. By then, you can deal with it carefully."

Special thing? Lin Mengya's clever head turned for a long time, and she didn't know what was special, but what it meant.

When she visited again three days later, she did not understand why the men in the house looked at her with the same vision.

Dare to sympathize, that turned out to be sympathy for her!

"Come here, Yaer, come and see."

Twenty-three days later, Lin Mengya, who came to Lianfu to report on time, was ‘caught’ into the inner court by Mrs. Lian, who had been waiting for a long time.

"Mrs. I"

"What's your name, more often than not, you and Xiao Wu, call me aunt."

"Yes, Auntie."

To be honest, she really can't help but even his wife.

After the latter heard her crisp aunt, she immediately smiled and bent her eyes, took her hand, and walked to her room.

"I heard Xiaowu say, after the New Year, will you be twenty-one years old?"

Is twenty-one years old? Lin Mengya was a little shy.

I think she had experienced too many things before, but now she wants to come, just like another generation.

In just three years, she has experienced more than others in her life.

I could not help but nodded. At the age of her last life, she was just a medical student.

"Supposedly you are not too young, but the girls in our family, especially the girls in the palace, are noble no matter how old they are. However, there are some problems, and you must plan as soon as possible. "

What are you going to do? What are you going to do?

Lin Lin Mengya looked at Mrs. Lian in doubt, and then she saw that Mrs. Lian seemed to be magic, and took out a stack of portraits from behind her.

"Auntie, are you?"

"Come, come and see for yourself, do you like it. Rest assured, I have already picked it for you, your aunt. The men here, whether they are worth, appearance, age or temperament, are comparable to you Yes, if you are fancy, let's let Lian Sheng and Lian Xing try and test. If this person is really good, then Auntie will go and match you, what do you think? "

Lin Mengya took a sigh of cold air as she looked at the frowning Lien.

It turned out to be a blind date?

"Forget it, Auntie, I'm in no hurry."

Lin Lin Mengya could not cry or laugh, but she still had to carefully consider her words.

"Hurry, of course, there is no need to worry. Our conditions for Ya'er are so good, but at least we must have a goal, too? How do you say that? Easy to get priceless, rare lovers. Besides, Let ’s just take a look. It does n’t matter. Do n’t be shy. Come on and take a look and see if it matters. ”

Lin Lin Mengya was a bit helpless. When she saw the parents who went to the blind date in the blind date on the TV, she always felt a bit exaggerated.

But now it seems that she is very weak.

In this world, there is really a kind of urgency, called ‘your mother ’s urgency’.

Madam Yun didn't know where the energy was so strong, she pressed her on the chair, took out the stack of portraits, and showed her one by one.

While watching, I still want to introduce.

"Liu Gongzi is of good character and comes from a family. Well, he is one year younger than you, but his family has been a scholar for generations. If you marry him in the future, you must be a perfect couple."

Lin Mengya did not remember a word of what Mrs. Lin even said.

Because she is almost dizzy now.

Oh my god! She would rather have more experiments than blind dates.

Squinting his eyes, he looked involuntarily to the door, sincerely hoping which angel would come out to save himself.

雅 "Ya'er, are you dissatisfied? Yes, the readers are nerds, so it's inevitable that they don't know how to hurt people. Then look at this, how about this?"

出于 Out of politeness, she had no choice but to glance at the portrait herself, but the more she looked, the more familiar she became.

"Auntie, this is you"

"Oh, I got it wrong. I got it as a star in my family. Although my star is three years younger than you, it ’s well said, female junior, holding a brick. My son really has no advantage. Well, my mouth is sweet and kind, it hurts people. You look at me, they are all confused. "

Mrs. Lin Lian said so, but in private, she pushed the portrait back in front of her.

Pretending to be a helpless look, but acting is not too good.

"Speaking of, our temperament like Yaer is naturally looking for the best talent to be worthy of it. However, my aunt has used the experience of people to tell you, this man, it is best to be afraid of your life. ... who really loves you and loves you will be afraid of you. Woman, the most important thing is not family history and status, but that he really knows the cold and the heat, and hurts you forever. If you get married, rest assured, I will definitely stand On your side. That little splash monkey, I tell you, he's well packed! If you don't obey, you won't give him food. He will beg you, and you guys. "

"Auntie," Lin Mengya still didn't hold back, interrupting Mrs. Lian's "product introduction". "I know Lian Ergong is very good, but now, I should go to Brother Lien to discuss business. Sorry, let's talk someday."

Lin Mengya, who has always been a first-class eloquence, humiliated today.

It is rare to persuade you quickly.

"This way, okay, then let's talk next time. Come, go to see the second master. Yaer, the more I look at you, the more I like it. In the future, the two of us will often come and go. . When you come next time, I will talk to you again. "

Lin Mengya seemed to be able to do nothing except to nod his head and smile.

哪里 Where does she know that Mrs. Lian is well-known as a matchmaker.

However, due to her status restrictions, she had to use Lian Xing to practice with her friends.

Don't say, it really became a few pairs, which greatly satisfied the mind of Mrs. Lian, and caused such incidents to be out of control.

So, whether it is Cheng Hao or Gong Wu, even the original Gong Er, when I heard that even the family, the legs and stomach will become gluten.

In one aspect, even Mrs. is definitely the first in Dragon Capital!

I was finally rescued by Lian Xing from Mrs. Lian. Lin Mengya held the pillar on the veranda and felt very exhausted.

The power of mothers is really difficult to shake from ancient times.

"Miya, are you okay?"

Lian Xing, who came out of the room with her hind feet, looked a little weird.

But after seeing a tired and tired Gong Ya, she asked worriedly.

"I'm fine, let's go."

Gao Lin Mengya smiled reluctantly, and inadvertently turned back, just to see Mrs. Lian cat behind the door, revealing half of her head.

After seeing her, she blinked mischievously at her.

In fact, she really likes this lively and lovely Mrs. Lian.

"My mother, she is talking nonsense, don't care."

Pian Lianxing smiled apologetically. Of course, he knew what his mother looked like.

It is also rare for Gong Ya to have such good patience. If it were placed on Cheng Hao's big man, I'm afraid now, he would have found a reason to slip away.

"You don't have to worry about it, I just have a little habit. I have lost my mother since I was a child, but I feel like my aunt is so kind."

Mom's 唠叨, most of them are in the name of love.

Perhaps, they also know very well that this will get bored by children.

But those exhortations and love, but in any case, have to speak out.

I just, the weight of his wife's mother's love was more important.

Rong Rong's good digestion will always survive!

"So you still like my mother, right?"

Lin Lianxing looked a little excited, Lin Mengya nodded, and nodded.

"I have seen many noble ladies. Only my aunt is so gentle and kind, and lively and cute. I know that this is not appropriate, but I really think that my aunt's mentality is really young."

When I heard her say that, Lian Xing seemed relieved.

After a moment, there was a little dignity in his eyes.

"Miya, I have something to tell you."

Lin Lin Mengya stopped and looked at Lian Xing.

虽然 "Although you and I have just met, we ca n’t talk about how deep your relationship is. But, I think you are good and my mother likes you. In the future, I will treat you well, rest assured."

Frowning frowning, Lin Mengya looked at Lian Xing in doubt.

What does this guy mean?

"Lian Ergong, have you misunderstood something?"

"I do not have!"

Pian Lianxing shook her head vigorously, staring seriously into her eyes.

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