Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1231: Unintentional enlightenment

Along the way, they were like the most ordinary family members, laughing and making noises, walking towards the central area.

There are tents set up by families.

There are not only tables, chairs and benches, but also refreshments and stoves.

Most of the family members of Wu Shijia wore fur clothes to protect against the cold, even in the middle of the winter, they were still not cold at all.

Soon, the greenhouse that belongs to Lianjia arrived.

"Gong Ya has seen Shibo, Auntie."

When Gang Gang saw Gong Ya, even his wife smiled extremely happy.

I beckoned at her and called her to her side.

On the chair next to Mrs. Lilian, the warmly-skinned fur mats had been laid, and she sat up without being cold.

I saw that she was holding nothing in her hand, and even the wife immediately gave her the aromatherapy stove in her hand.

"Auntie, I'm not cold."

"Hold on, you are a girl, but you can't compare with their skin monkeys. Come and drink a cup of hot tea. I heard Gongwu said you don't like to drink bitter, that's right, girl It's always sweet as honey. "

Mrs. Lin Lian personally poured a cup of fruit tea for her, added dried fruit and cooked it with light tea leaves, and then put some honey and milk.

It sounds similar to those of modern drinks, but because it is not doped with flavor, it is naturally a bit fresher and more elegant.

Lin Lin Mengya took a few sips, holding the cup and smiling sweetly at Mrs. Lian.

Although she has never seen her mother for the rest of her life, there are many people around her who can make her feel her mother.

For these people, she was grateful.

"Mother, I want it too!"

At the tip of Xuan Lianxing's eyes, he suddenly saw the cups of Gongya, different from theirs.

I came together, Baba looked at his own mother.

"What do you guys drink while playing, Xiaoya, don't you know, I miss you every day now, you still move here. Otherwise, how about I move to live with you? Do you not know, the family head No one is as old or young as yours. "

Mrs. Lin Lian took her hand and began to "complain", while Lin Mengya greeted it gently while glancing at Lian Master and Lian Xing secretly.

Master Lin Lian still looked indifferent, but from his eyes, she read a bit of guilt.

On the surface, Pian Lianxing seemed to be dissatisfied with his mother's bias, but in his eyes, he felt a little distressed.

I took my eyes off, Lin Mengya only felt that the father and son really looked like each other.

In fact, they all really love the words of Mrs. Lian.

It is a pity that their identity is destined for this simplest love, and it has to be mixed with many things.

"Auntie, it's hard to come by. I'll take you out to see how it is? Anyway, the Emperor hasn't come yet. If it does, we won't have a chance to watch it."

Mrs. Lin Lian was eager to try, but she looked to Mr. Lian for advice.

The latter already knew about Gong Ya's plan, so she was a little worried about his wife.

Xun Gang tried to persuade his wife, but he heard it next, Lian Xing rushed to say.

走 "Walk around! There are a lot of people outside, especially lively. Mother, I will protect you!"

He said, he grabbed the cloak in the hands of the man and put it on Mrs. Lian.

Master Lianlian hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded.

He just had something in Lin Xing's eyes that Lin Mengya couldn't understand.

After all, these two fathers and sons still have some gaps.

"Shi Bo rest assured that we are surrounded by our people, I will not go far with my wife, just look at the excitement nearby."

She still whispered and explained a few words to Master Lian.

The latter nodded and hesitated for a moment before he said.

"Well, go early and return early."


Gao Lin Mengya retreated with Cheng Hao and exited. As soon as she was outside, she saw Gong Wu and Lian Xing, who were standing beside Mrs. Lian.

The outside was illuminated by a lamp like daylight, and Mrs. Lian, who was already forty years old, smiled like a young girl among the characters.

If it wasn't for her to know in advance, I'm afraid I would never have thought that the woman who smiled like a girl brilliantly would bear so much pain.

Perhaps people came to this world for the sake of suffering.

Otherwise, why is everyone aging and being ravaged by years?

"Rest assured, whether you or your wife, we will protect it."

Around Hao, Cheng Hao's voice carried her inexplicable peace of mind.

She turned her head and saw the young man's eyes filled with lights.

Wu smiled friendly at each other. In fact, she was still curious about Cheng Hao.

Among the three people, Lian Xingfei was flying and Gong Yu was lively. Only Cheng Hao was restrained and stable, and he was simple and simple.

But from this young man, she smelled a mature and experienced army of talents.

Is really a strange combination, generally people like Cheng Hao, but at least the two flamboyant guys do not look down on.

But how did they get together?

咳 "Ah, is there anything wrong with me?"

Cheng Chenghao gave a fake cough, and his face was a little red.

But because of the surrounding light, it is not very obvious.

I actually felt that Lin Mengya came over all of a sudden. Why did she stare at them for so long just now?

"Sorry, I just feel a little curious. You are not the same as my five brothers and even the stars, don't you think they are too far off?"

Cheng Chenghao looked at the two good friends and shook his head.

"No, because they are different, we can be friends. In fact, when I was a kid, I was often bullied by others. Our family is a family of meritorious deeds, and my ancestors fought brilliantly. Because of this, my father asked our children to walk outside. Be sure to be stable. I have also become such a character since I was young. But when I was young, people like me were always bullied. If it were not for the two of them, I was afraid that I would be bullied even more. ... so, since then, I and I have identified them as my brothers, brothers of a lifetime! "

Xu Xu is because the eyebrows are softened, maybe it is affected by the atmosphere tonight.

Cheng Hao, who was never good at words, had no hesitation when facing Gong Ya.

"Then I imagined it. My fifth brother is all right. He just likes to cause trouble. On time, do you guys fight with him a lot?"

Cheng Chenghao scratched his head and nodded embarrassedly.

"I'm just tall, but not very strong. In the end, I still want Miya Yu and Lien Xing to come to the rescue."

Three little boys fighting with a group of children.

In the end, the big man was beaten down, but he hugged each other's legs.

Then the two smaller ones rushed to hit that person.

Although the three of them were injured, they laughed happily.

Lin Lin Mengya could imagine such a picture, thinking about it, but she laughed.

"Also, there are so many people in the world, who knows what kind of fate can I have? Obviously, it is not suitable for a few people, but it can become a friendship between fate and fate. It really is Amazing. "

Cheng Chenghao nodded, agreeing with her.

"You seem to have a heavy heart today?"

Lin Mengya stunned God, but she did not expect that she would be seen through by Cheng Hao.

"I'm just a little worried. After all, it's about life and death. Who can not take it seriously?"

She doesn't want to share her love troubles with each other. In fact, from the quarrel with Long Tianyu until now, all of her mind is the dead man.

To the extent that tonight, she can't think about the big things that are about to happen.

"It's okay, we will protect you, it will be all right. But if it's something else, maybe you should fight too!"

Lin Lin Mengya turned her head and looked at Cheng Hao puzzledly.

The latter, although somewhat shy, still looked firmly into her eyes.

"Although this is not appropriate, but we have had friction before. At that time, as long as everyone quarreled or had a fight. It's all brothers, the more noisy, the closer the relationship will be!"

Lin Lin Mengya looked at Cheng Hao. This guy is not only stupid, but also smarter than her!

Arguing, fighting?

Yes, maybe she should have a good fight with Long Tianyu.

They have been separated for so long, and they will have a lot to say to each other.

"You're right, it's just a noisy fight, a dozen fights. In this world, there are so many souls who don't eat fireworks. Everyone is mortal, and there is nothing wrong with it."

Squinting her eyes, she smiled sweetly at Cheng Hao.

"Thank you for today."

"Nothing, just, who do you fight with, do you want us to help?"

"This is it"

Lin Lin Mengya shook her head, proudly straightened her chest.

"It doesn't matter, whether it's a fight or a fight, I haven't lost to anyone yet!"

What's more, noisy with his own man.

I dare to do it. She Lin Lin shot it directly, and the man who cut off him or half his life was the hero!

Xuan Yin revealed a treacherous smile, but could see Cheng Hao's cold wind on his back.

妹妹 The younger sister of this palace seems to be, um, something different.

喂 "Hey, what are you still talking about! Come here!"

Not far away, Lian Xing turned back and yelled.

Cheng Chenghao immediately agreed, and Lin Mengya also strode up.

As soon as Mrs. Lilian saw her coming, she immediately drove Lian Xing away and pulled her to her side.

瞧 "Look at you, here comes the cape without a tie, what if it gets cold?"

He pursed his lips, but Mrs. Lian was still careful and tied Lin Mengya's cloak.

The latter smiled and said softly in her ear.

"Auntie, if you have a misunderstanding of a person, then you might try to fight with him. Maybe you all care about each other sincerely, but they don't know it."

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