Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1233: Emperor Travel

My father is my father.

Lin Lin Mengya saw Lian Xing's face unwilling, but she did not dare to make trouble anymore.

"Girl, Palace, what's the situation inside?"

Zhe Lin Mengya has already been diagnosed simply. It is not an old disease, but she has just taken some less serious drugs.

However, everything in Lianjia was carefully arranged and inspected by Lian Sheng and Master Lian.

Who the **** is he, having this patience, can give Madame Lian the medicine?

"The situation is not serious, but who did it, and can someone choose?"

The most important thing now is to understand the intention of the other party.

If they want to harm the wife, how can they not have the chance to take other drugs if they have the opportunity to take drugs?

And it's not simpler to draw out Mrs. Lian's old illness?

So she speculated that the people who were drugged were another group.

What is their purpose?

His gaze turned to the people in this room.

Then, locked the streak that just came back from the outside.

"Lian brother, aunt passed out, who did you hear?"

The latter was asked by her for a moment, and then it came to mind.

"It is my deputy, but he should also listen to the news from others. After all, we were all patrolling at the intersection of West Street, and he never left my sight."

Lin Lin Mengya frowned and looked at Master Lian.

He said the look of the man's face was wrong.

"Your mother just got sick. I just let people find Lian Xing, but no one called you!"

This is, Tiaohu Lishan!

"Father, Lien Xing, mother will take care of you!"

Bian Liansheng took no account of others, and immediately took his own people, and hurried back to his patrol post.

Lin Lin Mengya sat there, and the uneasiness in her heart filled.

The situation is very clear now, the other party poisoned Mrs. Lian in order to transfer away the winning streak.

I ca n’t even leave my post so easily, but I ’m afraid there are other things in it.

"Lian Master, what should we do now?"

Among the crowd, even Master has full experience.

So Lin Mengya gave him the decision-making power.

After the latter groaned for a moment, Zhengzheng said.

"Lian Xing and Cheng Hao understood the situation in Longdu, so after a while, you took a few people to inspect the surroundings secretly. Remember, especially where the emperor and the prince are, you must check carefully, but do n’t Startling others. "


Cheng Hao took the lead, even though Lian Xing was still a little unhappy, he was dragged away by Cheng Hao.

"Miya Yu, Gong Ya, here in the low price, the old man can only ask for two."

Gao Linmengya looked at Gongwu and nodded.

"Lian Shibo rest assured that I and I will take good care of my aunt."

With the guarantee of Gongwu, even the master had to settle down temporarily.

After uneasy glances at Mrs. Lian, she took her own person out of the greenhouse.

"Come here, unbutton your wife's clothes, and feed your wife some warm water. No one can break in without permission."

Fortunately, even my family knew Lin Mengya, and coupled with the command of Master Lian, her order still worked.

Wu Gongyin was a little worried, but she went out for a week to visit and was sure she was OK before returning to her side.

"I'm afraid it's not just for us."

Lin Lin Mengya didn't speak, but just gave Mrs. Lian the warm water.

"Where do we have such a great ability? Even if they want to deal with us, they don't have to be so active."

Wu Gongwu was silent for a moment, but clenched the sword in his hand.

"I will protect you no matter what."

This is his promise as a man of the palace and an elder brother.

Lin Lin Mengya lowered her head and continued to feed the lady with a spoonful of water.

"But there are times when you can't help yourself. Brother 5 remember that whenever and wherever, the most important thing is to keep yourself safe."

There was a complex emotional flicker in the eyes of Hao Gongwu, but it was silent for a moment.

Obviously, now is not a good time to talk about such things.

The matter of Mrs. Lin Lian was handled properly, so it did not attract anyone's attention.

And even if the wife is usually entangled with old diseases, even if someone hears it, she will be treated as a relapse.

It was getting lively outside, and even they could hear it clearly.

最 The arrival of the Winter Solstice Snow Sculpture Reception has arrived.

Zhelin Mengya and Gongwu also walked out of the greenhouse and looked over the long street.

The puppet was crowded on both sides of the road, and the guards held the weapons tightly and guarded them.

队伍 On the middle street, there was a line far away, meandering.

Royal tour, the momentum is extraordinary, no one else can.

Ye Guang is the countless palace lanterns, which makes the whole street not much different from daylight.

Faintly, a subtle fragrance came over.

Zhe Lin Mengya sniffed carefully before discerning it. The palace lantern was actually mixed with good spices.

As I walked along, the maids in charge of the lanterns were graceful and graceful, and the palace dress they wore was both solemn and bloated.

Around the servant girl, the guards wearing silver-white armor were also Qi Yuxuan Ang, each of them was the master behind the guardian.

Finally, in the middle of the team, there are two cars driving one behind the other.

The front of the puppet is slightly larger. Although it is far away, the bells hanging on the four corners of the carriage are ringing in the wind and making a very crisp sound.

Zhelin Mengya has never seen such a luxurious and magnificent car, although it may not be as exquisite as the palace house, but it is also clever.

The one behind me was a little smaller and a little bit smaller, but the shape was similar.

I do n’t need to know that this is a car belonging to the emperor and the prince.

Along the way, everyone in the family is greeted with salute.

And the people are kneeling.

Yuan Lin Mengya is the same as Gongwu, and she salutes in front of her house.

I waited for the car to pass before I looked up.

I was just surprised when she bumped into a pair of eyes.

Nine Dragons Tianyu rode on the horse and followed the Prince's car.

To the children of the family, that represents the supreme glory.

And among these people, he was faintly headed by him.

She watched the man wearing snow-white armor and riding the white horse of Shenjun. For a moment, his heart was sour.

The man looked at each other from a distance, but after a brief look at each other, they separated without any trace.

Wu Gongwu didn't notice this brief anomaly, but after the team passed, he dragged Lin Mengya back to the greenhouse.

"Xiaoya, are you uncomfortable? But it was frozen just now?"

Wu Gongwu stretched out, trying to touch Lin Mengya's forehead.

But the latter shook her hand away and shook her head.

"I'm fine, but I feel that Emperor Zun is indeed Emperor, and naturally it is different from others. It's just that he's making such a big movement, it's a little bit wrong."

What's wrong? Miyago didn't feel it.

"The emperor is the most noble person who defends the country. This is not too much. Besides, if it is not shown tonight, there is no such opportunity on weekdays, right?"

Lin Lin Mengya heard the words, it is worth sighing.

发现 She found that her own silly brother is always clever when he should not be clever, and when he is clever, he is stupid.

"You don't want to think about it, why did Huang Zun propose to have fun with everyone? If it was just for display, he would be too superficial. In my opinion, it seems to be a demonstration. Or, I want to anger anyone."

In the previous dynasties, unless there was a dazzling Jun who only wanted to have fun, very few people would show up intentionally.

According to the meaning of the previous streak, Huang Zun obviously wanted to have fun with the people, not to show off his wealth.

If this is the case, the emperor should be at least simple, so that the pressure on the public will be less.

But now it seems that this is obviously not the case.

With her understanding of Huang Zun, this one does not like luxury, so she feels strange.

"Who does the Emperor want to demonstrate with? I'm afraid you don't think too much, no matter what, let's keep it here and let you be safe with Madam Lien, the rest is nothing to us."

This is because, in the chaos, the most important talents who can protect themselves are first and foremost.

I just didn't expect that she thought about it well and wanted to avoid the incident, but unfortunately, some people didn't let her do it easily.

"Miss Gong, the people around Huang Zun are here."

Lin Mengya just checked Mrs. Lian, and while sitting on a chair to rest, she heard the people from Lian's family talk back and forth.

"What? Come in soon."

She felt that something was not right in her subconscious. For Huang Zun, she was just a small fish and shrimp. Why is Huang Zun sending someone in person now?

Tatar was invited in, and she and Gongwu immediately greeted them with a smile.

The other party is a middle-aged man of about fifty years old. Although it is not necessary to be face-to-face, there is no femininity of ordinary housekeepers.

I was just in a red dress, and identified his identity.

However, Lin Mengya felt that the person was sitting in a row, with a bit of righteousness.

I couldn't help but admire it for a few minutes, and even with an attitude, I became different from the usual housekeeper.

"I've seen this adult, but I don't know what his name is?"

After the man looked at her carefully, he said with a smile.

"Our family is just the one walking around His Majesty the Emperor, Miss can call me Qin Shuang."

In my opinion, this man turned out to be a confidant around Huang Zun.

He gave another present and said with a smile.

"Gong Ya has met Master Qin. In such a cold day, it is really hard for adults to run this trip. It is really hard. Come in and have a cup of hot tea."

But Qin Shuang reached out and declined her kindness.

"Our family is also the king's life, please trouble Miss Gong, go with our family. Please also please come immediately, so as not to let your Majesty wait."

It turned out that Huang Zun wanted to summon her. Lin Mengya murmured a bit, but knew that this matter could not be dismissed.

"Yes, Gongya complies."

He turned around and looked at the anxious Gongwu, then arranged briefly, wore a fur cloak, and went out with Qin Shuang.

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