Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1241: Really kill

亲 The white guards, led by Murong Xi, smashed a hollow area in the crowd.

Among the lunatics, some people have discovered that he is not the true emperor, but they are surrounded by Murong Xi firmly.

I want to send a signal, it's very simple, I can only kill him and rush out.

Obviously, this is a very difficult task.

Zhe Lin Mengya clasped her hands tightly, her eyes didn't just stay on Mu Rongxi's body.

She is always looking for the most suitable opportunity, step by step, she is close to her destination.

Finally, they reached the last corner of the street.

The people in front have no time to worry about her, and the people behind are also struggling to cope.

Gao Linmengya saw the timing, took off her cloak, and hung it on the wall next to the courtyard.

Tatars hurriedly ran into a dead alley through the cover of chaos.

砍 The sound of hacking outside was so loud that Lin Mengya knew that she didn't have much time.

Once he is noticed by the other party, or discovered by Long Tianyu that he is missing, he will surely fight with the other party and become self-defeating.

Fortunately, the alley was not deep. She ran to the inside in three steps and two steps.

A tall brick wall stood tall, but Lin Mengya slammed on the brick quickly, and then found the only place that was loose. I never thought about it, and struck it hard.

With a punch, Lin Mengya's clenched fist came with dull pain.

She didn't care about the blood on her fist, and continued to fiercely.

After a few moments of digging, the bricks slowly sunk in.

But the chaos at the alley was getting worse.

With a bang, the brick was completely recessed.

She immediately stretched out her hand to move the organs inside. Then, two sides of the dead lane, which should have no passage, suddenly appeared.

Inside the door, there were many masked black men on standby.

"The situation has changed. Some people want to take the opportunity to assassinate the Emperor. You see the machine and act, remember, you retired."

Her voice did not fall, people in black had long been like a tide, pouring out of the alleys.

Lin Lin Mengya leaned against the wall and watched that the people here had run out, and then she struck the organs inside the wall and closed the doors on both sides.

其实 This is actually her killer 锏. Snow sculptures do have weapons, but more importantly, these are the slaves whom she bought from the former army army.

Jiu Shi Men and the government have existed for a long time, but the tunnels underneath are actually a good opportunity for her to build a snow sculpture.

This is a life-saving thing. Except for her and Gongwu, when the craftsmen were building, they didn't know that they were digging for authenticity.

The sound of shouting and killing rang through the world, Lin Mengya only felt the pain of her heart.

Alas, she still quickly walked out of the alley.

Outside, the situation has shown some signs of reversal.

The remaining ones will be released one after another.

With this help, Huang Zun and Hou Zun can almost stand out.

At that time, as long as they disappeared quietly, no one would know what she had done tonight.

After all, everyone wants credit, and as long as she, the Lord, doesn't say anything, there will be no fewer people jumping out.

After all, in this case, no one can verify.

Outside, the situation was still one-sided just now, but now, with the joining of this black man, the forces on the side of Huang Zun are gradually showing signs of turning over.

Coupled with the weapons in the snow sculptures, it also played a role.

A group of people who were chased just now can now go to the enemy's team and harvest the fruits of victory in advance.

Lin Lin Mengya leaned on the corner and wore only a thin little girl. She gradually felt the power of this winter.

As far as I can see, the entanglement of black shadows and black shadows is extremely tragic at this moment.

She rubbed her arms, and the cold made her wounds numb gradually.

Xuan Youyou was relieved. Fortunately, she had prepared in advance, otherwise she would really fold on it.

The sound of chaos gradually disappeared, and the blockade of the street opening was long broken.

But there are not many people who can escape, and suddenly she feels the breath of Cangjie brought by everyone.

She didn't dare to move, and didn't dare to search for Long Tianyu's trace indiscriminately.

If there is a real conscience between them, he must know that he is here waiting for his return.

Because they are scattered here.

Finally, she saw a familiar figure before the last group of fugitives arrived.

Qi Lin Mengya stretched her body hard, the temperature was too low, and the expression on her face froze.

However, he still met her.

I tried to laugh across the crowd.

She didn't see his expression, but felt inexplicably that the other side was relieved.

"Xiaoya! Little sister! Where are you?"

Not far away, there was anxiously shouting from Gongwu.

She saw Long Tianyu want to come forward, but shook her head suddenly.

Before I met them, they could say that it was for the safety of the Emperor and the Emperor that they had to pretend together.

But now, no!

At least in front of people, they should not have any involvement.

"I am here!"

She turned her head and responded loudly regardless of whether the other party understood her.

Soon, anxiously Miyago found her.

"Oh my God! Why are you wearing so little! How did your hand hurt?"

Wu Gongwu looked at the wound on Lin Mengya's hand very distressed, and she took off her coat and put it on her body.

"Go back and say, our people, are you back?"

He was held by Gong Wu, Lin Mengya asked in a low voice.

Kunimiya nodded at five, looking alertly around.

"Rest assured, there is no shadow, no trace, even if someone finds them, they will not guess their identity."

Gao Linmengya was relieved. After this incident, the Emperor and the Emperor will definitely investigate the dragon.

She didn't want to get into trouble, she was put on such a hat.

Xu's eyes quietly turned to the position where Long Tianyu was standing just now. Fortunately, the man had disappeared.

The emperor and the emperor have already returned to the palace. The guards who stayed inside and outside the palace, as well as the troops stationed outside the dragon capital, have also entered the dragon capital.

Lin Lin Mengya did not go home, nor did she go home.

Instead, he took Mrs. Lian and Lian Xing, who was slightly injured, and returned to a small courtyard that had been set down before.

"God bless, you finally came back safely!"

After a night of tragedy, even Mrs. Lian's face didn't look good.

After seeing the wound on Lin Mengya's hand, she immediately greeted people to get clean water and a cloth towel.

Fortunately, Gongwu has foresight, and there are many medicines for treating trauma in the small courtyard.

Until her hands were wrapped into two little sister-in-laws by Bai Su, she was sore and sweaty all over her face.

Although the medicine doesn't work, it hurts really!

"Yar, what's the situation outside now? My master, and Seunger? Why didn't they come back with you?"

Mrs. Lin Lian is worried, after all, her husband and son are responsible for the safety of Longdu.

In this case, it is the first to bear the brunt.

After Lin Mengya and the three quietly exchanged a look, Lin Mengya said.

"I think they should be in the palace now. The matter of tonight has scared the emperor and the harem, and Shibo and Brother Li should deal with this matter."

Streak went into the palace without leaving, but people lie in.

Fortunately, Mrs. Lian and Mrs. Gong were sent by Gongwu to the present. Now, it is not known that the winning streak was seriously injured.

He was even Master, as if he hadn't heard much from the beginning.

However, with Lie Shibo's character, how could he not escape.

"I see, auntie, let's take a rest first. Tonight you are also scared a lot. If the body is sick again, wouldn't it make Shibo and Brother Li feel relieved? Hey, take your wife to rest."

The children are the most sweet but their mouth is the sweetest.

Twenty-two words coaxed his wife and left in three steps.

Zhe Lin Mengya asked Bai Su to send Anshenxiang to the secret, and even the lady's body could no longer afford this toss.

Indoors, now there are a few of them.

"My brother and father, will everything be okay?"

No matter what you think, but in this case, they are a family after all.

"I'm not worried about Uncle Lian and Brother Li. If you don't like to listen, this time, Brother Li was seriously injured. This is not a bad thing for Lian's family. Dragons have made such a big mistake Afterwards, he will be held accountable. "

Of course, this thing is no wonder the winning streak.

Although it was him who proposed the snow sculpture celebration, according to her previous speculation, Huang Zun and Hou Zun should intentionally seduce these madmen to appear.

Hei, or this assassination, was designed by people from the beginning, but because of some reasons they didn't know, it became what it is now.

However, in any way, the families in the royal family and the dragon capital can be regarded as heavy losses.

"I understand what you mean. Brother must have thought of these things, and then he would ignore his body. Otherwise, who can hurt him with his martial arts."

Pian Lianxing's tone was full of annoyance.

Lin Lin Mengya knew that he was angry with himself, but now, this is not the time to play with his temper.

"If it is what we guessed, after dawn, we will get a lot of news. You all have to remember that we are all seated by accident. The weapons in the snow sculpture are just to prevent accidents. Understand? "

Wu Gongwu and Lian Xing nodded one after another. Lin Mengya knew that although the situation had passed tonight, after the situation subsided, Huang Zun and Hou Zun would doubt her.

After all, the weapons placed in the snow sculptures can save their lives, but in fact, they can also be used to kill them.

What happens will depend on how she responds.

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