This is the heritage of a great country that has not changed since the millennium?

Lin Lin Mengya only felt that her chest was crushed by a heavy stone.

After getting off the carriage, after entering the palace gate, Lin Mengya transferred to a small sedan.

The palace is a bit deserted, probably because of martial law. The palace people are all in a hurry, and the guards patrolling back and forth are full of vigilance.

Zhe Lin Mengya didn't look around, but she sat down in the sedan chair and let the driver and Qin Shuang send herself to the deep palace.

"Girl, we are here."

The sedan chair stopped, Lin Mengya got out of the sedan chair, and on the vermilion gate in front of her, the three words of the Ming Palace were extremely solemn.

After entering the courtyard, Lin Mengya was the first time to see such an elegant palace full of royal palaces.

She was taken to the side hall by Qin Shuang, which was also spacious and bright, and the tables, chairs and benches were complete, like a small reception room.

After Qin Shuang let her into the seat, she recruited people to serve tea.

Then he went out for a while, and then said to Lin Mengya after returning.

"The girl is a little calm and restless. The junior is seeing guests in it, and after a while she will call the girl to speak inside."

"Thank you Master Qin for your guidance."

Qin Shuang knew that this was Gong Ya's words before thanking herself.

Only this time, a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Women, please be careful."

"Master, rest assured, Gong Ya knows."

Qin Shuang nodded, and pulled out.

Lin Lin Meng Ya'an sat on the chair and sipped a cup of tea.

This tea is good tea, and the tea she used to drink at home.

I have no bitterness, but I also carry a little sweetness on the tip of my tongue.

Zhe Lin Mengya noticed that the tea cup was almost the same as at home, it was a bone china tea cup like white jade.

This is not common in Wei Guo, just her personal preference.

Therefore, now that both of these are seen in the palace of the Emperor, it can only be explained that the Emperor knows his life habits well.

This is to scare her in secret?

Zhe Lin Mengya put down her tea cup and waited in the side hall calmly.

Anyway, she has the Shennong system to solve boredom, so she can go to the system to see things.

I want more patience, but she has no one.

I didn't know how long before she heard the noise coming from the door.

I immediately got up and greeted, saluting the poster.

"Gong Ya has seen the maiden."

"Get up."

Today's posthumous, wearing a cyan skirt, a black hair also pulls an elegant bun.

He is different from the imaginary front call and back support. Behind the post, only Qin Shuang is alone.

Although Lin Mengya couldn't guess the other party's thoughts at the moment, she still knew the general intention.

She Qin Shuang stopped at the door and closed the gate of the side hall for two people.

"It's just the two of us. What are you standing there for? Sit down."

Houhou Zun took the lead in taking a seat, with a beautiful face, with a smile.

Lin Lin Mengya also thanked En and sat back to her position again.

Afterwards, Zunzi looked at her carefully, but Lin Mengya was not panic.

He generously let the other party research himself thoroughly, and then Hou Zun opened his mouth.

"You did a good job on that day."

"The mother-in-law is ridiculous. Actually, it's all due to the winning streak of adults. Gong Ya, it's just acting for the adults."

As soon as she spoke, she gave all the credit to the winning streak.

After a moment's surprise, Houzun appeared slightly satisfied.

I'm fine, it seems that you don't have to beat yourself.

The atmosphere suddenly eased down, and the posthumous attitude towards her was slightly milder.

"Well, the winning streak is indeed a precautionary plan, but you also have contributed."

Lin Lin Mengya finally took a sigh of relief. In this way, her behavior is to prepare for the safety of Longdu.

Then, there is no suspicion of her intentional rebellion.

"Thank you mother."

"You girl is not big, but you are very safe in doing things. I have heard about your affairs. It is difficult for you to have such courage."

Next, Lin Mengya is very familiar with each other touting time.

After the experience of De Fei and Queen Lie Yun, she already knew the psychology of such a lady.

So when it comes to talking, it is even the sweetest, and every word is posted on the heart of the post.

After this pass, although Hou Zun is not as affectionate as a personal daughter, but only sweeping her impression has changed a lot.

And Lin Mengya also found the posthumous, different from the noble lady she had encountered before.

If De Fei is a canary, and the queen is a helper, then the posthumous person is a real woman with a broad mind.

Even some words, even Lin Mengya, a modernly educated person, was surprised at the case, so she was even more sincere in respect of the posthumous.

Alas, the topic of the two finally fell on yesterday's confusion.

"This matter, our palace and his Majesty will definitely investigate thoroughly, but unfortunately"

Hou Zunzhuang frowned slightly, thinking that something was difficult.

Lin Lin Mengya thought about it and understood.

后 Houzun and Huangzun may not know what their four brothers can know.

It's a pity, if this matter really has something to do with the temple, I'm afraid the royal family can only be dumb.

After all, man can be defeated, but the heart can be destroyed.

She also understood why the Prince would be one of the candidates for the Lord of the Temple.

Only the unity of divine power and royal power can last forever.

What a pity, where things are going to be satisfactory.

"Forget it, calling you today, but just want to see if you are okay. Now that you see it, this palace will be at ease. You also know that this matter should not be publicized. If you have any request, it is better to privately Say to the palace. "

This is an opportunity. As long as she proposes to go back and forth to the palace house, the posthumously will surely answer.

And she also understood that the choice of the Crown Prince was actually decided by the Emperor and the Emperor.

His identity is destined to be unsuitable as a princess, coupled with the relationship between Emperor and Emperor, the purpose of coming here is also half achieved.

What a pity, she can't leave now.

I thought for a while, Lin Mengya still spoke out what had been prepared.

"Since the mother-in-law said that, Gongya dared to ask for grace."

"You say so."

"Although Gongya has not lived in the palace family since she was a child, her family has been thinking about the benefits of Her Majesty and his maiden since returning. The husband is guilty and guilty of guilt. The palace family suffered such a calamity because of the legend The wealth of China ’s wealthy and rival nations is eye-catching. Gong ’s maids and mothers are clear. They have always been indisputable in the world. They just want to protect themselves. Therefore, Gong Ya hopes that the maids and his majesty will return to the house of peace. ”

Xun Feng's eyes were slightly raised, and Hou Zun looked at her thoughtfully.

"This matter is easy to handle. This palace can ask the emperor for a will to prevent families from harassing the palace family in the future. What do you think?"

Lin Lin Mengya shook her head and said solemnly.

"This will only ensure the peace of the palace family for a while. Gong Ya knows that the emperor and the emperor are compassionate. Therefore, the emperor pleads with the emperor and the emperor to accept all the property of the palace family!"

Puhouzun's eyes tightened, but only for a moment.

"Miya, what do you mean?"

"The maiden and wife look good, and Gong Ya knows that these moneys are only a small amount of money to the maiden and her majesty, and they are of little use. But for the palace family, they can save their lives. Please also ask the mother and family to sympathize with the palace family. "

Lin Lin Mengya fell to her knees in front of her later, begging her tone, and there seemed to be a hint of crying inside.

The money sent to her is also sincere enough.

She seemed to think for a long time before she could hear the esteem and slowly utter a word.

"This is the answer for your Majesty. However, if your palace family has a large population, if all of them are taken out, how will the people of the tribe live in the future? Nothing, you have to leave half of it, you should not speak up. But this matter cannot be done with great fanfare. "How can you let families dispel the evil thoughts of the palace family? Have you ever thought about it?"

After Houzun spoke, Lin Mengya knew that this had happened.

She quickly got up, laughing in tears.

"Hou Zun said, Gong Ya also felt that this matter could not be made public. So the Gong family will work in the office from now on. The Gong family will teach in the fiefdom and live for the public school. However, this matter also requires the mother and his wife. Grace. "

Education is obviously hard work for both the Emperor and Emperor.

他们 In their eyes, the palace family did so, not only consuming the remaining household assets, but also cultivating talents for each family.

Is simply a loss-making business.

But the post-respect is post-respect, and soon realized another profound meaning hidden by Gong Ya.

Glint's eyes flashed, but she did not immediately answer her request.

"This matter is of great importance, and our palace has to discuss it with your Majesty. Otherwise, you must wait patiently in Longdu. When this matter is handled, this palace will give you an answer."

"Yes, it's all based on the arrangement of his mother and her Majesty."

Lin Lin Mengya retreated out obediently, Qin Shuang advanced inside, and then returned with Lin Mengya on the original road.

She is different from the restlessness that came in before, and now she can be said to be at ease.

She and Zongzhuang have a more or less temperament. They are not the kind of greedy people.

The money is really important to them, but not to the point where they are captivated.

For her request, they still have to calculate the gains and losses.

他们 In their position, in addition to considering the interests of the royal family, how to maintain their position and how to benefit the defenders to the greatest extent, I am afraid that it is difficult to consider the trade-offs.

But she is sure, Huang Zun and Hou Zun will agree.

I was relieved, and my sleepiness surged up.

After she was forced to return to the temporary courtyard, she fell to the bed without a word.

The heavens and the earth are big, and they sleep the most!

With this feeling, she slept directly to the next morning.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Bai Su and Yuner, who were lying on her bed and fell asleep.

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