Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1232: Little child

Mrs. Lin Lian stared at God and looked at her in confusion.

The latter gently pushed his wife in the direction of the greenhouse, said softly.

"Let's go and see, and you will come with Shibo later!"

Qin Lianxing just wanted to stop, but was blocked by Lin Mengya.

Mrs. Lin Lian looked at her blankly, and then looked at the greenhouse behind her.

Suddenly there was a shy smile on his face.

"What are you doing? Don't you know"

"That is also the matter of the two of them, it has nothing to do with you."

Pian Lianxing stared at her angrily, as if treating her as an enemy.

Lin Lin Mengya sighed and whispered.

"Whether you believe it or not, even Master Lian's love to his wife doesn't seem to be fake. How can you ask these things as a son? Even if you ask, how can Master Lian tell you the truth? In the end, Your father and son are at odds with each other. This is the saddest thing about your wife. So you might as well ask your wife to ask yourself.

Cheng Chenghao's words just made her think a lot.

的 The contradiction between her and Long Tianyu is actually very simple to say.

She thought he was the former Long Tianyu, but Long Tianyu has become Mu Rongxi completely.

I'm afraid the only thing that hasn't changed is the dispute between them.

If this is the case, then she must accept Mu Rongxi well, and Murong Xi must accept ‘Gongya’.

If you keep doing this awkwardly, you will eventually get hurt, or the two of them, won't you?

She remembered his last sentence as ‘Long Tianyu’, remembering it.

Yes, she is his memory, the love he was forced to forget.

Which is so, then why doesn't she put aside her past and love this Murong Xi in front of her?

However, there are certain principles that must not be compromised.

Therefore, the rack is still noisy, let the guy know how much, he is a cat with only paws!

Qi Lianxing is always awkward. Gong Wu is sandwiched in the middle and he doesn't say, he is still a girl.

I was so upset that the guy was always mad, at this time Cheng Hao's role appeared.

"I'll take Lien Xing to walk over there, don't go far, we will come back to you immediately."

Cheng Chenghao pulled away Lian Xing, leaving only a few people in the palace.

Fortunately, at this time, the snow sculpture lamps of those families also began to unveil one after another.

The pure white snow, coupled with the soft lights, the combination of fire and snow, is like being in the clouds, which makes people fascinated.

其他 On the street, other lights are also very bright.

A few people in Zhelin Mengya stopped and started to appreciate this rare landscape.

But they didn't fully focus on it.

Around them, information is transmitted over anytime and anywhere.

"They waited for so long and they didn't do anything, wouldn't it be necessary to drag them down to the Royal Emperor and the Crown Prince?"

Just now, Gongwu got another news about the enemy, but the other party just assembled his hands and didn't act.

Lin Lin Mengya felt a little bored and complained in a low voice.

"You don't understand, to them, we are the little shrimps. The two are the big fish."

Wu Gongwu teased with no respect, and Lin Mengya bent her lips.

Actually, she was also helpless.

也是 "Also, wait a minute, there is always something to watch."

Although there are many people, it is still a bit cold outside.

She was in a hurry, so she didn't give her a small stove for his wife.

Hao Er originally wanted to warm her hands, but unfortunately the girl's hands were cooler than hers.

Wu Baisu's hands are warm, but she must be on guard at all times and also be responsible for communicating with the people around her.

When I saw her always rubbing her hands, Gongwu felt a little distressed.

"How about I go get you a trip?"

Lin Lin Mengya nodded, and Gongwu quickly left.

此时 At this moment, she saw not far away, there seemed to be a small figure, and she was struggling to climb a small snow sculpture.

She looked carefully, but found that it was a child wearing a small 袄.

The little guy was clever until he went around and climbed where no one was behind.

But because the person is too small, he climbs a little bit and falls down every time.

Fortunately, the ground is all snow, and it is not high, and the children should not be harmed.

I looked at him in such a small group, and climbed again and again without discouragement, Lin Mengya thought it was particularly interesting.

Secretly approached with 纭 er and Bai Su, but found that the little corps climbed up a little bit.

"Where's the kid! Hurry up, this is not where you can crawl!"

Suddenly, the person in charge of the guard yelled loudly, and the child seemed to be startled and let go.

Lin Lin Mengya stepped forward immediately, just hugging the child who fell down.

"All right, kid?"

Regardless of other things, Lin Mengya immediately checked the condition of the child in her arms.

He wears a simple and simple little 袄, looks like a child of a big family.

However, the child was black, yellow and yellow, and looked like a naughty monkey.

I was only dark-eyed and quite aura.

怎么 样 "How's it, terrified?"

I watched the child look at her without eyes, Lin Mengya immediately put him down and touched his soft hair.

虽然 Although the child was dark and thin, his hair was particularly supple and felt so good that Lin Mengya could not help rubbing it.

"What's your name? Where is your family and is it separated from your family?"

The little guy looked at her with big eyes, then lowered his head and bit his finger.

Only then did Lin Mengya see that the little guy had frostbite on his fingers.

"You follow me first, and wait for your adult to come to you, you are going back with them, OK?"

看着 When she looked at the child, she thought of her Ning'er.

Especially after seeing the frostbite on his little hand, he was even more distressed.

She reached out to the little guy. The little guy thought about it, but turned and ran away.

"Don't run around, it's dangerous here!"

She lifted her skirt and Lin Mengya wanted to chase.

对方 But don't look at the short legs of the other person, but there are many advantages in the crowd.

In a blink of an eye, he ran without a trace.

"Miss, don't chase it. Look at him, he must be living near here, otherwise, how are you so familiar? I think it must be going home."

I ran a few steps, and the three of them could not find anyone.

Seeing that the lady from home was very concerned about the little child, Conan said comfortably.

也 "Okay, but we are still waiting here in case that child comes back."

Tonight, anyone who can come here has got the waistband of the Guards.

能 The fact that this little child can come shows that he must have been brought over.

That being the case, if the adults in the family can't find it, ask the Guards to find the child.

But there are so many people, and the child is still so small, can there be no danger?

I thought of it this way, and there came a shout from behind Gongwu.

"Sister, come here quickly, something urgent!"


She stomped her feet and looked at the direction in which the child disappeared.

Perhaps, this child will return to his parents.

I turned around and Lin Mengya hurried to Gongwu's side.

"what happened?"

Wu Gong's brow froze tightly, and she looked around before she said to her ear.

"Lianma passed out, and even Xing didn't know what was going crazy, but it was Lian Shibo's poisonous hand. Now, even the winning streak has been alarmed, you should come and see."

What's going on?

A few people rushed back to Lianjia's greenhouse, and before they went in, they heard a quarrel.

"It's all you! It's you who killed your mother! I warn you, give me the antidote, or don't blame me for not caring about my father and son!"

"Lianxing, stop!"

Streak tone is more severe than usual.

But Lian Xing was mad and roared with red eyes.

Cheng Chenghao also had a serious face, quietly grasping Lian Xing, so that he did not have the opportunity to break free.

Mrs. Lilian was pale and fell in the arms of Master Lien.

It seems that the breath is very stable.

"Lian Xing, are you crazy?"

As soon as he entered, Gongwu was busy holding down the roaring Lianxing together.

Lin Lin Mengya also walked to the side of the winning streak and said with a low voice.

"You go out first and evacuate the people around you. This kind of thing is not easy for everyone to know."

I think the winning streak is also confused, otherwise how can he not know the reason why the family is ugly?

After staring coldly at Lien Xing, Li streak strode out of the meteor.

Soon, there were no more people watching the crowd.

"Neither of you believe me, Gongya, did you see it? Are you honest, did you see it?"

Lin Lianxing continued to roar, Lin Mengya picked up a cup of tea, and then poured her hands on Lian Xing's face.

"Calm down, Lian Xing, don't you see it?"

Lian Xing was stupid and looked at her 愣愣.

Lin Lin Mengya took a deep breath and turned to the overcast Lien on his face.

"Shibo, until now, are you still not ready to tell the truth? Do you want to see the son you want to protect, so misunderstanding you?"

Master Lin Lian's eyes lightened with a little surprise.

After looking at Lin Mengya, she moved to her younger son.

"It seems that you forgot what you gave me."

He said in a low voice, but put his wife on the chair very gently.

"I taught you that in any case, you must clearly distinguish between priorities and ease. I ask you, what is the most important thing now?"

Qin Lianxing bit her lip, her face soaked with tea, with a little stubbornness.

"I don't need you to teach me, you and you are just a hypocritical hypocrite! My mother is just killed by you, you are a murderer!"

"Snap," a crisp slap was printed on Lian Xing's face.

Master Lin Lian hated the iron star and looked angry at the still dead star.

"Will your mother be okay if you don't care about this? Well, even if you put filial piety first, let me ask you, is there anything good for your mother for your mother? ? "

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