Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1234: Emperor Wei

Wu Gongwu wanted to follow him, but was stopped by Lin Mengya.

The order of Xi Huangzun was not a joke. Once he really annoyed him, he was afraid that the palace family would become the target of criticism.

Alas, they lost their final barrier.

Everyone wants to give a fatal blow before the palace family comes over, so the prince can offend, but the emperor must not.

She was wearing a cape. As soon as Lin Mengya came out, she found a few guards in silver-white armor beside her.

"Miss, don't worry, there are so many people here, I'm afraid someone will hit you."

Qin Shuang also explained that Lin Mengya was more worried.

His Majesty seems to know a lot about His Majesty.

Otherwise, he wo n’t bring her to pick her up after he sent his confidant.

Alas, it was as if she had been escorted.

"Thank you, Lord Qin, for bothering you."

Her attitude is still modest and courteous, even if she is uneasy, she will not show the slightest signs.

On this way, Qin Shuang looked at the woman behind him as if she were absent.

Although Lin Mengya felt it, she remained calm.

I didn't show it intentionally, didn't talk much, didn't go to welcome.

Everything is normal, but it makes her throbbing heart, settled a lot.

"Ms. Gong, have you ever been married?"

Her eyebrows were beating, knowing in her heart that this was not a simple question.

I had no time to think, she just shook her head slightly.

Qin Shuang smiled immediately and said softly.

"Miss doesn't have to be so nervous. Speaking of which, our family is also an old man of your palace family."

At this point, Lin Mengya was unknowing.

At this moment, there was a cheering sound from outside.

I completely covered up the conversation between them.

听到 She heard the man and whispered softly in her ear.

"Be careful, someone will frame you."

虽然 Although she was taken aback, she still looked as usual.

He didn't even show any flaws, and Qin Shuang was very indifferent, like the sentence just now, not what he said.

Finally, through the crowd, he reached the door of the greenhouse where His Royal Highness His Royal Highness was standing.

"Ms. Gong will be here later, and my family will let you know."

"Yes, I'm tired of adults."

She waited outside the door nicely, lowered her eyebrows, and tried to make her sense of existence slightly weaker.

She Qin Shuang looked at her and entered the greenhouse.

除了 In addition to her here, there are only those guards.

The non-stop maid came in and out, holding all kinds of things in her hand, but she was as if she had been forgotten.

Lin Kemengya, after getting Qin Shuang's suggestion just now, knew she was afraid of someone and wanted to make the ugly.

Therefore, she did not look around, nor did she have a look of impatience on her face.

He just stood respectfully at the door, like a stake.

Also, it's a good looking stake.

Those who thought that she would not stand freezing can be considered to have miscalculated.

She wore the best-looking fur cape on her body, and the next to her was a brand-new cotton.

Don't say it's frozen here, even overnight is no problem.

I was more patient than her, and those people were a little tender.

After she stood in the snow for half an hour, Qin Shuang finally appeared in front of her again.

"I'm sorry, Miss Gong, something was delayed inside, please inside."

Lin Lin Mengya saw a flash of anger in his eyes.

It seems that this person who embarrassed her was not the emperor.

Interesting, who is it, dare to play with right and wrong in front of the Emperor?

In my opinion, her next level was not so good.

The size of the awning of the Emperor Huangzhuang is naturally the largest, and in fact, it has been sealed on all sides, which is about the same temperature as the room.

When Lin Mengya walked in, she was shocked.

I didn't feel cold just now, but the hot air inside sprayed her with a clever hit.

My nose is a bit itchy and I want to sneeze.

But she still resisted, after all, this is a royal place.

Following Qin Shuang, Lin Mengya walked to the innermost position of the greenhouse.

She keeps her head down, but still feels a little depressed.

After all, he is the emperor, and can be easily joked.

"Your Majesty, Gongya brings."


Lin Mengya's heart was a little hairy with her majestic voice.

Although she has seen a lot of emperors, compared to the one in front of her, she is always missing something.

How do you say, compared with His Majesty the Emperor, the former emperor or something is more like a tyrant or something.

I lost so little royal majesty, this has nothing to do with the country, mainly to see the momentum.

"My court lady, I've seen Her Majesty the Emperor."

She salutes in accordance with the rules and moves gracefully.

My grandmother even the great ancestors who came to teach her etiquette said that her rules were well learned.

其实 But in fact Lin Mengya just remembers it more clearly, and she is practicing every day, trying to make up for it.

"Is this the lady from the palace? Well, yes."

I was talking about a woman who was equally majestic, but still feminine.

Zhe Lin Mengya remembered this, and the posthumous came along.

"Thank you lord."

Her voice is smooth, without any ups and downs.

He has no ordinary people, and he is proud after being praised.

In general, the route she wants to take today is a calm and elegant lady.

This is also quite in line with the identity of her heirs. Too strong or too weak is not suitable for inheriting the heirs.

Who knows what Emperor Huang plans, she still has to deal with it carefully.

"Get up, sit down."

Hou Zunzun was very satisfied with her, and she personally gave a seat.

Soon, someone moved on to the table and chair and set her aside.

Gao Linmengya was relieved, but her eyes were not daring to look at.

But the person sitting next to her should also be a family lady.

It seems to them that they are all the family members called by the Emperor.

This is reasonable, but she was directly targeted just now. So, who is it?

"I invited you to come here to judge the snow sculpture. Your Majesty thinks that you are young and have good vision, and you can pick the right ones. All the pictures of the snow sculpture lamp are here, you can view them freely and feel good Yes, just sketch it with a pen. If it feels bad, just skip it. "

He Houzun continued, everyone whispered yes.

It turned out to be to score the snow sculpture.

She glanced around quietly, and found that there are many people coming today.

They are all female guests on this side and male guests on the opposite side.

This arrangement is reasonable, but she felt keenly that a few eyes fell on her.

The pressure is still quite big.

As soon as the posthumous voice of Jihouzun fell, there was a housekeeper and a palace lady who put on a few shelves.

The shelf is shaped like a box, with a table in the middle.

I put a few pens on it, and I sharpened it with one party.

Then, one after another the palace people hung up the drawings.

After hanging on all sides, Hou Zun continued.

"Apart from what my family can't sketch, everything else is fine, Prince, it's better that you start first."


Under Emperor Xi Emperor, naturally, the prince is the head.

Lin Lin Mengya was far away, only to see today's prince, grandly dressed up.

The dark purple shirt looked more and more straightforward, and he was in a much better physical condition than he had seen before.

In my opinion, the prince, who has always been ill, has improved greatly.

This is naturally good news for the royal family.

But for some people, this is not the case.

Lin Lin Mengya did not dare to look at it at random, and did not dare to look at the Emperor and the Emperor.

I just glanced around and set my sight on this table.

On the opposite side, only two people were the most striking.

One was the prince, the most honorable, and the other was the dead man in her family.

I had to say that he was dazzled by his handsomeness today.

In the past, the one in her family who did not like to wear light-colored clothes was black every day.

I didn't expect that now he looks so white in white.

I really don't complain about Lin Mengya's idiot, but her man is too good.

Lin Mengya is not bad enough. From the moment she appeared, someone looked at her as if she had nothing.

But everyone was obstructed, just glanced and turned away quickly.

Lin Lin Mengya thought about it, instead of continuing to look at other people, she put her eyes on the Prince.

The lights inside the shack were shaking, and she saw the figure of the prince and cast a dark shadow on the drawing paper.

I can't help but feel strange, if judged, wouldn't it be better to unroll the drawing paper?

Why do people still want to see it in this way?

He is not invisible, and once the shelf is dropped, will the people inside be hit?

But her thoughts didn't last long, then they disappeared.

She saw the prince sketching inside, but didn't know the result.

Then I suddenly realized, it turns out that what you dare to play is confidential.

She couldn't help calming down, looking at the male guest's side, and went in to vote in turn.

The next thing is not Long Tianyu, but a man dressed in lavender.

That man looks like a weak crown, but his face is very beautiful, but he is a bit short of body.

Even so, after the boy got up, whether it was salute or other actions, he was very stable, without the slightest fret that a young master of his age should have.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at his clothes and knew that this man must be the son of three kings.

Xi Weiguo respects purple, and the prince and his Majesty's dresses should be the most positive dark purple, but those who can wear light purple in this formal occasion are the special honors of the Three Kings.

I was so white that Long Tianyu was very abrupt in the crowd.

This reminded her of the past. The colors of Jin's service are biased towards the bright colors, the men in her family, and the black body, which is always the most prominent in the crowd.

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