Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1242: tip of the iceberg

As soon as the sky was bright, the servants who were responsible for transmitting the news brought the news that Lianfu had been broken into the door last night and was then destroyed by explosives.

Even though the house is in a mess, let alone the property, there is not even one intact house beam left.

Lin Lin Mengya could not help but secretly rejoice, but fortunately, she reacted in time, otherwise her home would be completely destroyed.

Xu Xu was because the family members were evacuated in a timely manner, and no casualties appeared in his eyes. It may also be because even the master and the winning streak were not here.

For a night, Lianxing seemed to grow up suddenly.

料理 Cook everything in order.

Although still a little immature, he was like the two sons who usually played and played with each other.

The chaotic dragons are in a mess, and there are not many problems left over from the explosion.

Fortunately, Huang Zun and Hou Zun did not only care about their own safety, but sent officials to deal with this matter in the first time.

Overall, the situation is fairly stable.

Early in the morning, Lin Mengya went out quietly.

There are not many pedestrians on Qiongjie, and all look hastily.

Lin Lin Mengya is also very simple and will not attract too much attention.

Wu Baisu didn't follow her. Lin Mengya made sure she had no one left and then walked into the alley, not far away.

After last night, few people live here.

Wucheng Gate has been blocked for the first time, but because the place is very close to the incident, the residents here have gone to live with relatives and friends a little further away.

Occasionally, one or two households did not move out, and the doors were closed and no one was heard.

There was a silence all around, and there was no sight of the old days.

Zhe Lin Mengya went outside a closed courtyard with the same gate and knocked gently.

Inside, a small gap was immediately opened.

When she saw it was her, the door opened immediately, and she flashed in very quickly.

"The young lady is here, Master Four is crazy. If you don't come, I'm afraid he will go to see you in person!"

I was talking about Gong Ping, who was quietly in the yard yesterday.

During the day yesterday, Gongsi happened to reach Longdu.

But he said that he had to meet his friends first. He had thought of meeting with them at night, but he did not expect that this happened.

这个 The courtyard where they are now is the residence of Miyaji's friends.

Seeing that Gong Ya finally appeared, Gong Shi, who was unwilling to stay in the house in the morning, could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

I'm fine, my sister is fine.

The owner of Xun Xiaoyuan was very attentive. This is the backyard of his house, and he was probably afraid of disturbing their brother and sister reunion.

Lin Gongsi immediately ushered in Lin Mengya, and after careful cross-examination, she confirmed that she and Gong Wu were all right, and her brows eased slightly.

Lin Mengya also expressed her worries.

Shimiya Shiji thought for a moment before he said.

"What do you mean, Huang Zong and Ji Zun, are likely to put this matter on our heads?"

"It's hard to say." Lin Mengya shook her head. "I think that this kind of thing is better to let go by mistake. I helped her last night, but I know all about her. Even if they turn their faces away, I don't have any. "

Since ancient times, where is the credibility at all?

He said today that she was a life-saving benefactor, and she was loyal, but if she said she was a rebellious rebellion, she would be a traitor.

The winning streak can testify for himself, but even the current situation of the family may not be much better than them.

That's why Lin Mengya found it tricky.

However, this matter, Gong Si is not very worried.

"You don't have to worry about it, I have a lot of confidence that the post will never embarrass you. And if nothing happens, she should find a way to win you over."

Win her?

Zhe Lin Mengya looked at Gongsi in doubt, did he say that he knew that some inside story could not be achieved?

"Do you know who died this time?"

"It was too messy last night and I didn't have time to look closely, but there are always more people in the family. At that time, there were not many civilians on that street."

Sengiya looked at her and nodded.

"That's right. Most of those who die are attached to the royal family or a family that makes good relations with the royal family."

The words of the fourth palace made Lin Mengya suddenly understand something.

这样 "In this way, the purpose of the madmen is not the royal family, but to weaken their power?"

Hei Gongshi hesitated, then nodded slightly in agreement with her statement.

"Couldn't this be done by the three kings?"

As far as the current situation is concerned, the three kings are the most likely.

After all, once the royal family declines, they will be more likely.

But unexpectedly, Gong Shi sighed.

"If it is the three kings, then things can be easier."

He is not the three kings? The top ten families will not do this kind of thing. After all, no matter how meticulous they are, once they are found out, they can't resist the revenge of the country.

And there are three kings under the royal family, they are not worth it.

I mean, yes

"Yes, it is very likely that it was made in the place that the defenders most admired."

Lin Lin Mengya saw the corner of Gong Shi's mouth with a cold smile.

很少 She rarely sees her elder brother laughing so much. In front of her, although he is not as outgoing as Gongwu, he is also a gentle man.

现在 But now, she clearly saw a smile in the corner of his mouth, a little bit cold.

It was his hidden killing intention!

"But they have no reason to do so? And Prince, is not one of the candidates for the next Lord of the Temple?"

Niangong Shi looked at her with some struggle.

He finally couldn't resist Lin Mengya, he only whispered after thinking for a while.

"Do you know why the country has maintained this pattern for thousands of years?"

Lin Lin Mengya shook her head, but she also felt a little strange.

After all, the situation of one emperor and three kings should have collapsed elsewhere.

怎么 How can such a vast territory have only one patriotic nation?

She had a hunch, maybe what the four brothers told her next was the deepest thing hidden under the appearance of the defending country.

"That's probably because of the temple. Although I don't have conclusive evidence, everything I've investigated over the years is inextricably linked to the temple."

"What are you investigating?"

Hagimiya looked at her steadily and said word by word.

"That's why, at the beginning, why my hometown mainly sent her daughter to the trial site in person, and never allowed her to return."

Grandma, didn't she go by herself?

At this moment, Lin Mengya knew that from then on, she was afraid that she had a lot of things that she already knew, and they had to make a radical change.

雅 "Ya'er, don't think about anything right now. You just have to lead the palace family and return to glory. You can handle other things. The palace family is the chip that we can come back to."

The words of Qiong Gongsi made Lin Mengya a little lost.

However, she soon gave up the idea of ​​questioning.

This matter is very important. I am afraid that even the fourth palace has not figured out why.

But as long as she knows, the temple is the greatest danger.

"It makes sense, we only have the palace family, even if we really have to face the temple in the future, only the palace family is our strength."

"Yes, so this time, you have to seize the opportunity."

Gong Gongsi was a little excited, and he didn't expect that what he had done with great care to do in the past was now caught by Gong Ya.

"I understand."

The meaning of the four palaces is to take this opportunity to let the relationship between the royal family and the palace family go further.

I just had Lin Mengya glance at Gong Sisi, and her four brothers made her feel strange.

She lowered her head, and Lin Mengya always felt that this palace was a bit strange to her.

"Yaer, I and I don't want you to reconcile in such things. But we have no choice."

She understood the bitterness in Miyaji's tone. Also, their fate was doomed from birth.

Sting yourself, what are you still struggling with?

"I see, rest assured, I will seize this opportunity. I will not only make the palace family the first family, but also make the palace family a force against the temple."

The four palaces heard the words, with a little relief in their sadness.

伸出 He reached out and touched her little head.

"Where is it so simple, our generation, as long as it can be safe, as long as we can hide in the temple."

Lin Lin Mengya didn't say anything, Gong Si thought she agreed.

After two discussions, Lin Mengya returned the same way.

I just didn't expect that on the way, she met another acquaintance.

"Miss Gong, our family has been waiting for a long time."

Lin Lin Mengya looked up and looked at Qin Shuang in front of her.

Presumably the other party is still busy till now, otherwise the eyes won't become red, like rabbits.

He followed him with two guards in plain clothes.

I never expected that they would be here to block themselves.

"Master Qin, may I ask you?"

"There is a noble person who wants to see you, and I ask you to come with us."

She Qin Shuang's tone was still very polite, and her attitude really seemed to come to invite herself, not to arrest herself.

Of course Lin Mengya knew who the noble man was in his words.

I couldn't help but exhale softly and said.

"That's troublesome for adults."

"Miss Gong, please."

He followed behind the three of them, Lin Mengya obediently sat on a carriage.

The carriage was shaking, and she could see the surrounding scenery through the curtain.

Look at the direction, it should be going to the direction of the palace.

Although Gong Si has analyzed with her, Lin Mengya still can't rest assured.

After all, if the companion is like a tiger, the temple can not put the royal family in her eyes, but she cannot.

At least for now, the royal family can still pinch her life.

The horse-drawn carriage stopped for a while.

Through the car window, she only saw a towering palace door.

Although she knew that she was afraid that it was the most inconspicuous door in the palace, she was shocked.

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