Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1230: Winter Solstice Snow Sculpture

"It's the palace I showed you a while ago. You can see the whole picture by night. Don't worry."

Lin Lin Mengya just glanced away and led her away.

Haw looked at the shape of the red cloth thoughtfully, and then trot ran after her.

"Miss, why don't I feel right?"

"Hmm? What's wrong?"

Min Er thought for a while and whispered.

"How do I feel, this one in our house seems to be a lot smaller than other people's houses. Miss, are you sure there is nothing wrong?"

Indeed, in terms of scale, compared with the design of others, this one of the palace family is indeed smaller.

Lin Lin Mengya looked around, and then looked at her own.

"Big benefits are great, small ones are wonderful, well, you'll know at night, don't ask."

Xier always obedient, nodded and had nodded.

"Master, there really are people around us."

A few people walked around for a while and felt tired, Lin Mengya chose a tea shop at random, found a table next to the window, and poured out their own drinks.

While Bai Su was not paying attention, for a while, after returning, she whispered to her.

"Have you been found?"

The latter shook her head. She was very careful and no one would notice it.

那就 "That's good, let's watch it change after dark."

She drank the tea in her hand, and deliberately strolled around the street. Now almost everyone knows that her palace is out.

It's just that there aren't many people on the street now, even if those people want to start, it's not the best time.

They are all waiting, a good time.

Lin Mengya, why not.

Night, as promised.

的 The carriages and sedan chairs of all households stopped outside the street.

He said that His Royal Highness told His Royal Highness that this time he will have fun with the people, but most people cannot reach him.

Everybody's body is hung with a temporary small waist card.

禁 All the intersections are guarded by the Guards, and entry and exit are subject to very strict inspections.

Zhe Lin Mengya arrived at the place where she had an appointment with Gongwu and waited for these people to arrive.

They just went to the house to pick up the wife, so it is probably not too late.

Here is a crossroad. There are stalls on both sides of the road. She and Bai Su and 纭 Er, while eating hot 馄饨, look towards the direction of Lianjia.

After a long time, I finally saw a familiar figure.

"it's here!"

Min Er stood up and waved at each other.

Wu Palace ran five or three steps and ran two steps in front of Lin Mengya, staring enviously at the puppet in her hand.

"Knowing this, we will not eat in Lianfu."

Xu Wenyan said that Lin Mengya just glared at that guy.

"If this is to be heard by Aunt Lian, I'm afraid it will hurt me. Is it possible that the delicious dishes of Lianfu will not catch up with this dried vegetable?"

Hearing that, Lien Xing, who was behind Gongwu, immediately showed an expression of dissatisfaction.

"Yes, just for you, my mother cooks her special dish in person. Well, Cheng Cheng, you say Miya Yu, shouldn't you be punished?"

程 Of these three people, the most reliable one is Cheng Hao.

The man's thick look is much better than these two guys.

"All right, Girl Gong, wait a long time, it's cold, don't catch cold."

Gao Lin Mengya heard the smile and shook her head, then looked scornfully at the five brother at home, and Lian Xing.

"If you do n’t see it, you should learn it. What is true maturity and pity?" "Yes, how can I have an older brother like you?"

I was stunned by her, even if Gong Wu and Lian Xing were unwilling, they did not dare to show it.

Nothing else to say, now only Gong Ya is Mrs. Lian's sweetheart. Offending her is tantamount to offending Mrs. Lian.

The two men shut up immediately, but both used their eyes to condemn Cheng Hao.

If it weren't for him, maybe they wouldn't have to be said by Gong Ya.

Suddenly, Cheng Hao, who was more real, became the public enemy in their small group.

Alas, it was only that moment.

"There are more and more people. Let's go find a mother to meet."

Pian Lian Xing stomped his feet and looked at the surging crowd.

"Yeah, it's time for the uncle and the aunt, it's not too late now."

As a family, the place to acquire is naturally the best.

Speaking of them, Lin Mengya also borrowed their light to get to the best place, but to watch the snow sculptures.

The more the crowd gathered, the better, Lin Mengya was protected by this group of people, and everyone was close together, so they didn't leave.

"What's going on with you? So many people, what if you're in danger?"

As soon as I arrived at the intersection, ready to breathe a sigh of relief, the winning streak appeared in front of several people.

Compared to the previous days in Fuzhong, tonight's winning streak is a uniform, looking more handsome, but also more serious.

Now he frowned and looked at Lin Mengya and several of them, but let them, he dare not make trouble at all.

"Thank you, Brother Li, for your concern. We will immediately go to Shiba and Auntie. You and everyone have worked hard tonight."

At the critical moment, it was still Lin Mengya.

She stepped forward and said gently.

Lian Sheng saw that she was so well-behaved, coupled with the fact that she was a girl, and she couldn't always treat her like a leather monkey, always being cold with others.

The expression eased a little, then looked at them and said.

"Well, let's go now, my mother is anxious."

Lin Lianxing heard the words and immediately nodded to prepare to pull the little friends to run.

But did not expect that the winning streak still stopped him, and then took out a cloth-covered wooden box from the hands of his men.

"This is the food I prepared for my mother by the way, please bring it for me."

In the dark night, even though the tone of the winning streak is not gentle, his look is like a real brother who cares about his brother.

Lian Xing stunned for a while, then grabbed over.

I put it on my nose and sniffed.

"Know your brother! You patrol well, let's go!"

After I said, I greeted them and ran in without looking back.

"Dongtong, would you like to take a look?"

Behind me, my colleagues' greetings came.

A streak of anxiety drew in the eyes of Tong Liansheng, but soon it disappeared.

不必 "No, let's go. Tonight you have to work up. No one can relax in the slightest, understand?"


Some people, no matter how he protects them, have grown up after all.

"I really didn't expect that we actually ran into Brother Lian. I was the second and the second, did you choose a good one?"

I think it must be because of my childhood. In addition to Lin Mengya, whether it is Lianxing or Gongwu, or Cheng Hao have some fear of winning streak.

"I am not! What are you afraid of? Can it be achieved? Remember when my brother and the second brother Gong taught you something as a kid?"

As soon as this was said, the faces of Gongwu and Cheng Hao changed.

"That's it, don't mention it."

Wu Gong five waved his hands and said weakly.

Lin Lin Mengya was more and more curious. She was always the oldest fifth child in the world, and she would be afraid of being like this.

It seems that what happened at the beginning can be described as a miserable word?

"Lian Xing, what are you talking about?"

气氛 Today's atmosphere was good, coupled with Lin Mengya's encouragement, Lian Xing was immediately complacent and told what happened as a child.

"It's not because my brother and the second brother Gong were both idiots. At that time, the three of us were relatively young and were often repaired by the two of them. They're a pity, we're miserable!"

I mentioned the events of the year, and the faces of the three of them were all bitter and bitter.

Lin Lin Mengya thought it was funny, so she kept asking questions. In the end, they asked all the humiliating things when they were children.

When several people walked and talked, Lin Mengya felt very fresh.

In the end, it is the friendship between the boys, which is different from hers.

But there were too many people on the street, and accidentally, someone hit her.

The man didn't work hard, and Lin Mengya didn't feel anything wrong.

But 纭 儿 did not comply, could not help but whispered.

"Oh, what's wrong with you? Didn't you see my lady?"

"Sorry, I'm sorry, my eyes are clumsy and I bumped into the lady."

The man repeatedly apologized, but Lin Mengya waved her hand and motioned to her to stop embarrassing people.

"Walk more carefully in the future, today I met my lady in a good mood, otherwise you will feel better!"

I'm so angry that he gave the man a glance. The man immediately apologized and ran away.

"Yaer, are you okay?"

The remaining few people, however, intentionally or unintentionally cut off the sight of those around them.

Suddenly, Gongwu looked down and asked quietly.

Lin Lin Mengya felt her dress and said softly.

"It's not something that matters, it's just something that can track me, it doesn't matter."

In fact, Lin Mengya was on guard at all times. When the man ran over just now, everyone was actually tight.

As long as that person dares to shoot, they are ready to press that person in the first time.

But the other party didn't.

She just grabbed a handful of spice that could emit a special flavor in her palm, and then took it upon her.

香料 The flavor of this spice is not great, but it is not easy to get rid of.

If it is a specially trained dog breed, it is easy to find her by taste.

他们 "They can really stand it."

Pian Lianxing scoffed at this practice.

Although his father and brother gave their lives to his ears before, let him be careful tonight, and never overturn the boat in the gutter.

But this little trick, he really does not see it.

"This is of course. They will start now, and His Royal Highness and His Royal Highness will be shocked."

Lin Mengya stunned her recent dress, which was not a bad smell, at least she could not stand it.

This person, when you want to do something big, you must learn to be patient.

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