Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1214: Capture on the spot

"My mother used to suffer a lot for our family. So, I swear to my elder brother that I will never let her suffer any grievances. Therefore, the wife my elder brother and I must marry must also be my mother's favorite. .My mother likes you very much, and the people in your house are also very good, I am assured. So, I will be good to you forever, you do n’t have to worry. In the future, if someone bullies you, I will never I won't stand idly by. "

Oh no! Wait a minute!

Lin Lin Mengya almost petrified on the spot, this is a misunderstanding, it is definitely a misunderstanding!

"Lian Ergong, listen to me. It's not what you think. My wife and I are just joking. You don't take it seriously!"

"Brother, Your Highness Xi!"

Before she finished speaking, Lien Xing looked behind her.

But the man he shouted, let Lin Mengya from head to toe.

Wouldn't it be so coincidental?

I can't help but things are so coincidental.

She turned around and saw a bland streak, followed by a gloomy face, Long Tianyu who seemed to eat her expression alive.

Lin Lin Mengya closed her eyes and mourned her fate.

Why is he so dead? He just saw this guy?

what is this? Red apricot out of the wall to grab the bag?

What's more terrible is that she couldn't explain for half a word.

I want to say that even Xing Xing really has a crush on her, but he is obviously looking for a daughter for his own mother and not to find a wife for himself.

I've been killed by this pot!

"Have seen His Royal Highness Xi, Brother, His Royal Highness is here?"

Qilian Xing's face surprised and came to salute the two.

"I forgot to tell you. Today, in the chapel, His Royal Highness and His Royal Highness have appointed His Royal Highness Xi to be fully responsible for the activities of the winter solstice. In the future, we need to have a clear understanding with His Highness whatever we have . "

Tong Liansheng looked at his silly brother and turned to Gong Ya again.

He and His Royal Highness accidentally heard the words just now.

In fact, he originally thought that Gong Ya was the best candidate for the princess.

But I didn't expect that her mother also met her.

However, yesterday, he also intentionally tested the reaction of His Royal Highness, His Royal Highness seemed to have no intention of Gongya.

In this way, Gong Ya and Lian Xing still have some fate.

The relationship between the two families has always been good. If Gong Ya got married, the family would definitely not let her be wronged.

If the palace family insists that Lianxing be added, it is not impossible.

Rather than holding him in the cage like Longdu, like him, he might as well go to a wider world.

He agrees with this family matter.

I just don't know what Gongya means.

如此 "So, that is naturally the best. In the future, it will be troublesome for His Highness Xi."

Qi Lianxing said with a smile, but Mu Rongxi just glanced at him coldly and turned away.

"Brother, Your Royal Highness Xi is really as proud as the rumor."

Bian Liansheng only glanced at his brother, and followed in stride.

Pian Lianxing didn't feel anything, shrugged his shoulders, and then remembered that there was a fiancée candidate behind.

"Miya, what did you just tell me?"

Lin Lin Mengya looked at him blankly, and said tearfully.

"I am done"

Just now, the last look of Long Tianyu was clearly warning her that she was dead!

Oh god, what kind of sin did she do, she would be misunderstood by that guy.

"It's over? What's over? Gongya, you can make it clear, I don't quite understand!"

Lin Lianxing chased up, not knowing at all, that between the wrong and the positive, his remarks almost cost Lin Mengya's half life.

There were five people sitting in the flower hall where the Lian family used to feast.

The original age of the five people is not much different, and all of them are old acquaintances, and the atmosphere should not be so cold.

I can't believe it. Some talents have just been caught, while others are stuck in their hearts and their hair can't leak out.

This is the suffering of the remaining three people, because they don't know what happened.

"Do you have any comments on the scale of this snow sculpture lamp?"

Tong Liansheng coughed slightly before he said.

"These things don't need to be talked about first. I just want to know why she is here."

Wu Murongxi's eyes looked like a knife, and she looked at the woman who did not know shame and water-borne poppies.

I shouldn't be soft-hearted for a while, let her go back!

怎么 How could she be so restless and seduce Lian Xing?

Mind your heart, even more angry that he should not be shaken, why is he so stupid, repeatedly, fell into her gentle trap?

This woman is indeed a curse!

"Oh, this is the case. Gong Ya came to my house as a guest. I happened to hear her mention a few words and thought it was very new. After all, Longdu is doing some old-style activities every year. It's naturally new inside and out. What's more, the style of lanterns in the palace's fiefdom is the best in the country. She is also kind to help. "

No reason, the winning streak had long thought about it.

And he is not a liar. The lantern activities in the palace's fiefdoms, whether in style or new ideas, are much stronger than those in other fiefdoms.

I heard that when the owner of the old palace was still alive, the annual Lantern Festival attracted people from the whole country to watch the ceremony.

What's more, Gong Ya is indeed smart. The designed snow sculpture lamp patterns are all exquisite and beautiful, different from ordinary people.

"Huh, right?"

Wu Murongxi raised an eyebrow and looked at Gongya coldly.

Now, he really wants to pick up someone and lock her in a secret room so that she can never come out again to charm other people.

"Yes, Your Highness, please see, this is the lantern design drawn by Gong Ya himself."

Bian Liansheng placed the pattern in front of Murong Xi, who was dismissive, but after seeing the patterns of childlike animals, a little flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"What is this? No one is ghost or ghost, throw it away!"

His voice was stubborn, and his tone of command made the winning streak afraid to violate.

"His Royal Highness, you may not like this light very much. However, Gong Ya said that this is the rule of their hometown. These little rabbits and little mouse lights are made for children, and her subordinates think she is kind. . "

Lian Sheng is not quite sure what His Royal Highness means. In fact, he seems to think that this lamp is very cute. Why does His Highness feel bad?

"The winter solstice admiring the snow sculptures, this is the will of the emperor. It must show the glorious majesty of my David. These things, small family, worth mentioning, throw away!"

Lin Lin Mengya was in a state of anger, knowing that this dead man was directed at herself.

Bian Qiang pressed the heart to give the other a slap with her neck collar, and she knew that this time, she was a loss.

I didn't want to see everyone in distress any more, she had to press the grievances and got up to leave.

"I remember that there is still something at home, so I don't bother. Everyone, leave."

Hagiya Wu can also see that his sister seems unhappy.

For her part, only her sister is the most important, and Her Royal Highness is nothing.

I just Lin Mengya had no intention, let Gongwu offend Long Tianyu too deeply.

He will keep his hands on himself, but not necessarily on Gongwu.

"Brother Wu, you know more about the customs of our family than I do. You stay here first and assist everyone. Everyone, you are out of company."

She wants to leave nothing more than to give them both a calm time.

But Ke Rongxi felt that she wanted to run away because of a guilty conscience.

Natural, add gas.

"Stop! You are too blind to see, Your Highness is here, how can you let me stay and stay, or go?"

Zhe Lin Mengya straightened her back, turned around, and asked with all her heart.

"What does Your Highness mean?"

"Although you don't understand the big things, but always drink tea, right? There is just one waiter here. Why not?"

Hello you Long Tianyu!

I dare to ask her to pour tea and serve him!

"His Royal Highness, isn't this appropriate? Isn't it Gongya, she's our guest."

It was Lian Xing who came out and stopped, Lin Mengya screamed bitterly, this guy, why ca n’t you mention which pot?

Sure enough, Long Tianyu's face turned black again.

"She is your guest, but not my guest. Why, even the second son is distressed?"

Wu Murongxi sneered, adding a little danger to her tone.

Xuan's winning streak could not help but feel a little nervous, His Highness Xi, but the most moody person.

I just didn't expect that His Royal Highness's aim today is Gong Ya.

No, maybe the entire palace family might not be sure!

At the moment, he stopped his brother.

如此 "So, there is Miss Lau Gong."

He nodded at Gongya, a few warnings hidden in his eyes.

Lin Lin Mengya naturally understood the meaning of the winning streak, which was to tell her that people had to bow their heads under the eaves.

Well, then, so she waits for Her Royal Highness.

"Yes, Gongya complies."

磨 She grinds her teeth, said Yin Jiandu.

Wu Murongxi frowned. Why is she so obedient today?

Sure enough, is it because she is at the house of the man she likes?

Humph! He just won't let her do it!

I want to marry Lian Xing, I want to be beautiful!

"Xiaoya you"

Wu Gongwu distressed his sister, and just wanted to ask for help, she heard Mu Rongxi said lightly.

既然 "Since the palace family knows the style of the lantern, it is better to let the palace people introduce it."

Hagiya Gou was a little impatient, but after touching the streak's eyes, he couldn't help lowering his head temporarily.

"Yes, Miyago knows."

Zhe Lin Mengya came out of the flower hall, but fortunately someone was waiting outside.

"Excuse me, do you have a small kitchen here for tea and snacks?"

The people in the Linlian family did not know what they meant, but they knew that the one in front of them was a noble guest.

"Yes, Miss. Yes, I don't know, Miss, what do I need?"

"Troublesome, show me."

Her Majesty looked at her suspiciously. There must be very few distinguished guests. Come to the kitchenette.

"Miss, if you have any needs, just tell them directly, there is no need to go, lest you dirty your shoes."

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